Topic: Ascent to Trancendance
Sdtdfash |
posted 09-06-99 03:37 AM ET
Okay, I just got the game a couple days ago, so bear with me. I'm on my 21 level of trancendant thought, i've done secrets of alpha cetauri, and everything else I needed, so when will it happen. I've been getting a lot of those little stories lately, and a lot of movies. I'm playing as the University guy. I've conquered 3 factions, and the other 2 left i have pacts with, I have lots of Centauri Preserves and stuff, no drone riots, about 50 bases, and I'm practically invincible. Before you think I'm any good, I should tell you I'm playing on Citizen mode (it makes sense for the first time I'm playing, doesn't it??) WHAT DO I NEED?????
posted 09-06-99 04:17 AM ET
Build the "Ascent to Transcendence" Special Project in one of your cities. =) Don't worry, we all make really stupid-looking mistakes on our first games too, heh. |
posted 09-06-99 04:47 AM ET
If the 'Ascent to Tran' secret project doesn't show in your list, then you'll need to build 'The Voice Of Planet' first, then you can build 'Ascent'. |
posted 09-06-99 04:07 PM ET
Maybe I wasn't being very clear, I've completed all of the Prerequisites, but I don't actually KNOW how to build secret projects. Before, the governors of the cities asked my, and of course I said yes. But I can't figure out how to build them |
posted 09-06-99 04:33 PM ET
you can build secret projects in the buld screen in your city, where you build units. the sps' will be at the bottom |
posted 09-06-99 08:52 PM ET
Uh oh... Some words of advice: DO NOT USE THE GOVERNORS. EVER. The manual and every other "official" documentation about the automated governors/units makes it seem like they're really great, but the fact of the matter is that they are horrible. Don't put your units or your terraformers on Auto, and do not let your governors run your cities. Turn off the option and learn how to run them yourself. It may take more time and more energy, but if you want to get good at the game (and win at the harder difficulty settings) it will be necessary. |
posted 09-06-99 10:47 PM ET
It's not that I don't know how to use the units (well, maybe a few), it's that it takes so looong. I've never played a turn based game before, And I got a bit impatient. I just beat it by conquering everyone, so I'll try ascent to trancendance next time. |
posted 09-07-99 08:42 PM ET
Stdtfash: I don't understand: how were you able to build Centauri Preserves, yet never see the Special Projects next to the facilities list?Oh! The Governors built all the facilities too? As Sir Sun Wu says, that won't work at much higher levels. Better break the habit now. Turn based games don't have to be as slow. Firaxis deliberately made what i consider bad choices in the implementation of: the unit design workshop and scroll ribbon, unit and group movement, and the base facility building screen. To make matters worse, in version 4.0 they introduced a ridiculous delay loop when loading games - and that was too slow already! Maybe they were trying to discourage save/reload in multiplayer or some such nonsense, but all it's achieved is to introduce another misery to single player - without fixing the reported multiplayer bugs.
posted 09-12-99 10:27 AM ET
Sun Tzu: I agree. My reckoning is that the stupidest drones are appointed to be the governor Doh! |
posted 09-12-99 12:54 PM ET
I have to say there is only one occasion in which I use governors. At the end of the game, when the enemies are beaten and I'm just running up the score.Then it's fine to just let the governor run everything - once you change the setting to allow them to build facilities only. No military units. After that, you can just ignore all those cities and concentrate on your terraforming for maximum population. |
posted 09-15-99 11:04 AM ET
i think your bein a bit hard on the governors, they just need guidence. set them on build for cities you dont need to mind to much until its time to raise a tailored army or create an industrial or population centre, just watch they dont go on to many spendin sprees (though a robust society can handle some dumb public spendin). try to be the signal in the noise, i find a better society emerges when you step back a bit (like lookin at one of those magic pictures) goverors allow you to step back. dat wot i tink enewey 