Topic: a question of honor
Tres |
posted 09-02-99 11:41 AM ET
how do you deal with honorable behaviour?do you stab a knive in your allies� back if their is an opportunity? do you suppress your people to achieve your targets or try to establish a modern free-minded society? what about your environment? is it important for you to have clean industry. or is the planet just a resource supermarket? do you use mass destruction weapons, chemical warfare, genocides? Tres
posted 09-02-99 12:46 PM ET
clean, happy, and honorable, 99% of the time.I have been known to use Xgas when facing extermination at the hands of a diametrically opposed faction. Once you start nerve gassing you can't stop, though. It's sooooo addictive.  |
posted 09-03-99 10:02 AM ET
I don't kill off populations... If I should happen to take a city in a bad place, I will either give it away, or if it has some good SPs I will pay some more money & defend it.My first PB was supposed to be a cure for the common Believer, but... I ran over a former on a mountian top & made a swimming pool about the size of Texas. Killed 7 cities instead of one. Oops... no more Merchant Exchange. After that, I sometimes make them for the "our words are backed with nuclear weapons" effect, but I rarely if ever fire the things. I also sometimes keep them in my useless cities as missile bait. With the exception of punishment spheres at a "war" city or two, I tend to run an honorable, free minded society. While I understand that other combos may be better for war, I am just as likely to keep Democracy/Planned/Wealth or ../Green/.. when waging war. I have to be pretty heavily pressed to fall back to a /Power/ government. I don't backstab. I always vote to keep sanctions & almost always vote for trade pacts. I am afraid my planet rating is more a concern with wandering hungry critters than anything else. I will pull in as many minerals as I can without having Planet attempt to eat my city. Thus, I do a lot of forming outside city limits for SC use. I have come to love SCs. I used to only use 1-2 per city. Now I build lots & it is working fairly well. I think I will go to lots & lots, and then I may build some spares after that. I am afraid that this puts me in the strip mine category even though I keep my eco-damage low to none. |
posted 09-03-99 05:58 PM ET
I've been rather peaceful and honorable. I usually play as Lal or Deidrie (I can't spell), and so I try to be in character. I have never used Xgas, or repealed the charter. I have once used a quantum PB, but I didn't like the fact that my surrendered allies Zak and Morgan just backstabbed me. Oh, well. I value my reputation for a few reasons. I really don't like how Santiago gets on my back for that. Also, I believe in honor to some extent. But, if there are immediate gains, I will break a treaty or cease fire. It's always much better to have them under your thumb. Nerve stapling and punishments: here I'm a hypocrate. Durring sunspots...well, they can scream but no one will hear them. Great with conquered bases, and home bases when you don't feel like rushing Rec Commons (at home) or punishments (while conquering). Those wars of conquest can be expensive! |
posted 09-05-99 04:22 PM ET
I play dishoborably when there's a benefit. Usually, the AI is too weak to do anything about it after I make my move. In return, I expect my allies to accept my No. 1 status and like it  Within my own faction, I care more about research and production than being nice to the people. It just so happens that Demo and Wealth speed up your research. I try to keep up the planet rating to avoid worms. However, if the worms come, I build tons of clean units to rake in the money. The worms actually can help you purchase SPs if you're willing to put up with the tedium. On the other hand, if a base won't behave, I'll starve down the population until they do. If time permits, the base can be disbanded. If not, destroyed. When it comes to atrocities, I only repeal the charter (then use atrocites) when there's little to no chance for the AI to devastate my good bases. Even if this is the case, I usually reserve atrocities for enemies who seriously slow down my invasion. |