Topic: tank/needlejets vs all gravships
Combined Arms |
posted 08-15-99 08:08 PM ET
well heres an interesting the end of games...when all tech is known...and its a conquest victory only..what units are the best. Tanks which can kill many units in a turn, with cheap needlejets for airsupport or rather build an all gravship...deathstar fleet if u know what i mean. Heck....they can kill and takeover land and water..but they only attack twice. Also they are expensive to build and can easily be killed when just occuping a base.Tanks are nice...they can attack well...move and fight multitimes....but require vunerable transports to move to different islands. And droptanks many times don't work on smaller islands because the enemy has aircover. Needleget are easy to build..but have that anoying one turn to kill then leave thing. Its really annoying if the enemy has tons of units which need to die in one turn. Gravships are awesome in there moveability and firepowers...specially with blink...but they can kill only once. Also what stinks is that the things cost and take so much damn time to build. I personally like the tank/needlejet thingy....but i do keep some advanced grav ships for naval bases which aren't close to any of my ships. Well what do u people think?
posted 08-15-99 08:58 PM ET
I'm surprised you don't mention copters.Anyway I use gravships to replace bombers and fighters but I don't use them to replace tanks. So they don't cost me so much to build as without armour they're pretty cheap. But copters and tanks do most of the work in my late game. I use landbridges a lot (haven't played hitech conquest on a 90% ocean planet though). You need many formers and much patience. They make it easy for me to stage a land invasion with max/max tanks, which I enjoy. I use "Mr Garrison" a lot, a drop garrison unit, often with AAA, to collect and protect bases that I've prepared using mostly copters and (if the first defender looks tough) a needlejet. What use is having multi attack copters if you need repairs after the first skirmish? So I keep a few jets/Gships around. Also did you know that the biggest reactor isn't always the cheapest? Or that you can sometimes get armour of 3 or 4 "for free" on the cheapest reactor. If price is influencing what you buy (and it should!!!) you may like to choose the reactor after you've picked the other gear, then try changing the armour one or two notches to see if there's any "break points" in the formula for that unit. Or maybe you already know all this stuff.... K-fox |
posted 08-16-99 09:07 AM ET
'Copters and Gravships are all really nice, and Gravship is really the best choice to take out sea bases. But it takes so darn long to get them built and then moved to the battle front. Drop Infantry is the best choice, because orbital insertion lets you put those infantry troops just about anywhere you want. If you just build a bunch of 1-1-1*High Morale/Drop Pod infantry, you can have a dozen cities build about a dozen in a single turn, drop them to their final destinations, and use the Upgrade option in the unit design menu to instantly upgrade them to 24-12-1*4 Blink/Grav infantry. 3 movement points plus Blink and they are already at the combat zone. |
Johnny V
posted 08-16-99 11:39 AM ET
Tell me about using tanks and gravships. I always use copters to kill defenders in a base and then drop troops to occupy it. This does not work for sea bases, and can be tough for basses with the aerosomething improvement and AAA defenders. I guess tanks would help there. I've never built a grav ship, would you please tell me about them. Thank you. |
posted 08-16-99 03:33 PM ET
Not much to tell on Gravships. They fight like an air unit, but don't have fuel restraints and they can take over sea bases. Locusts of Chiron can work the same way. |
Combined Arms
posted 08-16-99 04:54 PM ET
Well..sorry about the helocopters...slipted my mind. First lets talk about helos. 1. Why i don't like them a. can get killed by land units b. very long time to build...but not as long as a grav c. limited range...well its not bad.. but i like alot more range and not dieing abit every time 2. Why i like them a. The best-multi turn kill/move unit in the game. b. don't need to return to base c. with empath...a nice anti-mind worm killer Actually copters are nice but i lean to jets... Although i do put them on carriers with some makes a good fast action fleet if u have a few of them around...oh yes make them much stuck in one place is risky...and hide in fungus. oh yes to Johny....gravships can be used in the support role or in the all out grav ship death fleet if u know what i mean. Even at the end of the game most bases take aleast over 5 to 7 turns to build one....which is alot for those higher ai games or vs humans. Tanks should clear out all units out side bases...use there mult/kill each turn to its advantage. Use your gravs with blink to take down those nasty ecm stasics sentinels or something. I suck at writing sorry... drop troops are nice....but a good human player will always have aircraft scatered around to prevent...even if there a few spaces away from the direct city your attacking. well thks for the feedback...right more pls....this is cool...oh yes...don't the subs look stupid in the game....the only thing i would change...well the most important thing i would change |
Jonathan West
posted 08-20-99 07:40 AM ET
Copters stink as they lose hit points every turn. I tend to be firendly early on and try to get well ahead in tech. If you get Doctrine:Air Power first, build zillions of Needlejets, and use speeders to occupy Cities once the jets have done their business. And NEVER trade Air Power tech for ANYTHING. |