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Author Topic:   Slick Tricks and Sick Tricks
Zakharov_54 posted 08-07-99 03:55 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Zakharov_54   Click Here to Email Zakharov_54  
I found a way to bypass the population limit. Build a colony pod in another city and send it to a city with a population of 7 or 14 (9 or 16 after a certain SP).
HolyWarrior posted 08-08-99 12:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for HolyWarrior  Click Here to Email HolyWarrior     
And the program will let you add that colony pod to the population?

Sounds like another bug to me.

Zakharov_54 posted 08-10-99 03:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zakharov_54  Click Here to Email Zakharov_54     
Bug, schmug. It works doesn't it?
CstmmagEK posted 08-10-99 05:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CstmmagEK  Click Here to Email CstmmagEK     
Zakharov: I'd have to agree with you.

To everyone else: I've been playing SMAC for 6 solid months and have moderately altered the alpha.txt and each faction's txt files to some extend and have yet to experience any bug that has ever been mentioned in any thread. As for the PB bug, I see PBs comparable to modern ICBMs or other long range, strategic missile at the VERY least...why should they have a limited range? Because it infuriates you that another "superpower" decided to "nuke" you into oblivion after trying so hard to become a "superpower" yourself? Guess you all know what it's like to be a world leader now.

Sorry to use this thread for venting but all this crap about bugs really urks me. So I'll stop venting. TTFN


CstmmagEK posted 08-10-99 05:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for CstmmagEK  Click Here to Email CstmmagEK     
I forgot I was gonna mention something, not necessarily a slick trick, but it is kind of a sick trick in a humorous sort of way:

I found that, using the Spartans, that empath rover/tanks and foils/destroyers sure seem to take control of mind worms/isles of the deep EXTREMELLY easily. Then using the captured life forms to pop the rest of the pods on planet. I thought it was kind of cool anyway.

Oleg Leschoff posted 08-10-99 06:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Oleg Leschoff  Click Here to Email Oleg Leschoff     
Infinite range missiles may exist, but the problem is that you then must be able to use it, not only AI. That's the actual bug, for me.
I think in late game one should be able to produce infinite range missiles, but there must be some kind of restrictions/penalties on this (most primitive is just increased cost -- something like drop missiles when you have orbital insertion tech). Of cause, keeping in mind that the effective defense against these weapons is still possible.

Speaking of IMR bug. I was reading that they claim that this bug have been fixed, but there are reports of tests confirming the opposite.
So, just a little speculation, which, IMHO, looks like true -- I think that game's AI code is so big and ugly that they can't just find all those places where AI just puts thing where it wants. So they, unsuccessfully, were trying to find all those entries.
This is the only meaningful explanation I could imagine, because they really didn't have reason to just lie in readme file..

Kangawallafox posted 08-10-99 06:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Kangawallafox    
Another trick?

Try using needlejet transports as a "transport missile". That is, your cargo cannot normally disembark outside a base (or airfield). However if you don't mind losing the needljet you can disband it and the cargo appears on the ground unharmed*.

*Unharmed, that is, unless you chose to self-destruct the needlejet instead of disbanding it.


edgecrusher posted 08-15-99 09:37 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for edgecrusher  Click Here to Email edgecrusher     
i know... pissing and moaning about bugs is what they do in "the game" forum...

"edgecrusher" ~ Spartan Probe Team 'angelis'

Schoop posted 08-19-99 05:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Schoop  Click Here to Email Schoop     
I have to agree with CSTMagEK: Everyone needs to take a chill pill about "bugs."

Zak 54's trick is a good one, if it works (haven't tried it yet). If it does, it's more a program loophole than an actual bug.

My guess is that the program won't let the base "grow" anymore through nutrients, but failed to take into account the method of growth. If ytou see the AI do it, send a nice email with a saved game attached to Firaxis. Otherwise, if it bothers you, don't do it yourself.

Zakharov_54 posted 08-20-99 09:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zakharov_54  Click Here to Email Zakharov_54     
Schoop: you are an _extremely_ wise person (M/F, I care not). I agree w/ u 100% on the bugs thing. If they don't like it, then they don't have to do it. We're not telling them to make ~use~ of the bug, we're simply telling them ~about~ the bug. I only used this once, and that was only by accident because the colony pod was still in my build queue. When people look at and examine every tiny detail, my mom calls it "nitpicking".
Compugasm posted 10-05-99 11:53 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Compugasm  Click Here to Email Compugasm     
Zak_54 "...Build a colony pod and send it to a city with a population of 7 or 14 (9 or 16 after a certain SP). ..."

I assume your then adding this pod to the base. Lets call it base "A". It only works for bases below Pop 8. You might as well make a base "B" and send problem population there.

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