Topic: Strengthening the University
Sun_Tzu |
posted 07-28-99 06:15 PM ET
In this game I am playing as the Hive, and I have just conquered my whole continent (which for some unknown reason takes up nearly half the map). Thanks to me, the Morgans are dead, and the University is my research slave (hehe). I have UoP bottled up into two very small cities. The problem is that I want the University to get a bit stronger so they can do some research for me. Would it be viable for me to start a few cities on an uninabited island-continent for them, or should I just leave them alone? There is this nice semi-large sized island that I was thinking of expanding on. I can build a city in the middle, and then let the University have all the cities on the edges. Good idea or bad? Thanks for your time.
posted 07-28-99 06:17 PM ET
PS- I loved the part when Zhakarov begged for me to let him surrender. "Please, just leave me to my research. That's all I want. Really!" Hehehehe. |
posted 07-28-99 06:30 PM ET
you are definantly going to have to found a city for them...found about three cities fr them and then they'll be okkorn469 |
posted 07-28-99 09:27 PM ET
Keep in mind the AI is no good when it comes to building cities. If you want the UoP to be successful as a research slave, you should take care of it yourself. Select a place with high altitude and terraform away. Lots of farms and solars, but minimal minerals. Just use crawlers to supply minerals. Build the cities up with lots of research facilities. Sell off the factories when you're done. Once you create a zone of 3-4 good cities [you can finish up terraforming after UoP moves in], give the cities to Zhakarov. The lack of minerals and abundance of energy will cause UoP to use those cities as research bases, which is what you want anyways. You can then concentrate on building up your military and infrastructure. |
posted 07-29-99 06:05 AM ET
Thanks for the info! |