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Author Topic:   Spartan Lover needs help and advice from Transcend Players!!
Idunnoreally posted 07-21-99 04:13 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Idunnoreally   Click Here to Email Idunnoreally  
I've been playing SMAC for months and I luv the Spartans. I really do!
I've won (through total conquest, since I'm always afraid some faction will beat me in Ascent to Transcendence or Economic Victory or Diplomatic Victory) in Citizen, Specialist and Talent.
But I've never won it in Librarian, Thinker or Trancend!!

So, with the past victories I think to myself, I'll jump directly to Tanscend. That way, I'll be able to REALLY, REALLY, REALLY boast about by BELOVED SPARTANS. So today I tried it, everything was going great for me, and then, the moment the base population reaches 2, I have a drone riot!!! Why is that?? And if that's what's suppose to happen, which I think it is, what can I do to keep the drones happy throughout the game!!

The manual says that the levels affect the AI's smartness and aggresiveness, and the thoughness I will have to encounter in establishing and expanding my lovely Spartans. Well then, will the levels also affect the pace of the discovery of technologies for the other factions and me??????(W/0 Tech stagnation) And what other advantages or disadvantages will there be???(for any faction)

I'm not being a wise ass or arrogant or anything like that, but I really wanna win it in Trancend before I try it in Librarian or Thinker.

So please help a poor, dumb Spartan so I can really boast and pit my skills in Multiplayer against other players!!! And as all Spartans like to put it.


korn469 posted 07-21-99 06:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for korn469  Click Here to Email korn469     
ok the first key to playing as the Spartans is to realize what they are. a conquest faction, however they are not the best conquest faction that distinction goes to the hive or to the believers. but they are the only conquest faction that is good at research and in my opinion they are the second best research faction.

ok early game:
go for impact rovers and try to make as many factions surrender as possible. as the spartans in almost all instances you should choose applied physics as the first tech you research then information networks then nonlinear mathematics if possible. mass at least two impact rovers before you try to take most bases some might need more and a few might need less. choosing police state willlet each one of your garrison units take away two drones (three drones when you add non leathal methods) but expand and conquer as much as possible in the early game

mid game
if you are not at war switch to dem/free marketknowledge and rake in the tech and the money build your infrastructure and scout out threats tht need to be eliminated go to police/green/power (if you have the coommand nexus and cyborg factory forget power stay in knowledge) if you goto war

late game:
use drop rovers to conquer the world usually once you figureout the AI the late game id wide open for you to use any strategy you want

here's some secret projects you need to get

merchant exchange
virtual world
hunter seeker algorithm
super collidor and theory of everything in the same city
cloning vats
command nexus and cyborg factory

set your preferances to allow you to see older threads because they contain good spartan tactics there are also some good general tactics in the transcendent ironman threads in the game section of this forum. and check out this thread at apolyton for some good tactics specific to the spartans

hope that helps


ps i love the spartans also

Zorak Zoran posted 07-21-99 09:23 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zorak Zoran  Click Here to Email Zorak Zoran     
Well, I wrote a lot of those old TICHQ Spartan tactics, so I'll help you out if I can.

korn's early game tactics are good. The AI diplomacy engine is very vulnerable in the early game. Even a few Recon Rovers can force your neighbors to give you all their tech. Don't be afraid to demand one of their colonies if it will give you an advantage later (bottleneck colonies, special terrain, etc). Then, once you get Impact Rovers, go conquer. I generally have one Scout Patrol, one Impact Rover and one Former per city. Don't go overboard though. Always work on developing your home cities while making war early on.

Your second citizen will be a drone, so leave a Scout Patrol in each colony. Then, your first structure must be a Rec Commons.
So, your HQ might build Scout, Colony Pod, Former, Recon/Impact Rover, Rec Commons.

Now, here I differ from korn. You can go the ultra energy route, but I think it is very un-Spartan. Dem/Free/Knowledge sounds very Morganesque... ick. I like the immense Police Power and stability of the Green/Police state. His way might be better in the long run, but I like playing in the faction's idiom.

We need not discuss the late game. When you get Shard technology bring a dozen Shard Rovers, Shard Rotors and a few Interceptors over to your neighbors island and conquer them. Rise, Repeat.

I definitely do not agree with korn's SP choices. They sound very Morgan and very un-Spartan. The CN and CF make a sad appearance at the bottom of the list... sigh.

There is only one SP you must have: The Command Nexus. Here's why, and the reason I love the Spartans:

Let Morgan build huge cities, let Zak hoard tech. Every colony on the map belongs to the Spartans. The other factions are simply holding them for you. You can effectively win the game long before things like the cloning vats and the supercollider become available. Just attack, in huge numbers. The computer cannot handle large scale invasions. Over run them. Don't fall into the typical builder falacy of contructing lots of useless buildings and waiting until the end of the game to conquer every other faction. Conquer them as soon as you are able.

They made probe teams for a reason. If Zak is your neighbor, steal from him non-stop. I am especially fond of building a sea colony 4 spaces from an enemy coastal city and using Probe Foils.

Merchant Exchange? Good gawd no. With the Command Nexus and Cyborg Factory every unit the Spartans produce is Elite. I also generally build the Citizens Defense Force and the HSA just so no one else can have them.

Basically, don't waste a moment getting your war machine running. Remain focused and you can sweep the planet.

Idunnoreally posted 07-21-99 10:15 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Idunnoreally  Click Here to Email Idunnoreally     
Thanx a lot guys!

One more thing, I just joined the forum and I'm puzzled that a lot of people playing SMAC commit atrocities as if it's all right!!
No offense intended for those that use this tactic, but it seemed "too much"!! I love to win as much as anybody, but I like to stick to reality!! Obliterating bases horrified me,(I mean executing helpless citizens?!)even though they're not Spartans!
Maybe I'm soft, but I wouldn't commit atrocities unless the enemy initiate it by committing major atrocities to me.(Obliterating bases or Planet busting or Genetic Warfare!) I even forgave the HIVE(imagine that!) for using Nerve gas pods. Well, up until he starts using it on a daily basis! Then I started Planet busting him until his continent turn into a sea!!

I'm just shocked that other players will commit atrocities in order to win!(I wouldn't wanna win and labeled as an "infamous" ruler)

Smeagol posted 07-21-99 06:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Smeagol  Click Here to Email Smeagol     
Hello Spartan supporters. I haven't played this game in months but I've recently developed a desire to go back and try out the Spartans again. I have one question, really. Do AI factions react differently to the Spartans? Of course if you have superior weaponry the AI will be obsequious to you, but what I'm wondering is if there is also a submissive nature in those factions because you are using the Spartans. So is there?
Krushala posted 07-21-99 06:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
I found that they are more submissive in the lower levels. I'm playing a transcend game with them now. They may be a little more submissive, but its hard to tell.
Veracitas posted 07-21-99 10:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Veracitas  Click Here to Email Veracitas     
Fellow Lacadaemonianphile,

As you can see from some of the posts on this forum itself ("Why the Spartans are Ultimately not Worth Playing", &c...) and from vital statistics revealed from "New Favourite Factions 2," the Spartans are neither the most popular nor the most used faction on planet. Well, actually, they were the first faction that attracted me and such, but, really, for the military aspect, the Believers and Hive are actually better. Spartans are very flexible, and you need to take advantage of that flexibility.

As for not being able to win on transcend, that is probably a skill issue. Maybe you should try gradually building up your skill, then you can handle the headaches that transcend throws at you (in fact, they just become a fact of life after a while. For instance: "What? My citizens aren't revolting and they are at population 5? Oh, right, different difficulty...").

Have fun.


Natguy posted 07-22-99 12:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Natguy  Click Here to Email Natguy     
Well, don't just try to rush into Transcend and expect to win. I'm on my third try, and I think I finally may be successful. (As luck would have it, almost all I have to do is take down the Spartans and I'm there!)
korn469 posted 07-22-99 02:33 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for korn469  Click Here to Email korn469     
Zorak Zoran

my appraoch to the midgame differs from your because of one fact, i don't expect to be conquering anyone in the midgame. on a standard size map you can effectively conquer all the factions in 100 years or less. before you go and build the command nexus or any other SP just build a few more impact rovers. unless you are playing on huge map the game should be over by the time you get impact...but you might have to goto gatling, missle, or maybe chaos. by the time the game gets to shard weapons most of the times the game will have already been decided. as long as you are not on a huge map that is mostly water all the buildings you ever need to build are a recreation commons and recycling tank. then just build a 1-1-1 unit (either trance or police) for garrison and then build best weapon-1-2 rover units and the occasion former. that is all you'll ever need for a quick conquest game

here are some se choices to try if you're not going for a quick conquest

police state/green(power) when you are in a conquest mode

democratic/free market/knowledge for lots of money and even more important lots of research

democratic/planned with children's creches for a population boom. with the creches this will give you a +6 growth in thoses cities and as long as you have 2 extra nutrients your population will grow every turn

be flexable...conquer your enemies with police/green then use dem/planned to grow your population rapidly then use dem/FM to reap the rewards of large empire. find your next victem then switch back to police/green don't just stick to one choice be flexable recognize when you need to change.

stay aggressive the AI is bad on defense and everytime you take an AI base see if that faction will surrender. don't just sit there always make sure you are doing something.


Idunnoreally posted 07-22-99 03:02 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Idunnoreally  Click Here to Email Idunnoreally     
Thanks a lot for the info!

I've been trying to win it on "a huge map" with 50%-70% water coverage. Average erosion forces, and dense rainfall! Playing with standard rule! (Without "TIME WARP") Well, so far not so good. I'm very bad at "SMAC openings".

With "TIME WARP" on, I've tried it twice in Transcend level and won it twice! I tried to get ascent to transcendence but by the time it's available, I've conquered everybody except "submissive Morgan"(always kissing up!).

I even wasted my time using UoP. Twice I tried it, twice the Peacekeepers AI keep breathing down my throat!!! I don't know about you guys, but I just don't see winning by transcendence with UoP if I keep losing to other factions in war!!!

Maybe I have the opening wrong, I am after all bad at it!

I just don't know how to manage the drones and keep my military forces up and running the same time?!!!!(maybe it's impatience?!)

Will you guys give me some pointers for beginning a faction from scratch????

Zoetrope posted 07-22-99 05:37 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zoetrope  Click Here to Email Zoetrope     
Idunnoreally: Time Warp is BAD, especially for Builders. If you can win with that, then you're a better player than you think. Why is it bad? Because it gives each faction an equal number of Projects well into the game. By that stage, I usually have the majority of Projects!

TW also handicaps me by crippling my early development, which would normally have more bases and more extensive terraforming. (You know what fully automated formers are like.)

Alkis posted 07-22-99 06:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Alkis  Click Here to Email Alkis     
Most has been covered by korn and Zorak Zoran but anyway since the Spartans are one of my favorite races I guess I' ll also post.

First let me classify the various victory variations:
1.The player goes for a full conquest victory.
2.The player goes for conquest but wins a diplomatic victory.
3.The player goes for conquest, makes most factions submit but wins by transcendence. This may seem meeningless since the player can win in other ways but it's a very popular strategy for a fast trans victory. There is a fast trans challenge and excellent result have been achieved with this strategy.
4.The player goes for a limited conquest, then plays a builder game and wins by transcendence. (My favorite strategy)
5.The player plays a purely builder game.

It seems that Zorak Zoran goes for full conquest while korn goes for conquest and trancendence that's why they seem to disagree while in fact they just express different strategies, both effective.

What I can say is that the best way to go is search impact rovers. You already have doctrine mobility as the Spartans so you are not far away. The free prototypes of the Spartans help too. One dirty trick you can do is start building a lazer rover and then change it to impact rover at no cost. You have to calculate that you will get the impact technology before you complete the rover.

After you get particle impactor, search (or get) social psych and build recreation commons in your bigger cities. Another way is to keep them small by building colony pods. Also, use police state during the conquest process. After you have conquered what you wanted prepare to change to free market. When you have some submissive pact brothers you will be getting amazing amounts of energy through trade. That's one of the advantages of the Spartans, they can use free market and their research isn't crippled. The Hive or the Believers are good warrior races but they are crippled, in either energy output (Hive) or research (Believers). Also, and this is very important, they don't get impact rovers so quickly as the Spartans.

When I say prepare to change to free market, I mean of course, build recreation commons everywhere, build (or conquer) the Human Genome and the Virtual World and allocate maybe 10% to psych. There is another thing, give far away, conquered cities to your pact brothers, you will be losing than gaining if you keep them.

The way I play, limited conquest then the trip to transcendence, secret projects like the Human Genome or the Virtual World are more important than the Command Nexus. One project that I consider important and nobody mentioned is the Xenoempathy. It helps in war because it gives you mobility and it's helpfull for your formers too.

About your reputation, if you want to play well you have to attack when you are ready, NOT when it's just. If you don't want to commit atrocities it's fine but you have to take the initiative the moment you are ready. Don't give your opponents time to prepare.

In all, the Spartans is a great, flexible race. I even played them without any conquest and won several times. But then I realized that early war is more beneficial even from a builder's point of view.

Melkur posted 07-23-99 08:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Melkur    
Fellow Spartans ~

"Let Morgan build huge cities, let Zak hoard tech. Every colony on the map belongs to the Spartans. The other factions are simply holding them for you." -- Zorak, great quote. I laughed out loud when I read it.

I hadn't played SMAC in a few months and I've decided to try the Spartans at Transcend level. It's hard for me because I think I'm a builder by nature (I've previously gone to transcendence as University, Gaians and Morgan). I just wanted to say that the advice you folks have been giving has been very educational to me.

A quick question: I usually have a lot of problem with the Believers. I can't seem to avoid a vendetta with them early in the game and they seem to be on an equal military footing with me, so I get stalled fighting them and everyone else just out-techs me. What am I doing wrong?

The thing I like about SMAC is that the game play is so robust that the game is infinitely replayable. There is no game other than Civ II that I've put as many hours into. I hear that Sid/Brian are going to do Civ III. I can't wait.

Battle on!

Zorak Zoran posted 07-23-99 08:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zorak Zoran  Click Here to Email Zorak Zoran     
The Believers are laughable. I whipped them last night with the Gaians of all people.

Getting into a war with Miriam is actually a good thing if you are ready for it. Generally, once the Believers start cranking out units to send at you their tech goes even deeper into the toilet.

Expect groups of 6-8 Infantry coming at you. So, just position a handful of Impact Rovers in the path of her invasion and wait. Mind Worms are also great for defense (why I go Police/Green). Use the Command Nexus to quickly repair your damaged rovers.

I basically sit back and let Miriam waste her troops against my Rover/Mind Worm defenses while I tech up to Missiles or Chaos guns. Then, counter attack.

Another Bonus: Miriam makes war on everyone, so fighter her will get you some friends in the Council.

Idunnoreally posted 07-23-99 11:56 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Idunnoreally  Click Here to Email Idunnoreally     
Well, the early conquest tactic was good but if I already have all the faction under control it just really got boring, so I just start a new game! I want a war with the cool armaments(e.g. Gravships with grav weapon etc.)

And for "TIME WARP", it is easier for me because if I start from scratch my neighbor will go conquest on me if I don't give him/her something.(I "never" gave out anything to anybody, except Pact brothers)

Melkur posted 07-23-99 12:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Melkur    
Zorak & co. ~

In my latest game I conquered Zak and Yang quickly, but Miriam was far away and built some good projects, including the command nexus

I'm trying to out tech her, but something pretty interesting just happened. I had a University colony that I had intimidated Zak into giving me near the start of the game. The drones were giving me grief and I nerve stapled them. Zak declared vendetta on me -- and the only reason I can think of (besides maybe Miriam framing me) is the nerve stapling. Hmmph....

Well, I'm going to get back to it now. I think I'll be able to pull things out of the fire eventually. Suggestions?

~ Melkur

Zorak Zoran posted 07-23-99 02:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zorak Zoran  Click Here to Email Zorak Zoran     
Yep, Zak was just waiting for a reason to declare vendetta. I recommend you put some probe foils in the water and steal all the tech he's got. I rarely make treaties with the University for that reason. To me, the UoP is just a big, fat library that lets me check out technology anytime I feel like it.

Letting Miriam get big is bad, but sometimes you have no influence in the matter. I'd say half the time I watch one faction or another get swallowed up by Miriam or Yang. Facing large, militaritic factions like that takes some diplomatic wrangling. You can basically turn the whole planet against them while you suck up the energy to tech past them.

A Pact sister near Miriam is an advantage: good place to launch probes/assaults from. Get Miriam focusing her attention that way and land a dozen Chaos Rovers as close to her Command Nexus as possible. Take it and spread out fast.

In case you all weren't aware, you can easily trick the computer into making the wrong defensive troops. Spend a few turns blasting away at their cities with Needlejets and the AI will react by building AAA infantry. Once they start appearing, hit them with Rovers.

The AI will then try to compensate with Comm Jammer Infantry. Thus, hit them with Copters (far and away the best mid-game unit).

Zorak Zoran posted 07-23-99 04:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zorak Zoran  Click Here to Email Zorak Zoran     
Thought I might gift you all with some rules of Spartan conduct. Feel free to add your own.

1. Treaty means I'll kill you later.
2. Pact means you are my technology vending machine.
3. The UoP is always a technology vending machine.
4. Ten Rovers are better than twenty Infantry.
5. Five Copters are better than Ten Rovers.
6. One Singularity PB is better than Five Copters.
7. Morgan builds cities with avenues big enough to drive a hovertank through... how thoughtful.
8. Spartans cannot be reasoned with, cannot be bargained with, they don't feel pity, or remorse, and they absolutely will not stop until you are dead.

Plato90s posted 07-23-99 04:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Plato90s    
For the 1st 20 year after you capture a base [mind control, military, diplomacy] the base is somewhat unhappy about being conquered. It has higher drones, and will go back to the original owner if you let drone riots go on for too long. Nerve stapling the "captured" city within 20 years of getting it would get the original owner a bit upset.
Melkur posted 07-23-99 09:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Melkur    
Hooray! I did it!

> Conquest Victory
> Secret Projects....50
> Technologies.......29
> Energy Reserves...817
> Population........140
> Difficulty..Transcend
> Iron Man........+100%

> Alpha Centauri Score .... 1440
> Alpha Centauri Rating ... 135%

And the key was: Impact Rovers! (Thanks, Zorak.)

Instant Replay: Quick conquest of University and Morgan, a pact with Believers while dividing up the Hive between us. Miriam was pretty big after that, so I switched to Fundamentalist politics to keep her friendly, and then I found the Gaians, upgraded to chaos rovers and forced her to surrender. (Meanwhile, Miriam ate the U.N.)

Umm... actually I was surprised when the game ended. Apparently I was pact sister with everyone and had the cooperative victory mode on. Darn. I wanted to kill everyone.

Top of the world, ma!

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. This was a very educational and fun (and OK, I've got that ache between the shoulder blades from playing all day).

All shall bow down before me! <booming maniacal laughter>

~ Melkur

Smeagol posted 07-23-99 10:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Smeagol  Click Here to Email Smeagol     
Zorak Zoran-- You know, I never was the type of player to demand things from and use the other factions extensively. And so now I can finally see the ultimate appeal of the Spartans... there is nothing like the feeling of rolling your rovers into Peacekeeper territory and listening to Lal whimper his way along as he hands over his techs and bases. In my last game I was unhappy after I took one base from him and then watched a mindworm take the other to make him extinct. I really wanted to make him my puppet. This is the ONLY appeal of SMAC, but its a damn good one.
Inix posted 07-24-99 08:04 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Inix  Click Here to Email Inix     
Zorak, did u take that last line (#8) strait out of terminator 1? Were "the guy" is telling Sarah Conner about the the machine thats stalking her? Oh, and btw LOL at line #7. Here is one of my own.

9. You do not go to war to die for your faction, you go to war to make the other sad sonofabitch die for his.

"yes commander, your troops will have immediate access to these armaments, as soon as the appropriate requisition forms have been fill, and thier is still the matter of those as-yet-to-be accounted for energy cells..." reason why Spartan marines stumbled appon a cach of chaos guns defended by PK soldiers playing with thier toy lasers.

Zorak Zoran posted 07-26-99 08:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Zorak Zoran  Click Here to Email Zorak Zoran     
I'm glad to see you've come around Smeagol, but that damn "Why the Spartans are not worth playing thread" is still alive so you'll have to spend a few weeks in a Spartan Pain Amplifier as punishement for your treason.

Inix, I did indeed take that out of T1. I was running out of material and it seemed to fit. So, your #9 is Patton... that would make #10....

10. When all else fails nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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