posted 07-18-99 02:11 AM ET can you ples post the max population in sitys for each faction and howmuch the relivnt SP and fasilitys increse it i cold find this info nether in the datalinks or the manual.
posted 07-18-99 11:46 AM ET
The only place I found these number were the appendix under descriptions of hab complex and dome. Pop limit 7 until hab complex is built. And 14 until the habitation dome is built. Peacekeepers are 9 for complex 16 for dome Morganites are 4 for complex and 11 for dome Everyone else are are 7 and 14
The ascetic virtues raise limits by 2. So most factions would be 9 and 16.
posted 07-18-99 03:27 PM ET
Krushala's response pretty much covers the basics. The ultimate limit is 99. No city can grow beyond size 99, but you'll find it's pretty difficult to pump a city past size 65 or so without the use of supply crawlers and some major terraforming.
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