Topic: A New 4.0 bug, or just a wierd feature?
K |
posted 07-12-99 04:14 AM ET
I was playing as the UoP(TI), and as an experiment, I played mucho peaceful and gave in to any and all demands(I wanted enough peace to build an energy park). Anyway, the Spartans, my only neighbor on my continent, asked for tech and money over and over. Then they asked for 4700 and some change in energy credits, or we'd have a war. Well, I only had about 437 energy credits, but the screen showed the usual three choices of pay, pay half, or not pay at all. I figured, "what the hell, she can't take what I don't have," so I agreed to pay in full. Well, then I saw that I was into negative 4300 and some change in energy credits!!!! The next turn my Headquarters blew up because of power surge ot outage or some such ****, ans I had around 110 credits in my account. Where'd all the money come from? My HQ isn't worth that much, or I'd blow it up every few turns. (As an interesting postscript, after I met her demands and lost my HQ, the rat bastard Santiago tried to Corner the Global Energy Market BEFORE she had MMI, and I know because I was in her Datalinks and stealing her techs. Before the time limit ran out, I took her HQ, and I got the majority of the money(2700 ec), and then a few probe raids(500 ec a piece and finally a Pact surrender got me the rest of the money. So really, the wierd glitch was a blessing, as it gave me enough cash for some major home inprovements and an excuse to stomp Santiago.) Any thoughts on the matter?
Resource Consumer
posted 07-12-99 05:44 AM ET
Man,that is weird. No explanations for it but I think it may have been arounf for a while. The closest that's happened to me was Yang asking for about 10 times the dosh that I had (V2 or V3, not V4). I assumed he just wanted a bull and cow and refused. |
posted 07-12-99 04:50 PM ET
happened to me to but i got pissed off at my 4400 in the whole so igave up and never saw my head quarters blow upWanessa Forever without patience:-) |
Series II
posted 07-13-99 08:35 AM ET
I had another wierd happening. I was moving 3 alien artifacts and a scout from different parts of the map back to a city. When I moved the 3 artifacts and the scout to the same square 2 of the artifacts disappeared. Just gone, no messages, no explosions. I reloaded and duplicated the bug. I 'solved it by not having more than 1 alien artifact and 1 military unit in the same square at the same time. It did not seem to happen when I had 2-3 alien artifacts in the same square.Anyone else seen this. |
posted 07-13-99 01:34 PM ET
That happened to me too, but it happened BEFORE patch 4.0. So, it is not a new bug with v4.0. Actually, I think it is a "bug" or a feature that was always there: the AI does not take into account how much energy credits you have, when it makes a demand so it can ask for much more than you have. I would like a option to say "I would pay if I had the money." |
posted 07-13-99 10:34 PM ET
Well, mucho bizarro all around. I guess we have a real bug on our hands. But I have to say, the 5000 credits I got from the Spartans when I nailed them was so tasty. |