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  Early Secret Projects you want for YOUR game setup

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Author Topic:   Early Secret Projects you want for YOUR game setup
Series II posted 06-30-99 01:42 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Series II  
There has been general discussions about what SP is the best, but specs on faction/world are not mentioned. How about the early/middle SPs that you want for the game YOU play. Generally by late game I find I am ahead or dead. For Example:

Hive - Trans - Extra Huge World - Small water - weak erosion - abundant life, dense clouds

I prioritize my SPs like this:
1) Weather Paradigm - I always like this one, but with the Hive I have more formers than with other factions so it is more useful. Early boreholes are also nice.

2) Virtual World - As Hive I will be building most every base facility so this really helps with drones. Net Node is an early facility in all my bases.

3) Command Nexus - Help with morale when I go to free market

4) Longevity Vaccine - 2 less drones becasue I use planned.

5) Planetary Transit System - I build a lot of cities at mid game to fill in holes in the territory I have claimed but not setteled. This really helps get them started right.

6) Empath Guild - A priority if I can be govenor and get more trade income otherwise it is a nice to have.

7) Astetic Values - I really like this one, but will give it up if necessary.

I really don't care about:
The Merchant exchange is nice, but I give this up. My HQ is usually where I end up building the early projects and I usually move my HQ about mid game to reduce inefficiency. So this is less important.

Human Genome - OK, but I have to have Virtual World

Martime Guild - About useless in this game set up. My army of formers will build land bridges to invade other factions. I will use a few transports to pop pods, but oceans are less important.

Planatary data links - have never really got much form this one. The AI might get some tech, but it is not worth building in place of a more useful SP.

Other thoughts..................

Krushala posted 06-30-99 06:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
It's a good priority. I put empath guild up there with command nexus though. I really like having all the datalinks infiltrated. It's really the only chance I have of getting governor in the early game.

I have another question. I've played a couple of games with time warp where 1 of the first 7 sp are given to each faction. Which of the first 7 sp's are the most important. Generally speaking. I know some benefit some factions more than others.

First 7: Planetary Tansit system, Virtual World, Citizens defense force, Merchant exchange, Weather paradigm, Command Nexus, Human Genome.

My vote goes for Command Nexus. When I start with time warp. I just have to conquer the rest of the sp's. So an early military bonus is necessary.

laurens posted 07-01-99 04:43 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for laurens  Click Here to Email laurens     
If you are one on rampage, Command Nexus only makes the game all too fast
Resource Consumer posted 07-01-99 06:59 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Resource Consumer  Click Here to Email Resource Consumer     
My vote for the WP, with the CDF second.
Earwicker posted 07-01-99 07:47 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Earwicker  Click Here to Email Earwicker     
Getting them from the very start, I would place higher importance on PTS than usual. I haven't played any accelerated starts, but I assume there would be more new base-building than I normally do once this SP is finished.

I frequently build the Maritime SP to get the extra movement and to prevent my ships from being totally useless against IotD's. In concert with the XenoDome, pods and enemy sea-bases become short work. I'd put it about par with the PTS in terms of importance, but not ahead of Series' top 4.

Earwicker posted 07-01-99 07:48 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Earwicker  Click Here to Email Earwicker     
Oops, just noticed it was longevity vaccine, not Human genome. Almost never build that one -- capture it for later use when my bases get bigger. Put CDF in its place and we're good to go.

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