Topic: Mineral, Energy & Nutrient locations
CstmmagEK |
posted 06-25-99 12:26 PM ET
I'm not sure if I understand this. What do you build to extract the resources from these locations? Where do you build bases in conjunction to them? Any help would be great. Thanks. EK P.S. Thanks for the tips for my previous questions! Spartans Rule!!!!
posted 06-25-99 12:51 PM ET
I'm not sure what you're talkin about, but I'll try to answer it for you....To extract resources from a square you have to put one citizen to work there, so a size 1 base could extract for one square. A size 2 base could extract from 2 squares and a size 3, 3 squares and so on. This is assuming you have all workers of course. If you want to extract resources from outside your base resources then you have to build supply crawlers, which come with the Ind Automation(?) tech. Move it to the square you want to extract from and press "o" (as in "o"h my god, your a newbie), select nutrients, minerals or energy and it would net that amount to its home base each turn. Have Fun! And read the manual for god's sake. |
posted 06-25-99 01:08 PM ET
Do you mean the special resource squares?They provide bonuses even if undeveloped if you devote one of your workers to that square. But best is to get a former on it and exploit the +2 resource it gives. Mineral or energy bonuses make for excellent borehole locations (especially early in the game, since the bonus squares ignore resource maximum limitations -- you can have a 0,2,8+ or an 0,8+,2 borehole when otherwise it'd only be 0,2,2). Food bonuses are good places to plant forest early, since it'll provide 3,2,1. If it's a rolling, raining, high elevation, then it can become a monster at food production. Similarly, a rolling, rainy, energy bonus is a good place for farm+solar (and eventually boost w/ some mirrors). Try to place bases to include as many of these as possible to control them. Later, if you've got some base overlap you can distribute their use as needed. There are many instances on random maps where there will be four aquatic bonus squares within reach of a seabase square. Often, they're covered with sea fungus which must go first. I also like to take a spare sea former and go develop food or energy sea bonuses (+5 when developed with kelp or tidal harness), followed by a crawler to send it home. Tucked nicely away, they many even stay safe from AI attack. |
Series II
posted 06-25-99 02:52 PM ET
A bonus square ignores the 2 limit in the early game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOW. That will really help my early cities. |
posted 06-25-99 11:44 PM ET
If you build your base directly on it, you'll get the +2 bonus as well. |
posted 06-28-99 04:49 PM ET
So, for example: Date: Planetfall Faction: Spartan Federation With my initial unity rover, I find a mineral resource icon just outside the radius of my base. When I'm able, I build a former to build a mine(?)on the location and then build a supply crawler later on to transport the minerals to my base? Would that be, approximately the same procedure for nutrient and energy resources? Thanks for the help. EK Long Live Sparta!!!! |
posted 06-28-99 04:52 PM ET
oops, one more question...thought of it after my last can assign workers to different tasks?! can someone give me more details? =)EK
posted 06-29-99 04:31 PM ET
Yep, that's the way to do it. Later, when you get the tech to do it (or build the Weather paradigm), have the former go back there and replace the mine with a borehole -- it will provide even more minerals.Yes, food special gets a farm (later add soil enricher and adjacent condensor), while energy special gets solar collector (and if you have time, raise terrain + echelon mirrors to maximize energy output). Would you rephrase your second question about the workers and different tasks? Not quite sure what you're asking. |
posted 06-29-99 04:47 PM ET
My second question rephrased...How do you assign workers to tasks(i.e. mining minerals)? Thanks!EK |
posted 06-29-99 04:59 PM ET
Never mind about the second question. I actually understood the book about assigning workers(pg 71). However, I could use some ideas on different ways to place them. =)EK |
posted 06-29-99 06:53 PM ET
The game will (frustratingly) assign your workers to squares which do not necessarily maximize the base's productivity. This breeds micromanagement at its finest, when you ahve to go back fairly often and move the workers off of the squares computer thinks it wants and onto the ones you want. What you have your folks doing depends on what you want out of that base. Sometimes I'll forgo a good food square for some extra energy or production or vice versa. Supply crawlers really give you a lot of flexibility with this -- a couple of sea crawlers at kelp farms allow you to assign more workers to mineral-heavy squares without sacrificing growth. A crawler can even effectively be used within the base radius for a single-resource square like a mine. Use the worker for something else. |