posted 06-23-99 05:16 AM ET
Social engineering should be adjusted as situations change. For builder factions (PKs, UoP, Morgan, Gaians) ideally you want peace and quiet to do your research, expansion and building.Building, social order, and research always contend for resources, because you have to set the energy slider between economy, psych and research.
In the Early to Mid game, I find that the best social engineering for Research is:
Democracy/Free Market/Wealth
Later, as you develop environmental techs, this shifts toward:
Sometimes Knowledge is better than Wealth, but usually Wealth means more energy for research, and more buildings sooner that boost energy, research and psych.
When you want more population, you can induce Golden Ages (population and energy booms) by building Creches, boosting Psych on the slider, and choosing:
instead of Democracy/Free Market.
Wartime is a nusiance as armies are expensive to support, cause social unrest when they're fighting abroad, and take attention away from expansion and research. I have fought wars in this setting:
Police State/Green/Wealth
This keeps the economy on an even keel, and research steady but not spectacular, while maintaining social order in times of stress, and providing support for a wartime economy in which you want to field and army while still building at a reasonable rate.
Police State/Green/Power
gives highly trained troops, but industriual production is nominally lower with Power than with Wealth. On the other hand, you pay minerals for Support too, which makes Wealth ineffective for an empire of small cities supporting a vast army: Miriam with her hordes would probably choose Power.
The main message is this:
** You should experiment with the social engineering choices, because the balance changes during the development of your faction. **
Keep a healthy energy balance, so that you can afford to try out each combination as need arises. As long as you restore your SE before ending your turn, you will be fully refunded.