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  Aircraft Carriers

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Author Topic:   Aircraft Carriers
Mongo posted 06-18-99 10:50 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Mongo   Click Here to Email Mongo  
I saw an article somewhere a while back about how to create an aircraft carrier. Does anyone out there know how this is done? It had some thing to do with the craetion of a transport in the workshop.
I'd love to park one offshore with a bunch of choppers prior to landing an invasion force.
ApcJK posted 06-18-99 11:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for ApcJK  Click Here to Email ApcJK     
Yep. When you have a transport add a special ability called "carried deck". You need Nanometallurgy (Explore 8) for that.
Krushala posted 06-18-99 01:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
I use carriers a lot for attacking distant continents on a huge map. You can use carriers as a troop transport and a aircraft transport at the same time. Just be careful. Naval defense values are terrible. If the computer ai attacks you first with a ship you can be in trouble. If you have fixed the transport value in alpha.txt be sure to add aaa tracking as well.
Jeff Chaplin posted 06-19-99 10:29 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Jeff Chaplin  Click Here to Email Jeff Chaplin     
The way to deal with Krushala's situation is to create a convoy, i.e. have one, or more prefereably,powerful naval units, say shard battleships 13-8-6-AAA, and always move the units together. That way, when the AI attacks, the strong units will take the damage first, and most likely eliminate the opposition (one of my units destroyed all 4 of the enemy air units attacking it, sustaining 90% damage, but lived to repair and fight on). This will keep your aircraft carrier safe. The key point is to always keep a defensive unit on the same square as the carrier.
MichaeltheGreat posted 06-19-99 11:42 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MichaeltheGreat  Click Here to Email MichaeltheGreat     
You can also armor the carrier - I make mine only with cruiser hulls, and usually have probability sheath or neutronium at that time. I always make the maritime conrol center so I have extra range, and make my carriers also have repair bay, so they can fix damaged ground units.

I always move naval units in groups, but rather than park them on top of the aircraft carrier, I move a couple of battleships with good armor, deep radar and AAA closer to the enemy - the enemy air and ships always go for the close target, especially if its shore bombading terrain improvements.

Krushala posted 06-20-99 09:49 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
I always armor my carriers as well. But you know how the attacker always has the advantage. The ai can easliy defeat my neutronium carriers. I always try to use convoys. I Use a couple of scout cruisers around my carrier to seek and destroy ai naval units.
laurens posted 06-20-99 10:43 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for laurens  Click Here to Email laurens     
An elite, busters-carrier?

jimmytrick posted 06-20-99 11:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jimmytrick  Click Here to Email jimmytrick     
I have an additional tactic. By the time I can build say 13-6 battleships in 6 or 7 turns, I can usually pump out missle foils in a single turn. These I use as a screening force to draw AI attacks.

Then I can hit them with the heavy stuff. The missle foils are also good for taking a base after air units clear the defenders.

One fault I had early in my SMAC tactics. Built to many top of the line units. Swarms of cheap units can be very effective.

MOfTheUniversity posted 06-23-99 01:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MOfTheUniversity  Click Here to Email MOfTheUniversity     
Will somebody please make a list of the techs you have to research to get a carrier?
Krushala posted 06-23-99 01:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
Really too many to list. They come pretty late in the game unfortunately. If you have the demo you probably won't get to it in 100 years.
Edward the fish posted 06-24-99 07:14 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Edward the fish  Click Here to Email Edward the fish     
you wont get Nanometallurgy in the demo becos its explor 8 and the demo is limited to 5 tech levles.


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