Topic: Coolest Quote
Natguy |
posted 06-07-99 12:22 PM ET
I'm sitting here in front of my computer on summer vacation (eat your heart out, working people ) and was wondering which quotes people like the best. There's so many of them that I'm sure one probably might stick out in your mind. Mine is the one for Retroviral Engineering: "The Academician's private residences shall remain off-limits to the Genetic Inspectors. We possess no retroviral capability, we are not researching Retroviral Engineering, and we shall not allow this Council to violate faction priveleges in the name of this ridiculous witch hunt!" I love that quote.
posted 06-07-99 12:34 PM ET
The quote for the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm, and the quote for Organic Superlube, and the entire sequence for Voice of Planet.Er, yes, that's three, isn't it... well, um. Could be worse; I could probably name another 3 or 4 in a different mood, and at least I don't have them memorized. Eris, who may well be an awakening alien god. |
posted 06-07-99 12:35 PM ET
By the way, I may be working, but that also means that I have money. |
posted 06-07-99 12:59 PM ET
I like the one from Hab dome.~Rackam the asteroid target |
posted 06-07-99 01:35 PM ET
"Einstein would turn over in his grave. Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded" is definately the coolest..BSG |
posted 06-07-99 01:51 PM ET
"Ice", said Noisy. |
posted 06-07-99 02:56 PM ET
Touche, Eris! Of course, I have free room and board for quite some time now!Oh and by the way, I don't have it memorized, I just was typing it straight out of the guide thingy. Nathan the relaxed Newbie |
posted 06-07-99 03:39 PM ET
Companions the Creator seeks. Not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow-creators the Creator seeks, those who write new values on new tablets... etc |
posted 06-07-99 04:51 PM ET
"Die, Miriam, Die!!!!!!!"Its not from the game but I suspect I a few SMACers might have said it. |
posted 06-07-99 05:54 PM ET
We must dissent
posted 06-07-99 10:16 PM ET
Ah, quotes...I suppose I'm not much for them but they have the uncanny ability to attract my attention--perhaps for the 'coolness' of it (I suppose that makes me a hypocrite). But I digress. The quote du jour is:"It would make of Gorbachev's stewardship a truly Teflon chairmanship, demonstrating that no Soviet actions, regardless of how egregious, will cling to him" -New Republic And tomorrow it could be Hamlet's 'sparrow' speech.
posted 06-07-99 10:18 PM ET
And by the way, what in the name of Terra does the 'Coolest quote' have to do with strategies and tactics?Just a thought... --Veracitas |
posted 06-07-99 11:52 PM ET
Absolutely Nothing. 
posted 06-08-99 03:26 AM ET
Of the many lovely choices, the most striking quote is the one from building the first Habitation Dome: "I sit here on the motherworld, ..."I can't recall the entire quote. On that topic, why aren't the facilities quotes listed in the datalinks like the SP quotes are? |
posted 06-08-99 07:27 AM ET
TheMadStork - this is from blurbs.txt##Habitation Dome #FAC25 ^ I sit in my cubicle, here on the motherworld. ^ When I die, they will put my body in a box and ^ dispose of it in the cold ground. ^ And in all the million ages to come, I will never ^ breathe or laugh or twitch again. ^ So won't you run and play with me here among the ^ teeming mass of humanity? ^ The universe has spared us this moment. ^ ^ -- Anonymous, Datalinks ~Rackam |
posted 06-08-99 02:36 PM ET
I always like the one about finding God in science with a megaton of steel hanging by a thread. Super tensile solids I think. I also like the .wav, but not quote itself, for network node. The way it was done amusses me.I also like the generally thought provoking quotes. Even some of Miriams are worth something. |
posted 06-09-99 07:54 AM ET
In my case:Advanced Eceological Engineering "You are the children of a dead planet, earthdeirdre, and this death we do not comprehend. We shall take you in, but may we ask this question - will we too catch the planetdeath disease?" I play the Peacekeepers, of course. Matthew Greet |
posted 06-09-99 09:00 AM ET
warmachine: It's odd. For all that I love the Planet story, that is the one Planet-related quote I dislike. Maybe it's just that it comes across /way/ too stilted.And yeah, I really like the Network Node one, too. I was telling a fellow SMACer about this thread (he doesn't have time for the forums) and he brought that one up. I sometimes forget about the new-facility quotes because I almost never listen to them. |
posted 06-09-99 10:09 AM ET
the one for the MMI " a hansom young cyborg named ace wooded women in every bace but once they glanced at his special inhancement thed vanish with hardly a trace" i apologise if is isn't exactly correct but it is off the top of my head |
posted 06-10-99 10:41 AM ET
Oh, I also like the one for the Paradise Garden:"That sunny dome! Those cpaes of ice! And all who heard should see hime there, And all should cry, Beware! Beware! His flashing eyes, his floating hair! Weave a circle round him thrice, And close your eyes with holy dread, For he on honey-dew hath fed, And drunk the milk of Paradise." Samual Taylor Coleridge, Datalinks |
posted 06-10-99 10:43 AM ET
Uh, "cpaes" should be "caves"Sorry. (And "Hime"="Him") |
posted 06-10-99 05:01 PM ET
Hey Natguy: The Paradise Garden quote sounds ghastly similar to the lyrics of the RUSH song "Xanadu"Held within The Pleasure Dome Decreed by Kubla Khan To taste my bitter triumph As a mad immortal man Nevermore shall I return Escape these caves of ice For I have dined on honey dew And drunk the milk of Paradise The Pleasure Dome coincidence is pretty wierd, too! |
posted 06-10-99 06:10 PM ET
Weird! I guess that really is a poem, and they must have found it somewhere. (Maybe they play SMAC too!) |
Stasis Archon
posted 06-10-99 07:10 PM ET
1 In Xanadu did Kubla Khan 2 A stately pleasure-dome decree: 3 Where Alph, the sacred river, ran 4 Through caverns measureless to man 5 Down to a sunless sea. 6 So twice five miles of fertile ground 7 With walls and towers were girdled round: 8 And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, 9 Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree; 10 And here were forests ancient as the hills, 11 Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.12 But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted 13 Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover! 14 A savage place! as holy and enchanted 15 As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted 16 By woman wailing for her demon-lover! 17 And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething, 18 As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing, 19 A mighty fountain momently was forced: 20 Amid whose swift half-intermitted burst 21 Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail, 22 Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail: 23 And 'mid these dancing rocks at once and ever 24 It flung up momently the sacred river. 25 Five miles meandering with a mazy motion 26 Through wood and dale the sacred river ran, 27 Then reached the caverns measureless to man, 28 And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean: 29 And 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from far 30 Ancestral voices prophesying war! 31 The shadow of the dome of pleasure 32 Floated midway on the waves; 33 Where was heard the mingled measure 34 From the fountain and the caves. 35 It was a miracle of rare device, 36 A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice! 37 A damsel with a dulcimer 38 In a vision once I saw: 39 It was an Abyssinian maid, 40 And on her dulcimer she played, 41 Singing of Mount Abora. 42 Could I revive within me 43 Her symphony and song, 44 To such a deep delight 'twould win me, 45 That with music loud and long, 46 I would build that dome in air, 47 That sunny dome! those caves of ice! 48 And all who heard should see them there, 49 And all should cry, Beware! Beware! 50 His flashing eyes, his floating hair! 51 Weave a circle round him thrice, 52 And close your eyes with holy dread, 53 For he on honey-dew hath fed, 54 And drunk the milk of Paradise. It's an actual poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. |
Stasis Archon
posted 06-10-99 07:16 PM ET
The poem is called Kubla Khan and it's propably his most famous. The paradise Graden quote is lines 47-54. |
posted 06-10-99 07:40 PM ET
I read somewhere that the poem is considered to be unfinished. True? |
Jason Townsend
posted 06-11-99 11:38 PM ET
Actually, he wrote "Xanadu" while in an... ahem, chemically altered state. He had the whole poem imagined, but forgot some of it after he "came down", IIRC. Jason
posted 06-12-99 12:38 AM ET
"Man's Unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring universe which will save us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the slimest of doubts. God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist"THAT lays the smack down on all the religious morons like miriam out thier I like it! |
posted 06-12-99 12:38 AM ET
NETWORK NODE!!!also the one that goes something like: "Alone we sit, the mountain and I, until only the mountain remains." Li Po (or something like that), Datalinks |
posted 06-12-99 03:43 AM ET
"God doesn't play dice [with the universe]" - Albert EinsteinThe Network Node song "What goes up - better doggone stay up." - Some Morgan Industries dude "The substructure of the universe..." (I don't remember the rest, but I just like the way he says it ) |
posted 06-13-99 05:35 PM ET
I always have trouble hearing the actual lyrics in songs, so would someone please tell me how the Network Node song really goes? "I don't know what you've been told, Deitrich(?) got a Network Node"? And from there on I understand nothing...Um...and thanks for all the strategical advice...I was about to not buy this game since my building tactics failed a lot of times on tiny worlds. All I was going for was a quick game, not an overly violent one...but building did work much better on a standard sized world with UoP as neighbor and Spartans, Gaians and Believers all at war on another continent  RGE |
posted 06-13-99 05:55 PM ET
The Network Node Song goes:"I don't know what I've been told, Deidre's got a Network Node. Likes to press the on-off switch, Dig that crazy Gaian Witch." Gaian is pronouced Guyon in the song. And that, along with "Einstein would turn over in his grave. Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded" are my favorite quotes. 
Resource Consumer
posted 06-14-99 09:33 AM ET
"What goes up better doggone well stay up" |
posted 06-14-99 10:48 AM ET
"You put 'em up. We knock 'em down."Orbital Defense Pod Command Senior Officer |
Provost Harrison
posted 06-14-99 12:47 PM ET
Superstring theory; 'An brave little theory, and quite a coherent one for a system of 5 or 7 dimensions, if only we lived in one!', or something like that.Also, Will To Power, can't quite remember: 'Man is a rope...' Nietzsche And...Longevity Vaccine. Just thought it was quite funny. Naturally I plan to live matter of fact. PH |
posted 06-14-99 09:01 PM ET
How about the one from Yang that goes with the Virtual World, "What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed into the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have recieved the information now act on it. Take control of the in put and you shall become master of the output." Santiago also has a couple good ones such as the Command Nexus and the one at the beginning about superior training and superior weaponry. |
Resource Consumer
posted 06-15-99 06:42 AM ET
There's also the nice one from Childrens Creche - Santiago reverting back to the caring housewife that she really longs to be  |
posted 06-18-99 10:29 AM ET
Stasis and Jason: on occasions I write original poems like STC's to my fiancee. Who needs artificial chemicals? To quote Brian Ferry: "Love is the drug I'm thinking of".LordMike: "Man's unfailing capacity ...". Yes, but Zakharov was also the wiseguy who claimed that PlanetMind was poppycock. dinoman: The NN song begins: "I don't know, but I've been told". So many people are misquoting it with "what" instead of "but", that I think they must be reflecting on their own shortcomings in study. Talon580: Yang sure changed his tune once he was in the Punishment Sphere. Noisy: what was that "Ice" quote of yours about? RGE: The voices and lyrics in SMAC are particularly clear, even though they're all in foreign accents to me. But when in doubt, look up the datalinks entry that has the text. (So how does anyone get a word or phrase consistently wrong? I've decided not to employ certain people as proofreaders. ) Rush songs sound interesting, but we don't get them here in Australia, so I only know him as this old geezer that gets pilloried on the newsgroups for his conservative views. Most of the best quotes (by which I mean my favorites of course) have been "claimed", so I'll have to go home and look up the manual myself. PS: I'm really looking forward to the quotes Firaxis find and invent for SMACX. If they can keep up the standard, wow! A thought from Abraham Lincoln: Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. He must have been reading Plato's "The Cave". But in any case it would be a good quote for Deirdre, methinks. |
posted 06-18-99 10:33 AM ET
You've got to love these desk calendars with quotes on each day. I just came across another beauty. This from Alfred North Whitehead, coworker with Bertrand Russell. Take this, Prokor!"Knowledge does not keep any better than fish." Any aspiring Vulcans or Zakharovs out there might ponder this quote from the greatest proponent of pure reason, Plato: "All reason has an emotional base." |
posted 06-19-99 11:20 PM ET
Oh Coleredge fans, if any of you have read the book "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" it would explain the WEIRDNESS of the poem  |
posted 06-20-99 01:35 AM ET
Its gotta be the quote for Temple of Planet."I will see this compound burned, seared and sterilized until every hiding place is found, antil every last mind worm egg, every last slimey one is cooked to a smoking husk. That species I tell you will be exterminated! Do you here me? EX-TER-MI-NATED! |
posted 06-20-99 07:32 PM ET
I like the quote for the bioenhancement center about the guy imagining his life being nothing more than a computer simulation, then you hear that his llife really is simulated by computer and that he is recommended for termination. Just makes you feel so paranoid. |