Topic: Missile Defense
Cito |
posted 05-30-99 10:49 AM ET
How can you defend your cities against incoming missiles? 8 of my cities were rendered defenseless in one turn by a barrage of missiles.Is there a range limit on the computer?
posted 05-30-99 10:58 AM ET
Set up garrison units - at Transcend level, I would recommend at least 3 of them. Assuming that you have Neural Grafting and you want to maximize the units' potential:AAA/Trance unit AAA/Police unit AAA/(ability that you find useful) unit These AAA units just need to have the best armor. No weapon is really needed as you would be placing them in the heart of your empire - against needlejets and missiles specifically. Lastly, essential to build an aerospace complex(give 100% protection bonus), an optional perimeter defense and an even safer bet, the tachyon defense. As for the approximate range of armor to be outfitted on your AAA garrison to withstand at least 2 conventional missiles(according to their reactor values), I will leave it up to you to find out. Have fun 
posted 05-30-99 03:23 PM ET
Cito, There is a well known bug that allows the computer unlimited missle range. This is bad, but, it gets worse.....their Planet Busters also have unlimited range. I will leave to your imagination the ramifications of that. The computer seldom follows up the missles with any attempt to capture your base-their troops do not have unlimited range. So, you may consider not having any troops in your interior bases, just post the garrison outside the base to combat mind worms. Or, just garrison with scouts which are cheap, that way you can trade the scout for a missle. If your tech is advanced enough, laurens has given you viable options vs. conventional missles. 1-best armor-1-best reactor, AAA with aerospace and tachyon. But remember, SMAC is a conquer game by design choice, you will have trouble building. Go on the offensive and never stop. jimmytrick Lord of SMAC, SMACGOD PRIME, and AAGG |
posted 05-30-99 04:58 PM ET
The minimum requirement for surviving a single missle strike is 1-<5>-1*2 garrison troop with Aerospace Complex. But that's a low probablity one.To be sure of survival, you need a 1-<8>-1*3 with Aerospace complex, but even that won't survive more than 2-3 strikes. To be totally secure, you need Aerospace Complex, Tachyon field, and a minimum of 2 1-<10>-1*3 garrison troops. This combo will survive 5-6 conventional missles. |
posted 05-30-99 06:19 PM ET
What about 20+. Yang did this to me once. I had just gotten him to declare vendetta and then his next turn, all his conventional missles (I lost count after 20) went after the base with my planet busters. It was a water base within missle distance of most of his bases. My AAA cruisers (I had 5 in this base) stopped most of them, but I lost 3 PB's out of 8.~Rackam |
posted 05-30-99 06:38 PM ET
Well, 20+ missles is somewhat more than you would normally encounter.In a side story, in one game the Hive declared Vendetta and wanted to hit one of my cruisers with missles. Unfortunately, I had a needejet on the same spot, attacking a sea base at the same time. So at the end of the turn, all 12 of Yang's missles were hovering in midair around the cruiser/needljet. I was considerably amused as I dispatched a few copters to wipe out all those missles. |
posted 05-31-99 08:17 AM ET
The upside to losing those planet busters was that he ignored the 12 transports fully loaded with my own missles also within range of most of his bases. I had been building them up for years just for a single glorious turn. He didn't have much left after I'd finished. =P~Rackam |