posted 05-25-99 12:10 PM ET
Here is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. We have seen some of this in other threads, but how can you best use colony pods, formers and other non-military units for warfare!Sinking cities is fun when the AI doesn't get a free pressure dome. Did you know that you can start several sea formers lowering terrain, get a truce and the formers can finish while being protected by the truce.
You can plop a new colony pod near an ememy's city and if the good resource squares are closer to your new city than his you get those squares (if he doesnt bump your workers with miliraty units.
You can blockade a city using any unit. Enemy cities can not use a square that you have a unit in.
So what are your ideas?
Air and sea transports? How to best harvest Unity pods? (Try a drop transport).