posted 05-23-99 06:31 AM ET
Every building? Since you are getting drone riots, I will assume that you have not built punishment spheres. Don't build these everywhere, they kill your tech.To increase total police power, consider increasing police units instead of police rating. By switching to police state, you are gain the ability to use 2 more police units per base, and you can also support 2 more units for free. The cost is in efficiency though, so the bigger you grow, the more money you lose. Intellectual Integrity (explore 3) will allow you to make units that get rid of 2 drones instead of 1. This will only let you grow 1 larger though. If you build large cities, you are going to have to put out some money for psych sooner or later. Doctors & Empaths work if you only have a few, but if all your cities have them, you need to raise overall psych.
For psych, you can put a small amount in through social engineering, and you will gain more talents, which will offset the drones and prevent drone riots. You will probably lose less money here than you would by switching to police state.
With a mid range psych add, and switching to Wealth, you can gain +2 economy (from golden age) on some cities & gain more energy. This can cause your income to go up enough to pay for the extra psych and more.
Or... if you want lots of money, switch to Free Market & Wealth. Your people will hate you if you attempt to field a military force, but this can be solved by a punishment sphere in 1 or 2 cities. Just base your entire military force in 1 or 2 cities, & make sure they are all clean units. If any other city makes an offensive unit, that unit needs to go <Ctrl>H at a punishment sphere city before it leaves your territory.
With all of these pysch adds, you also need to back it up with terraforming. Unless the ground is too dry (or rocky) for food or too low for solar collectors, you should put a solar collector on it. You may need to forest a few so you can put down some sensors, but altitude and solar colectors will give you the energy, which translates directly to psych and research. Read around... I have seen a few messages describing good terraforming procedures. (I usually put more roads in than other people seem to like, but it works for my defense style, and does not affect energy).
For even more money after that... spend money... make some money & then bootlick your way into everyone's good grace (6 treaties or 2-3 pacts). Spend your way into office. Support your double planetary trade pacts. Now you can be getting a few extra energy per turn at every base, which can add up to hundreds of labs.
Your SPs can also help... build all of your "+# energy at this base" and "+###% research at this base" at the same base. Make all these in a base with some altitude. Then, make supply convoys. Send a bunch of supply convoys out to send energy back & get you more than the 21 base squares to work with. Just be very careful not to annoy anyone with PBs, and make lots of orbital defense pods as soon as you can, or you are going to be looking at a Texas sized swimming pool where your 1000 labs per turn used to be.