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Author Topic:   Question 'bout PSI Tanks
Univarse9 posted 05-21-99 11:08 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Univarse9   Click Here to Email Univarse9  
I have a hovertank armed with the following:
Weapon: Singularity laser
Armor: PSI Defense
Reactor: Singularity
Special Abil:Antigrav Struts/High Morale
Does my tank still get 3:2 Psi odds and will it gain more movement points if it increases in morale like the mindworms?
Beta1 posted 05-21-99 12:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Beta1    
No it wont get the 3:2 attack bonus because you have armed it with a conventional weapon so when it attacks conventional rules apply. If you gave it the PSI gun/cannon whatever its called then if it attacked it would get the 3:2 bonus. The PSI armour on your tank isn't really worth having unless you intend to use it for worm hunting duty.

If you increase any units morale to a certain point it gains a movement point ( I think it has to reach elite status ).

Just out of interest where does this unit fit into you strategy? (is it defensive (surely not) attacking, patrol)

sandworm posted 05-21-99 12:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for sandworm  Click Here to Email sandworm     
Late in the game I use psi defense to shield my attacking units because its cheaper than the other armor, and my units have high morale, making them defend fairly well. If I expect to be defending a lot, I'll use quantum instead of singularity (or is it the other way 'round?) The highest reactor type actually is a detriment to psi defense (you only get 75% of total "hit points") - bug in the program. (psi combat gives 10 hit points to both attacker and defender, regardless of reactor type, outside of the bug with the best reactors)

The psi armor is less costly, and armor really doesn't win any battles anyway, it just puts a little more hurt on the attacker than an unarmored unit, slowing their advance and making them a little easier to dispose of.

Plato90s posted 05-21-99 01:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Plato90s    
Psi armor is pointless in a worm hunter. It doesn't give you any advantages - you defend against a worm attack in the psychic combat mode regardless of your armor. But Psi armor does force other conventional units to use Psi combat when attacking you.

For example - if you are attacked by a Singularity Tank and you have Stasis Field, you have 2:1 odds against you.

If you have Psi Armor and are attacked by the same Singularity Tank, the Tank is forced to use Psi combat instead of using singularity laser. You have 3:2 odds against you, so you have slightly improved odds.

But if the enemy doesn't have at least Quantum Laser, you're better off with Stasis Field [16:12 = 4:3].

Psi armor, however, is a really cheap addition to things like needlejet, formers, and probe teams.

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