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  the continents are sinking

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Author Topic:   the continents are sinking
Mikaeln posted 05-12-99 07:27 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Mikaeln   Click Here to Email Mikaeln  
Hello! I'm quite new to this game and I think I would need some help from an experienced Alpha player. My problem is that the whole planet is sinking into the ocean and it doesn'nt matter what I do. Do you have some good ideas how I can privent it ?
trippin daily posted 05-12-99 08:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for trippin daily  Click Here to Email trippin daily     
Yeah, here are a few.

Limit ecodamage in your cities
Launch solar shade to get back your land if you have the availbe tech to offer that in a council meeting
Don't Planet Buster, Nerve Gas, and probably gene warfare too
Don't create boreholes and echelon mirrors until you get tree farms and hybrid forest in the city that its near (you will have to make some before, but try to minimize the amount of them)

Trippin Daily

pentalarc posted 05-13-99 02:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for pentalarc  Click Here to Email pentalarc     
I had a sever problem for a while with the incredible sinking world.

Here's my strategy, to add to the suggestions before, because they're right.

1) Don't use the Space Elevator to the point wher it's doing damage. Try to have zero ecodamage in every city. (so I guess I disagree to a degree, I don't really see much of an acceptable level of ecodamage)

2) Lots and lots of formers. Drag the land back out of the sea by hand. Don't worry about the orrigional shape, just make sure that you drag your cities out of the sea, and make them land bases again.

3) Make sure that you're planetary governor.

Where Five ROads MEet He Stands

OncFellow posted 05-13-99 02:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OncFellow    
A thought just occurred to me-- would it be worthwhile to put pressure domes on all of your cities and then sink the world to the detriment of your enemies? Can you predictably sink land before some kind of onlslaught by the planet to kill you?

I imagine you might have lots of resource shortfalls if you weren't carful, because all of your improvements would go away. (or terraform them up?)

Does anyone know if this could be an effective strategy?

How much does the sea rise? Can Planet become entirely ocean???

It would be fantastic to watch your enemies sink and sabatoge the pressure domes with probe teams!

OncFellow posted 05-13-99 02:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OncFellow    
I just had another thought--Can you send terraformers to uninhabited land to borehole it, then make some kind of "Energy/mineral City" with crawlers and convoy minerals away WHILE sinking the world, and having Mindworms drawn away from your Hub?

Those with much wisdom please respond!

sandworm posted 05-13-99 02:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for sandworm  Click Here to Email sandworm     
I asked the same question once about sinking the entire planet, and I've been assured it can and has been done, and it usually sinks most of the AI factions with it.

The borehole/energy farm strategy works great, I'm currently hauling energy from frontier boreholes back to my capital, which has the supercollider, banks, and all other currently available econ bonuses, and my tech and energy income is rising steadily (hauling to the capital prevents loss to inefficiency, I strongly recommend it). Hauling too many minerals to a city can cause mind worm attacks, so watch the city ecodamage carefully if you do this.

You -can- sabotage pressure domes, but the city won't sink until there's a change in sea level before they're rebuilt, or so I've heard.

Be careful you don't sink your boreholes if you use both of these strategies at the same time.

sandworm, who sank all of his boreholes once and got really pi**ed off

OncFellow posted 05-13-99 02:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for OncFellow    
To avoid sinking said boreholes, will the computer allow you to terraform at a higher elevation around the boreholes, and then let them survive below sea level? Or does your valley fill with water from "rain" or something?
sandworm posted 05-14-99 01:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for sandworm  Click Here to Email sandworm     
Just raise the boreholes, I think it can be done from inside the square after they've been built, raising adjacent terrain should work. I don't think sunken structures can be raised intact, once its under water, its gone, replaced with fungus or bare land.

I've never tried raising a ring around the boreholes, if they fill up with water then the rim of Garland crater should form a ring of land around a lake, which would be interesting.

Travathian posted 05-14-99 07:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Travathian    
Drill to aquifier around the edges of the crater, makes a nice ring river which adds mucho energy bonus in addition to the height of the crater as is.
Porkmonger posted 05-15-99 12:52 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Porkmonger    
I've thought about doing this a couple times, but I seem to have spent the past month or so getting Transcendence victory with the Gaians (that's REALLY fun on abundant native life) so it hasn't been practical.

First, I am pretty sure that you can't build anything like Holland. If you've ever Planet Busted in the middle of a continent, you will notice the ocean trench that appears even if there wasn't any ocean bordering the hole. This leads me to believe that there is no 'below sea level' height and you'd lose all your boreholes.

Which leads me to another idea. I know you can't sink land below sea level with land formers, but what about with gravship formers? If your opponent doesn't have Air Superiority/Locusts, you can just go and sink his bases.

Oh, and if you're supply crawling borehole energy, try and build 'em on Energy bonuses and rivers...

Plato90s posted 05-15-99 11:21 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Plato90s    
Yes, building boreholes on rivers do get the +1 bonus, although I have never tried it on an energy square. If your supply crawler is from a city with Merchant Exchange, a borehole w/ river can turn out 8 energy a turn.

And you can sink land into the ocean with cruiser formers. It's just hideously expensive. And to sink land with Gravship formers, you have to make sure they work on a sea square, not a land one.

evil_conquerer posted 05-16-99 05:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for evil_conquerer  Click Here to Email evil_conquerer     
I tried sinking my opponents into oblivion once...

To make a long story short, it didn't work. [long story] I bought pressure domes in all my cities and railroaded throught Council a vote to raise the caps. Did this around 3 times (maybe 4). I lost one base because I didn't build a pressure dome in time , and the computer lost around 2 or 3 total before they could build pressure domes. After the third time raising the caps, I gave up because I was losing resources. What I should've done was sabatoge the production of pressure domes in enemy bases. That would've worked better (or at least make them spend the extra dough to buy it fast )

Exile posted 05-16-99 11:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Exile  Click Here to Email Exile     
HAR HAR HAR.....I sunk the Believers, the Morganites, and the Hive under 20 or so leagues of sea..And I lived to prosper on this "Waterworld". Ya see, I had this all planned out, so I became Planetary Gov. and pushed to melt the caps 6 times, I already had a network of Nessus Mining Stations and Orbital Power Transmiters ready to supply my bases with (if not the same as on land) a reasonable amount of minerals and energy. I also had a pretty "Pirate" fleet of Cruiser Probes...I just had to sabotage or mind control the remaining bases and invade the ones that provided actual resistence.


-"Well Pez, your Uncle Kazz had a theory: Kill them all and let God sort them out. Then one day he put his theory to the test and it took seventy-five U.S. Marshalls to bring him down. And that's why we'll never speak of him again."-

jimmytrick posted 05-17-99 12:52 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jimmytrick  Click Here to Email jimmytrick     
I wish some of you clowns would go toe to toe with me PBEM and try to sink me inna sea. I'd have ya walking the plank by 2170 or so! Har har my *ss

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