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  What's the best Hive strategy?

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Author Topic:   What's the best Hive strategy?
eladamir posted 05-12-99 03:34 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for eladamir   Click Here to Email eladamir  
I want to know if I got it right by looking at my friends play. His play is:
(1city) build colony pad
(2cities) build pads
(4cities) build pads
(8cities) build pads, then terraform
(14cities) build pads, terraform
At the end, he had ~30 cities in 150 years on a very little area, using lotsa recycling tanks to get lotsa money.
Is this the hive strategy? Or should it be a little more "restrained"?
Wolf Dreamer posted 05-12-99 03:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Wolf Dreamer  Click Here to Email Wolf Dreamer     
pads? You obvously mean pods.

I've played games where the Hive has many massive cities extremely close together. It is a common strategy of the AI.

trippin daily posted 05-12-99 08:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for trippin daily  Click Here to Email trippin daily     
Well, we now know who's girlfriend is on the rag.

Trippin Daily

High Priest posted 05-12-99 10:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for High Priest    
With the Hive, its imperative to exploit their strengths, ignore the weaknesses. First off, Hive has fast growth, especially early on. When played as POL/PL/WEALTH he has +3 industry. You should use wealth in peacetime, knoweledge in war, and only power if it gets serious. Expand quickly. The industry and growth should easily take an expanding population. Grab SPs. Especially Command Nexus, Cyborg Factory, and(maybe) Maritime Control Center.

Be certain to find your neighbors and make them surrender. Don't destroy them unless its Miriam(always kill that bitch), you can get lots of techs and cash that way.

Of course, if you just want a smother the planet in the fewest turns:
Being as you get the ability to build CN, build it as soon as you can. Get particle impactors and nerve gas rovers out to the battlefield as quickly as possible. Don't forget to expand as much as possible, constantly. Use only Planned/Police/Knoweledge(or maybe Power, but I wouldn't recommend it) Ignore all other SPs, except for maybe Maritime CS if you're on water. Nerve staple, obliterate bases, and obviously nerve gas the enemy to death. Basically, be as bad as possible.

HolyWarrior posted 05-13-99 09:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for HolyWarrior  Click Here to Email HolyWarrior     

You will NEVER destroy Miriam! You will either convert to the True Faith or be destroyed!
We have a punishment sphere just for Yang.
Death to the Commie Bastards!

HolyWarrior posted 05-13-99 09:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for HolyWarrior  Click Here to Email HolyWarrior     

You will NEVER destroy Miriam! You will either convert to the True Faith or be destroyed!
We have a punishment sphere just for Yang.
Death to the Commie Bastards!

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