Topic: 'A' strategy...
Ruud Kraak |
posted 05-10-99 08:21 AM ET
Hi All,After a couple of SMAC games, playing various factions (well ok University, Gaians & Peacekeepers), I think I seem to have a strategy that works for the hippy peacenik factions (up to THINKER level anyway) 1) Pray for a good landing site, Monoliths discoveries are essential. 2) Solid Research Route to Air Power with SuperString theory, Needlejets with Chaos Cannons. I go for... a) BIOGENETICS=>SOCIAL PSYCH=>SECRET OF THE HUMAN BRAIN (for a go at the freebie tech). b) ETHICAL CALCULAS & GREEN EMPATHY, then switch to a GREEN DEMOCRATIC government. You can then crank Labs up to 80%. c) Then go through the techs to get CYBERETHICS (for the KNOWLEDGE gov). d) Then AIRPOWER & SUPERSTRING. e) Then Build Air Units like mad & a couple of Rovers. f) Now you should be able to zap the Believers and the Hive. Take over their cities. This has the effect of cranking your faction right up there in terms of power ratings. Also make sure early on you crawl and suck up to anyone that threatens you (Believers & the Hive). Just give into their demands until your ready. But whatever happens don't give either AIRPOWER!. This strategy seems to work and on completion your faction just seems to cruise ahead of the computer ones. With your vast empire, you can crank out the new techs, special projects, etc and the rest have got no chance. Well? Any thoughts?
Al Gore Rythm
posted 05-10-99 08:53 AM ET
Yes, it doesn't work While it may work on your vanilla settings, other people's are different. I play with Blind Research, so trying to do this would be difficult because I could fumble around trying to get the right techs. And I also play with very slow tech settings, so that fumbling around could 40 or 50 years. Furthermore, who says you'll be able to absorb the Believers and Hive? Most people (atleast the ones I know) play on Huge or Huger maps. If you're next to the both Believers and Hive you're in trouble. Giving to their demands does not mean they aren't going to try to stomp you anyway. And if they aren't there, than, well, you'll just be all dressed up and have nowhere to go. Plus, your empire ain't all that vast. I myself hate Green economics with avengance (die Planet! Mwahahaha!) even when I'm playing a peaceful fac. Ever try Demo/Planned? Much better combo. All you have to do is build a Children's Creche and your cities will go into pop boom. Who needs tech? Your cities will be in the 10s and 12s when theirs are in the 4s and 5s. And most of the time doing FME (Free Market) will get you so much energy that you will research faster than if you used the Green/Knowledge combo. Or, you can try Fundamentalist, Planned, Wealth. Then turn off research and pump into Psych. You instnatly become a faction that grows and builds well, will have lots and lots of golden ages so for the most part you'll be making plenty of cash. And you'll be geared up for war. And who says you need to give them Airpower? If I were in such a predicament with you I'd just steal it and build my own Hive Chaos Needlejets. With your knowledge settings you're wide open for it with -2 Probe. Just my thoughts, anyway. |
posted 05-10-99 10:01 AM ET
I agree Demo/Green/Wealth works OK but the population boom you can get with Demo/Planned is very useful early in the game.Ruud, You should really try playing with blind tech. It makes the game much better and stops the boring old CIV tactic of using the same tactic everytime and relying on getting certain techs first. With Blind research on you are forced to react to situations as they develope - you can never count on getting those impact rovers out before the bad guys.
Ruud Kraak
posted 05-10-99 10:09 AM ET
Hmmm..interesting points.Ok, during my last SMAC game (I being UoP at THINKER level) the proposed strategy worked. I landed and got a GREAT! landing site, 2 monoliths and a mineral square (+7 Min!). This allowed me to crank out Colony Pods to build about 5 cities before I met the other factions. On my right I met Mr Lal, Hurrah! so after a quick hug, techs were exchanged and a trade pact signed. On my left, my worse nightmare, Miriam makes an appearance...grovel, whimper, please don't kill me..have 50 credits. Then it gets worse, I meet the HIVE, see above with even more suck up grovelling. Then this situation countinued for what seemed ages, with my UoP giving in to any of the 2 leftie factions demands, until my stragety is realised. I had managed to build the Genome & Virtual World SPs during this time. First BAM!, the HIVE decides to teach me a lesson on my unwillingess to give them Airpower...they lose 2 cities 8-) While I'm engaged against the HIVE, Miriam decides to get into the action and also demands I hand over AirPower. Another war begins. But luckily, the HIVE decide to make friends and support my attacks against Miriam. Cool! After a fair amount of elasped time, with the war against the Believer still in the balance (she had a lot of units), I finally take a Believer City!. Thus starts the rapid bliztkreig (well a needlejet equivalent) thru Miriam's remaining empire. I capture about 10 land cities (with 2 SP gains Command Centre & Weather Paradigm ?) & 7 sea bases. Miriam now has 2 remaining cities on Deirde's Green continent. 8-) I see the HIVE has spent the time moving a large amount of speeders and infantry into my territory. I ask him to leave, he declares vendetta on me. I win another 4 HIVE cities and capture the Chairmen. I now have about 30 cities. 8-) I then relax and make friends with the remaining factions and start building. From this game, neither the Believers or Hive sent any Probe teams at me, aslong as I remained prostate before them. I played this game on a Huge Map setting. |
Ruud Kraak
posted 05-10-99 10:22 AM ET
Hmmm...Blind Research?But doesn't this give the attack orientated factions (Hive, Belivers & Spartans) a big advantage? I mean the only way the other sort-of-peacey types can hope to hold off the war trio is thru superior firepower. I go DEMO-GREEN beacause of the efficency bonuses & the capture of Mind Worms. I've find a force of about 10 Chaos Needlejets, 2 Chaos Rovers, 1 Artillery Rover & 4 Mind Worms goes a long way. If your planes can't crack a city, then a couple of Mind Worms seems to do the trick instead. 8-) |
Spartan Frank
posted 05-10-99 01:10 PM ET
I think that the other thing you need to consider is that up to Thinker the game is easy, but Transcend is a pain in the ass. I don't get much time to play and I probably only played 6 complete games but I had to abort more than one on Transcend game where I was just hopelessly getting my ass kicked. I am finally within striking distance of my first Transcend win, but did I have to use a lot of planet busters to do it. :-)Try your strategy on transcend and then get back to us. |
posted 05-10-99 02:15 PM ET
Al-- Demo/Planned is useful, but not as something to stick with for long periods of time. It's good for the one thing you mentioned-- population booms. But there is little reason to stick with it, when you can pop boom for 5 turns every now and then and use green most of the time-- a much more useful choice especially in the mid-late game when efficiency really matters and the mindworms are everywhere. So all demo/planned really does is make demo/green useful, because it makes growth insignificant. |
Al Gore Rythm
posted 05-10-99 07:26 PM ET
Smeag:Actually, there's another SE choice out there. You know, FME? Efficency, Schemfficency, I'll take cold, hard cash anyday of the week Also, Planned is quite nice to stay in, even for long periods of time. The industry bonus is nothing to scoff at (especially if paired with Wealth or with Hive... or with both.) And with such a bonus one can assemble big armies fast, it makes a great "gearing up for war" SE choice. Ruud: "I mean the only way the other sort-of-peacey types can hope to hold off the war trio is thru superior firepower." Nah-uhn. I've kicked booty as Fundamentalist Lal. Like Santiago said, "Superior Training." Screw weaponry. Good tactics can win the day. And superior firepower my wazoo. The peacy-factions have the LEAST firepower in the game. Riddle me this, Elite Believing Impact X Infantry. vs. Disciplined UoP Probablity Infantry (behind Perimeter wihh base) Impact: 4 50% (Nerve Gas) 50% (Elite) 25% (Infantry vs. Base) 25% (Belief) What happens? The vastly inferior (technologically speaking, of course) Believing unit winds up with 12 attack power. Equal to that of the UoP unit behind the perimeter with far more advanced technology on its side. So what the peacy-facs have to do is just stay the hell away from warmongers Also, about Blind Research, the AI is dumb enough, don't you think, Ruud? Giving it advantages is only making the game more challanging, and the challange is the whole point of almost any game. Besides, if you are such research-lovin' UoPeer with a giant "Probe Me" sign rising up out of your territory, I think you could still deal with it. |
posted 05-10-99 09:36 PM ET
Al-- I think you should know by now how much I love FME. I was just pointing out that planned is not a choice I ever stick with after the pop booms for any faction other than the Hive. |
posted 05-10-99 11:59 PM ET
Al Gore -- To each their own, I guess. I find Green to be a great choice in a lot of situations. Using non-Blind research and normal tech speed is vanilla? Well aren't we all high and mighty? As Ruud pointed out, all these do are favor different factions; Hive, Spartans, Gaians, Believers all benefit from this, especially the first and the last. Believers especially work well on these settings; they are tech screwed anyway, so they lose the least. With probes they will be able to make up for slow speed of research, and their infantry are obviously the best in the abscence of good military tech. Gaians have an advantage in mindworms and starting out with the best first level tech. And the Hive is clearly superior in such games. If the game bores you so much, play UoP on Transcend with Blind Research, Slow Tech, small map, aggressive foes. Or make up your own custom crap faction with no bonuses at all. I happen to enjoy the game as is. --Ghost |
Urban Ranger
posted 05-11-99 08:21 AM ET
Al -- what's this about screwing tech? You need tech to get your cherished nerve gas pods! At any rate, you are talking about a very specific situation, which doesn't generalise well. Say, what happens when your Elite Believing Impact X Infantry IS attacked? That's an instant loss of 100% bonus (50% nerve gas, 25% infantry vs base, 25% Believers on attacks).Ghost -- it seems that blind research is limited to human players. In my game now, Lal is building his first PB and his tech lags way behind me. |
Ruud Kraak
posted 05-11-99 09:00 AM ET
Blind Research only restricted to Human Players! What! This seems a trifle unfair.I'm currently playing a game (this time as the PKs, random huge map, blind research, thinker). This world is mostly water, with gazillions of islands everywhere. My faction is sort of situated where the Philliphines (?) are in relation to Earth. So far its been tough, the blind research is really getting me down, it took me *ages* to get Green Gov tech. Deirde won't trade it to me and then started a war cause I was causing fungus explosions everywhere (Planned). On the other hand, the game is a little more gripping than my other ones, my faction is level pegging with 5 others and Deirdre is way way ahead in the lead. She seems to be building all the SPs as I can't get the tech fast enough. Still the others are leaving me alone and fighting between themselves. Current situation is I have Genome, WeatherP & 50% PSI Defense SPs. I have about 10 cities on 6 small islands. 2 news ones on an island with the Borehole Cluster. I'm allied with UoP & have a sort of treaty with Santiago...she gives me nothing and I pay her 20 credits for the priviledge. 8-). The UoP, Spartans & Morganites seems to be fighting everyone. The Believers & Gaians are allied ? Its a right old mess but the action is way way away from me. I've just put up the first orbital facility and got a total map of the planet. Now my plans are to go scouting for pods (free techs) & build my Luffwaffe. Then we'll see...8-)
Al Gore Rythm
posted 05-11-99 09:40 AM ET
Ghost -Well you said to each his own, so I believe perhaps you should silence yourself. You couldn't be more wrong in your assumption of how my games go. With slow tech, the peace faction's advantages in the said area really shine. It's terribly hard with Believers. Why? Becasue, you're forgetting, it can take 150+ years just to be able to GET probe teams. By which time the peacy facts are lightyears ahead of 'em. So actually TRY playing my style before you speak, because under my terms the AI actually has a good time, it challanges me and the Hive and Believers oftentimes get squashed. Occasionally when I'm at the head of 'em too And about Green, I don't like it because its greatest bonus, a planet boost, is of little concern to me. Until the late, late stages of the game the most planet will ever do is destroy an occasional farm and throw three or four worms at you. Until the point where Planet is eating me alive, I prefer to cash in with Free Market or gather military oompf with Planned. Urban - True, true, but Pods are alot quicker to snag than, say, Probability Mechanics. And the demonstration was nothing more than a demonstration to show that inferior tech units under the command of a the warmonger factions can usually outmuscle their opponents. Ruud - See what a difference Blind Research can make to your little strategy? Just be careful around the new Religious Hippies (Deidre and Believers) if Deidre is feeding them tech you may be in trouble. |
posted 05-11-99 07:50 PM ET
(sigh)Men... To each their own, as in "I'll say what I want, you can say what you want." Freedom of speech, freedom to call punks like you see them... you know, expressive freedom. Telling people who disagree with you to shut up (oops, I mean "silence yourself") is a pretty good argumentative strategy, but I believe in my points enough that I'm not worried about them falling down if someone questions them. My main objection to your previous post was your bad attitude, which hasn't improved noticeably. I suppose wargames tend to attract macho hotheads, but needing to put other people down because they play the game at an easier level than you do is not really a sign of maturity. Maybe that's not your goal. Nor my arguments are not really disproved that much by your "straw dummy" elimination of one of my points. Believers are PUMPED on tech screw if they start out near anybody... either trade or just conquer with inherent bonuses. The whole point of Believers is that research is hard work, and they get other people to do it for them, one way or the other... Supprt allows huge lo-tech armies, and attack bonus makes them more potent. Gaians can terraform from day one, massively increasing their research and production abilities, and can also recruit mindworms as added muscle. Spartans morale bonus is worth something when both tech morale upgrades and decent combat tech are far away. And Yang goes through the roof with an immediate SE choice and free permeter defense (tough to beat w/no decent tech), not to mention all the good stuff he always has. The previous faction ordering system is changed a lot, but you just get different groups on the top. If that makes one of your favored factions better, bully for you. But tech screw doesn't make the game universally harder. --Ghost |
High Priest
posted 05-11-99 08:16 PM ET
Al: I think Ruud was trying to come around to the way you play, with blind techs. I'd take what he said and did as a compliment, so don't put him down.PS: Ruud, on Transcend I usually find that Yang is the best. The rest of 'em just can't compete on those settings. Test it out, you'll be ready to rock once you build the Command Nexus, and get X Impact Rovers or and infantry at elite status (w/monoliths and Fundimentalism) I see you're trying for a development based game, but unless you got balls, you won't survive Transcend. PS: Hive works great in development games, too. High Priest Trying to bring kindness into the world |
High Priest
posted 05-11-99 08:22 PM ET
Off the subject for a bit,Ghost, I assume you're female(why, I just can't explain it) And Al, why the hell do you have that fu*ker's name in your UserName?? Don't get me started, but I hope you don't like that piece of **** traitor. Anyway, this belongs in the NONSMAC area. And I really don't like that subject, anyway. Sorry I brought it up, but I do want to know what it means. And since we're in a gaming forum, I'll treat you like a fellow gamer. High Priest Trying to get his mind back on topic |
Al Gore Rythm
posted 05-11-99 09:13 PM ET
Ghost:I'm sorry but I don't know what exactly you're talking about. "While it may work on your vanilla settings" is not a put down or an insult in my book, and if you're so sensitive that you feel that way, well just relax already, darnnit I'm not out here to bully anybody. I'm only 5'4" for cryin' out loud, I don't think I COULD bully anybody if I wanted to. If you mean my previous post. That is also not an insult, and if you think it is, see above. I suppose somtimes I come across that way, but I guess it's because my "Sensitivity Meter" is at about zero. So let me reiterate on this one: May not work on your vanilla settings translated out of Al Gore Rythm-ish: "How about trying some different settings?" See what a difference Blind Research can make to your little strategy? Translated out of Al Gore Rythm-ish: "Makes a difference, huh?" Priest: It's a play on the word "Algorithm." I myself don't like Al Gore either, he's slow as molasses. As for politics, it makes no difference to me. |
posted 05-11-99 11:04 PM ET
Al -- Yeah, you pretty much hit on the key phrases. And if that's an apology, its accepted. If not, I've cooled off anyway so you don't need to bother with one.High Priest -- What makes you think I'm female? The way I began my last post with "Men..." and used the term "macho hothead"? I suppose there could be some gender clues in those terms. Is it a suprise? Girls like good computer games too, and SMAC is better than most. Anyway-- I've probably babbled enough about this on other posts, but I can't stress enough the need to tailor troops for a particular opponent. Yang and Zak are good targets for probes... the latter is obvious, the former's perimeter can be totally bypassed if he isn't ready on the defense with probes of his own. No single enemy city can be defended well against every form of attack, and so hit it with whatever they aren't ready for... artillery, psi, air power, planet buster, probe. Once you have specialized their defenses you can crush them with regular troops. A possible future for this way off-track thread: SE debates There have been a few exchanges about SE choices, specifically demo/planned and demo green. I have been using Believers a lot lately, and I find my main choices to be either Demo-Planned-Wealth or Demo-FME-Wealth in peacetime or Fundamentalist-Green-Power in War.... Demo-Green seems to be effic overkill when creches are available. Demo-Planned- Wealth-Golden Age-Creche provides pretty good energy production and full tilt pop production (and I like to get the pop boom as much as is possible... when not in war I try to expand as much as I can, usually having only pressure tanks, creches, super forests, and hospitals at all bases, and as often as possible thereafter pumping out all colony pods). It takes a little getting used to but you can still maintain a presence in the field with probes, and armouring your non-combat troops lets them stand up better to mindworms. Demo-FME-Wealth-GA-Creche hauls in the cash hand over fist, which is useful for stocking up those few turns before battle. And Fun-Green-Pow gives +3 morale, +3 probe (making your probe teams high morale indeed), +4 support, + 1 planet, +2 effic, for a modest industry cut and a growth cut (research is also a mess, but you should probably pump your energy into psych/energy on these settings). It is a great set of total war options, especially if you happen to get the best SP out there, Clone Vats. The energy storing bias of this system has strong synergy with its probe bonuses. --Ghost has to go finish a paper on the role of Islam as an interpretative schema in the postmodern era |
High Priest
posted 05-11-99 11:30 PM ET
i just want to apologize for my last post, i must have been out of my mind.high priest looking at flowers |
Ruud Kraak
posted 05-12-99 04:16 AM ET
Hi All,First off, I personally didn't take Al's remarks as insults. I asked for comments on my postulated strategy he gave me his. 8-) Secondly, I personally don't mind what people say on forums, its only a game after all. With that out of the way back to the game. 8-) I played another 5 hours yesterday with my PK game. When last we left it I was poised to start building Air Units and do some serious scouting using Isles of the Deep (IotD). Things that happenened. The bigger winner here was the scouting strategy especially using IofD. There were loads of pods scattered around the map and the number of Alien Artifacts found pumped by tech rating pass the other factions, including Deirdre! Plus the vast amounts of cash raised *and* the 5 or 6 more IotD captured or zapped for more cash. The +50% PSI defense seemed to make my IotD invunerable to planet IotD. With the tech surge, I started getting first dibs on new SPs and this allowed me to crank out The Cloning Vats, The Theory of Everything, Universal Translator (which was good because I was running out of cities to plug Alien Artifacts into) & a few other I can't remember. On the Luffwaffe front, with all the SP building and upgrading of units I haven't really made any conceded effort to smash the other factions. I sold a few cities off the Hive, which the chairman promptly Probed back. Another small decisive water war with Deirdre with my fleet of Demon Boil IotD took another 5 and forced Ms Skye to finally offer a truce. I think the game is heading for an Ascent to Transendence win. Deirdre has already tried to win twice now with the "unite behind me" option. So it's looking good. More Tonight. Incidently whats a good defense against missiles? (No cheap shots Al, like 'kill the factions whose bombing you'. 8-) I want to lay back and go for a Ascent win. |
Urban Ranger
posted 05-12-99 04:48 AM ET
Al, I happen to find Green to be a great SE setting. The +2 in efficiency is enormously helpful. Less waste = more energy. It also delays drone riots further so I may not have to build any rec commons (I generally can nab the Virtual World SP). The +2 Planet rating is also very helpful, so you can capture worms if nothing else. Isles happen to be the best transports around, capable of carrying troops and attacking sea units and bases. They also allow you to find alien artifacts in sea Unity pods. (I know you can use transports to explore sea colony pods but that's a tad dangerous). Worms are the best explorers: they just slide around in fungus and don't get attacked by natives. |
Al Gore Rythm
posted 05-12-99 08:23 AM ET
A good defense against missles? Hmm... how's about... kill the faction that's bombing you? Seriously, build Aerospace complexes at all the bombed cities and then make a cheap, heavily armored AAA Infantry. There's not a whole lot you can do until you get a signifigantly powerful armor. |
posted 05-12-99 10:16 AM ET
High PriestAl Gore Rhythm = algorithm I don't think the name is supposed to have anything to do with Al Gore, its just a (clever)word trick. I could be wrong. Al Gore and rhythm seem like mutually exclusive terms (the man seems like a stiff), which makes it even funnier. |
High Priest
posted 05-14-99 09:35 PM ET
Sandworm: thanx, but I got it when Al told me.High Priest much relieved |
posted 05-16-99 01:04 AM ET
WTF would anyone use blind research? If I want a particular tech, I'm going to research that tech, dammit! These are probably the same people who use the autogovernors. Let the computer play for you, come back in the morning.I'm way too much of a control freak to ever do that. I want to know what tech I'm researching, what the other guys have, and all that good stuff. |
Al Gore Rythm
posted 05-16-99 10:55 AM ET
Holy:To make the game more challanging, of course. I never use governors, but I think the AI is dumb enough as it is and I want to make the game as hard as I can on myself without just outright dying in the first two turns. |
posted 05-16-99 12:01 PM ET
I like playing with Blind Research. despite being obsessive enough that I don't use auto-formers, don't let aircraft auto-return, and actually micromanage every cty.There is a strategic challenge to work with what your labs hand you. I can see on the tech tree where I want to go, but the lab may not always hand me exactly what I want. It is the mark of a good strategist to be able to play the hand that you're dealt - not to try to stack the deck. After all, in real research you often get accidental discoveries. |
posted 05-19-99 10:11 AM ET
Blind research is more close to the real life. Sometimes you can be surprised when your labs are researching something from 'Conquer' but you got Intellectual Integrity. |
posted 05-19-99 01:01 PM ET
I'm curious... do you people who play with blind research notice a great deal more variation in your games? I'm just wondering if it actually alters in some way the techs you get, seeing as you know the tech tree anyway and will basically end up in a similar routine every time no matter if you play blind or not. I haven't tried it yet and I probably won't because I don't think it would change the game a great deal. Am I wrong? |
posted 05-19-99 01:23 PM ET
Blind Research definitely alters the way games are played. Sometimes, you get Particle Impacter early and go on a rampage. Sometimes, you just can't get Genejack factory and your mineral production sucks. Sometimes, you can't get cruisers, and you're puddling around with foils even at year 2345. Yes - blind research definitely changes the way games evolve. |
posted 05-21-99 11:42 PM ET
If you look at I think it's Alpha.txt they have a list of discover/build/explore/conquer priorities for certain techs. For example Human Brain is really high on Discover but something like Centauri Ecology is important for every kind of tech. One reason why you don't get cruisers is that Initiative isn't the prerequisite for any other tech until level 8, and those are both explore techs... I might try blind research but it's just so aggravating when you get something that's completely useless to your current strategy. I guess it makes you more flexible... |
posted 05-22-99 12:09 AM ET
Hi Ruud, When we were beginners, selecting the 'No blind research option' trained us to be stronger players in the sense knowing the game inside out. Once you are familiarized with it, turning the option on now makes for a tougher, realistic setting. Unfair advantage given to others is perfectly okay - continents don't begin equal."There was never a good town but had a mire at one end of it."