posted 05-07-99 08:48 AM ET
If you come across a rival early on, consider taking him/her out soon. If they stay they restrict the areas you can grow into, and if you capture rather than destroy the cities, well there's a major bonus at the very start.(Remember an advantage at the start continues to improve your position throughout the whole game.)
Before you hit them for six though, trade as many technologies as possible. When you're into this more you can make decisions as to what is a good trade for you, and what not. But in your early games remember that if you don't trade, someone else might, and then a rival gets that extra boost rather than you.
Depending on who you are playing you may wish to 'comb' the fungus infected areas in the hope of meeting the natives. Hit them and there is a chance you'll convert them to your faction, and even if you don't their remains are worth energy to you.
Look for special areas to populate, such as those near the monoliths. They all have various advantages.
Have fun, and as Smeagol said there is too much to tell here so browse the existing threads for more advice.