Topic: The Ruins...
AAvroArrow |
posted 05-04-99 02:49 PM ET
Play the map of the planet. Build a base on The Ruins; it's cool.
posted 05-04-99 05:11 PM ET
I did this a little while ago, in a game i haven't touched in a few days. The Gaians have a nice little city there. Does it get mysterious cool or just powerful cool, and is it differant than using the ruins any place?Goob |
posted 05-05-99 12:48 AM ET
No no no U build a city in the middle, in the very top of the hill which is the very center, surrounded by 8 monoliths with fungus all over it. Also nearby, there are abundant energy, mineral, and nutrient resources. Not to mention it is close to the sea. I'm not really sure what do all the fungus do though (I know they're somehow beneficial) -Arrow |
posted 05-05-99 01:10 AM ET
AAvroArrow,Don't do anything with the fungus if you're running a green economy. Run some patrols thru the fungus in circles (squares) around your base until you stir up and capture a mindworm. Then do the mindworm farming technique. Continue running your worm around the base. If he captures new worms, fine. If not, he has beeter than even chance of killing other worms giving you a nice secondary income. If he suffers combat damage it will be instantly repaired next turn by moving into or remaining in a monolith tile. If your monoliths start disappearing because of upgrading/repairing units plant forests and build the tree farm/hybrid forests improvements for the base. JAMiAM |
Wolf Dreamer
posted 05-05-99 02:02 AM ET
You said they can disappear? Do you mean from overuse or does it have something to do with ecological damage? I have placed several thermal bore mines and condenser/farm/soil enrichers around the monoliths. I use it mainly as a research base, and a mind worm capture/harvest facility, since by the time I can build mag tubes to connect it with the rest of my distant empire, I've already discovered air power and no longer really use ground units for anything other than capturing bases.
posted 05-05-99 03:43 AM ET
Wolf Dreamer,The monoliths will disappear when you've used them too many times for upgrades and repairs. I don't know if it is a preset amount constant for all or a random number for each, individually. When you've overused it you'll get a message to the effect "The arcane technology of the monolith has repaired our unit, then it vanished." With this in mind, unless you are far from a base or are in need of a quick repair you should send your troops to a base to make repairs instead of wasting your monoliths. Hope this helps. JAMiAM |
David Johnson
posted 05-05-99 05:31 PM ET
Monoliths are great at the beginning but they are a pain later on. I think I saw one disapear after a combat once, but I suppose it was just chance. I can't think of a good way to use them a lot conveniently. I'd need a ground or sea unit capable of being damaged by my own side. It would be easy if monoliths repaired air units - they damage themselves so easily. I wonder if you can barage yourself... |
posted 05-05-99 06:45 PM ET
I like to put a base right SMACk in the middle of the Ruins. It'll become one of your most powerful bases with the 8 monoloiths producing 2/2/2 and you'll likely build some SP's there. And there's the catch, the AI will see the monster base with SP's, sneak some troops through the fungus (you can't see them you know), upgrade morale at the monolith and attack, then repair then repeat. And unless you have some spare native life forms around, its tough to get extra troops in there quick. I've had long drawn out wars fighting over who controls the Ruins and the AI really seems to value it greatly. (Is this coded in the program?) |