Topic: lower sea levels
Johnny V |
posted 04-30-99 01:53 PM ET
If I have the UN lower the sea levels what happens to my sea colonies and my kelp and wave generators?
posted 04-30-99 02:21 PM ET
At least some of them will be gone(if the sea levels drop enough), you'll need to start terraforming the newly exposed land. I've noticed that when sea levels rise, your kelp tidal harnesses sink and must be raised back up to be of any use. |
Wolf Dreamer
posted 05-03-99 02:22 PM ET
The Sea Colonies become land colonies, but the rest of the stuff disappears. I choose that option, and the sea just keeps getting smaller and smaller. Try to make sure you don't have any sea transports or isle of the deep in your sea bases when they become land bases, otherwise they will just be stuck there with land all around them. |