Topic: "Stay in the tech race...." ????
Migz |
posted 04-28-99 09:29 PM ET
how do I go about doing that? is there a secret to gaining techs faster and easier? I mean I just build, and eventually techs come... hehehe if you can't tell... MAJOR newbie
trippin daily
posted 04-28-99 09:46 PM ET
No problem, no need to be ashamed about being a newbie. Well I generally play UoP, so staying in the tech race is not to much of a problem. If you are even with others in tech, either trade for techs that you don't have, or if you have a decent military, steal them with probe teams. You can also build facilities to enhance you labs output, use specialist, and what ever else you can think off. Having a "science city" is a good thing as well. Have the supercollider, the other noe that gives you +100% tech as well and the merchant exchange and all science base improvements. Feed that city with as many supply crawlers you can from solar collector/echelon mirror sites at hight elavations. If you are far behind, just start stealing tech likethere was no tomorrow, and just hope you don't get caught.Trippin Daily -hope this helps- |
posted 04-28-99 09:58 PM ET
a science city, eh? Well I'm playing as the spartans, and seem to be really behind in techs. There are certain techs I really want, such as Hunter/Seeker Algorithm.. How do I go about finding specific techs?
posted 04-28-99 10:40 PM ET
The use of a "science city" is a very good tactic. I didn't start using it until after I read about it in this board, but it's great.3 Secret Projects which, if taken together, will make for a GREAT city. Merchant Exchange to increase basic energy production. Supercollider - 100% lab bonus Theory of Everything - 100% lab bonus Drill Boreholes in out-of-the-way places and set up supply crawlers to bring back energy. Using this tactic, a single city can produce something on the order of 1/4 to 1/2 of the total lab output of an empire. I've had games where a single city generated over 1000 research points per turn. |
posted 04-29-99 01:37 PM ET
only just over 1000? As the UoP I created a scenario to see just how far I could push University base energy wise.University base alone produced in excess of 4000 energy creadits, almost 6000 labs, and roughly 1000 psych. It had 20 boreholes being supplied, the entire base radius was at its highest elevation. Supercollider, Theory of Everything, Longevity Vaccine, Space Elevator, any other sp's. 4 echelon mirrors on outskirts. Population was passing 40, Eco-damage was minimum (green economy). 50 hydroponics, 50 solar, 50 mining, 12 defence pods. Its base energy reserves were almost 800. A monument to pure psychosis. the pop limits could have easily pushed 99 If I had the time. |
posted 04-29-99 02:09 PM ET
Well, sure. In theory there are little to limite base production of lab output. After all, you can always pump more supply crawlers into the base. 1000 is an easy number to achieve without extensive terraforming and simply using a small continent to provide boreholes. |
posted 04-29-99 05:38 PM ET
In one game I had started to build a science city. It was on high ground, I had solar collectors and echelon mirrors everywhere, all of the improvements available that added to labs output, and the supercollider (someone beat me to the merchant exchange...). I was just starting on the Theory of Everything to really boost output when this city got hit with an asteroid! My discoveries went from every 6 turns to every 13 after that... |
trippin daily
posted 04-29-99 07:32 PM ET
I have yet to meet mister asteriod. I guess it is because I keep my special projects spread out. The only city which will have three sp's is my science city, the rest will have 1 or 2 if I can keep it that way. So keep your power base very broad, and mister asteriod doesn't come a knocking.Trippin Daily -hoping that mister asteriod isn't reading this- |
David Johnson
posted 05-02-99 04:08 AM ET
This seems the place to enquire of what happens when the research city's output exceeds the needs for the next tech level. Do the excess points simply get wasted? Or do you get several techs from the output of that one city? I only know you can get multiple tech advances in a single turn with multiple cities. I can see a strategy for high score where this would be an issue [albeit only about a 10% difference to the end score]. |
posted 05-03-99 11:48 AM ET
Umm... I've got a question that's been bugginb me for a while... if you send ALL the energy you get from all bases to a single city with Supercollider and Theory of Everything, does it cout as if every city had those SPs? I mean do those SPs affect also any energy coming outside the base? |
posted 05-03-99 07:20 PM ET
Yes, energy added to cities with supply crawlers function in the same way as energy harvested by its citizens. Here's another tidbit. If you build Merchant Exchange, all supply crawlers from that city will get the +1 energy benefit no matter where they are. Combining Merchant Exchange with Supercollider and Theory of Everything makes for a HUGE lab output. Every borehole you mine, no matter how far removed, can get 7 energy [+6 from Borehole and +1 for Merchant Exchange] and it can be turned into over +30 lab output even with only 40% lab.
posted 05-04-99 12:14 AM ET
Another thing you can try is a ring of echelion mirrors in the city, if you have the patience to build them. The best place to put them is the inner eight squares of your city to provide best coverage.If you very lucky, it might be possible to have a maximum energy production of 48 on a single square. +4 for solar collector at maximum altitude, +8 for surrounding echelon mirrors, +2 for solar resource, +1 for Market Exchange, +1 for Economy bonus, * 3 for random event where your energy is increased 3 times for every square in your city. |
Urban Ranger
posted 05-05-99 11:30 AM ET
If you build a science city by wacking around with the environment, Gaia might just send her minions to prune it.Another way to have lots of tech is just to build a large empire. I have been managing to get 2 Transcendental Thoughts in my Sim-AC games  |