Topic: Ahhh... A pure, untainted forum...and a newbie question.
Natguy |
posted 04-25-99 10:42 PM ET
Ok first item on the agenda: My God, the "Game" forum has degenerated into utter chaos! The few posts still talking about the game have been drowned in a sea of flaming and your basic chaos. (It got so bad FIRAXIS even temporarily destroyed a bunch of I heard) It's so nice to see a forum with nice people that talk about the game (with a few pleasent exceptions) Beware! learn from the fall of the Game forum! Don't let it happen here!Okay, Item number two: At what year do they force you to resign? I ask because I'm in a game as Hive, and in the words of the Civ2 Science advisor: "I stand aside the world like a collossus" I was going for a diplomatic vitory but it won't letme WHY?
trippin daily
posted 04-26-99 03:12 AM ET
The diplomatic victory requires a certian tech... Homo Superior if I remember right.Trippin Daily -Hating his medicine at the moment- |
posted 04-26-99 09:41 AM ET
You have to resign in 2500 if playing on of the first 3 difficulty levels, and in 2400 if one of the higher 3 levels. 100 turns is a long time. |
posted 04-26-99 03:17 PM ET
Actually, it's Mind/Machine Interface for the Dip Victory. How that makes sense, I don't know... |
posted 04-26-99 06:04 PM ET
I have Mind/Machine Interface, but it won't let me have the election. Oh, well, I'll just continue with my conquests. (I was panicking because I thought it was over MY 2400, but I'm on second level so I have enough time) |
posted 04-26-99 06:23 PM ET
Natguy,What do you mean when you say "it wont let you"? What kind of message are you getting? Just off the top of my head the two most likely candidates are sun-spot activity and timing issues. No council meetings may be held during sunspot activity, period. And, if the proposal for supreme leader has been made in the recent past (last 20 years) this proposal may not be voted on again until the period runs out. Gotta go, my pbem turn just came in. Will check back later. JAMiAM
posted 04-26-99 10:03 PM ET
I mean I have the tech but it's not in the little list of proposals for the council. But the conquest is going frightfully well. i long ago crushed the PK's and B's, a while ago forced Morganites and UoP to surrender, did a little tricky dealing with the Gaians (got two big central bases w/SP's for two conquered little UoP ones, which I promptly retook) since I've taken most Gaian SP's and all but one or two of their good cities, it looks to be a rather long but easy war, and I'm preparing an invasion force for the Spartan front, and am planning to head strraight for Sparta Command and let them try to make peace, I'll agree, ship in my hordes...and crush them. (Unless of course, the stupid option for Supreme Leader finally shows up!grrr...) |
R A Spottiswood
posted 04-26-99 10:57 PM ET
You guys seem to have a few things wrong here. First, according to the Datalinks, you have to resign at MY 2600 for the 3 lower levels, MY 2500 for the 3 higher -- it was originally shorter, but they changed it. Also, I can think of two more reasons why it won't let you go for Supreme Leader. You might have disabled the option when you were setting the rules at the start. Or, you might not be one of the two largest factions population-wise. I don't see how that would be possible if you are conquering everyone, but it's technically a possibility.RAS |
posted 04-27-99 07:00 PM ET
You mean I have ANOTHER 100 years? Woo Hoo! (I just took the entire Gaian heartland, and broke my Pact with UoP and Morganites (a Pact of Surrender) so they're gone. My invasion plan is going quite well. Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!Actually, I may have disabled the Diplomatic Victory option, but I don't think so. The manual says that it's Homo Superior, whereas the tech poster says Mind/Machine interface. One of them is lying. I'll find out which one it is. |
posted 04-27-99 07:01 PM ET
Oh I forgot to add that I am THE biggest faction. |
posted 04-28-99 11:03 AM ET
BTW, you should get a 20 years to "retirement" warning near the end of the game. |
posted 05-01-99 05:15 PM ET
Well, the war is won...I still don't know why I couldn't even propose diplomatic victory to the counsel. I had a terrible reputation. (broke every treaty I ever made) Does that have anything to do with it? I mean, I know the factions aren't likely to elect you if you've massacred over 600,000 innocent citizens of the cities you conquered (which I did) but I think they'd at least let you propose it, if only to laugh in your face and call you an inhumane monster. Hmm... Start a new game and try to keep a good reputation and see if it works then. (but it's just so tempting to take advantage of them!)  |
posted 05-01-99 11:49 PM ET
nat... I believe you also have to already be the planetary governer in addition to mind/machine....If I am restating a point someone else made, sorry |