posted 04-22-99 10:25 AM ET
Hi, long time reader/first time poster 
I've always played as the University, because ever since civ2 I've been a technology nut
I just started my first game as the Spartans, and I'm on a large continent with the Hive close to my west, and plenty of expansion room to the east and north.
The Hive has turned out in this game to be the powerhouse, and are already extorting me for money...but my military is growing fast
What concerns me, is that Miriam seems to have a massive continent all to herself, and I was just wondering what your strategies for beating her with conventional warfare are? Nervegas is awesome (haven't used a PB yet...), but unless I get the UN Charter repealed or get most other factions to surrender, I don't use all that fun stuff 
Hopefully I will get it'll make things alot easier 
Oh, and even though I'm playing as Santiago I seem to be king (queen?) of the hill when it comes to technology, even the Univ is eating my dust