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Author Topic:   War Stories
Natguy posted 04-17-99 01:17 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Natguy   Click Here to Email Natguy  
Howdy Ho all. I am a newcomer to SMAC, although I've had the demo for a while and have been reading the forums since early March or late February. I have found that my favorite posts are the ones about wars people have fought (I am a major warmonger; in Civ2 I always won by conquest, not by going to Alpha Centauri). I imagine there might be a few others like me so I have created this topic for people to tell there war stories...please...
Fjorxc the Maniac posted 04-17-99 03:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fjorxc the Maniac  Click Here to Email Fjorxc the Maniac     
Hmm... okay, I got one to tell. Mind you, it's unfinished.

So, I decide to start a new game as the 8th Canadian Faction, with the PKs as a template. I land in a pretty good spot, rivers, nutrients, resources, pretty good. I expand north in a semi-arid area (that base later gets hit by nutrient shortfalls, effectively killing it) and another one in a moist area to the north. Across an archipelago, there's a nice region of moistness and the Pholus Ridge.

I start to try to expand here, but I notice a blue line encroaching towards my territories. The Hive. I meet up with a Hive recon rover, sign a peace treaty, stuff like that. Meanwhile, I send a colony pod towards a really nice area with nutrients and a monolith.

The clincher, though; the turn before I was to have found my city, Yang founds Proletarian Knot aboot three squares away, taking away the resources I considered mine. Naturally, I got angry, so I took a couple recon rovers and smashed Proletarian Knot. Easy enough.

That was around the time the Hivers got plasmasteel.

By now, it's around 2160, and I've started to fend off a seemingly unending horde of Hive laser infantry and rovers, and later, impact infantry, rovers, and batteries. They all waste themselves against Proletarian Knot's perimeter defenses and hastily-built synthmetal garrisons, and later plasma sentinels. During the first lull, I take a newly-built impact rover or two and try and liberate People's Teeming from Yang's tyrannical oppression. They get easily smitten by the sentinels there.

From then on, it gets defensive for me, constantly fending off the aforementioned Hive military. One of their favorite tactics is to position artillery on a road 2 squares away from Proletarian Knot with an elevation advantage, so the basic result is that while it doesn't really do any damage, none of my units repair themselves. I resort to using the monolith nearby as a repair station.

I ended that game around 2220, with me still on the defensive. The problem with that war was that it started early on, and I was on a peninsula with the land to the east controlled by Yang, and thus I didn't have a sufficient science base. The whole time I was trying to get Miriam to join in the fight (People's Teeming was stuck between my land and hers), but she wouldn't. Figures.

Anyway, that's my story. Feel free to flame me. It's also the reason why I have a pathological hatred of the Hive.

Fjorxc the Maniac
Unwashed Village Idiot,
8th Canadian Faction of Humanity.

JT 3 posted 04-18-99 11:45 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3    
Surf around here. There are a few.

I'm working on a game right now, I'll let you know about any big wars.

TMEX posted 04-18-99 12:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for TMEX  Click Here to Email TMEX     
Wow Fjorxc.....the Unwashed are still around. It's been a while since I've talked to them...............
Fenryswulf posted 04-22-99 09:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Fenryswulf  Click Here to Email Fenryswulf     
I understand what you mean about the war lust. Just like in Civ II, I have this "thing" where I don't like sharing my continent with others. So the first thing I always do is crush everyone on my continent. Then I wait until I get some good weapons tech (chaos gun, fusion laser) and I set almost every city to building them and then I go cruising for someone to kill. It doesn't matter if I have a treaty of friendship or not. I find someone, I capture a city, and then, since they're now on my continent, I have to kill them too. And it pretty much continues like that until everyone's dead. I always consider winning by transcendence, but I can't resist the juicy target of that last enemy city. So that's just a little window into my psychopathic world. PS: Spartans rule! I've just begun playing University for a change, but they have many disadvantages compared to the Spartans. No extra morale, and no police. But the tech is nice. Shard weapons vs. plasma garrison are a beautiful sight.

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