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  Santiago and her Ways...

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Author Topic:   Santiago and her Ways...
Social Speaker posted 04-11-99 03:56 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Social Speaker  
I was wondering if any of you have suffered the problems I have with Santiago; it seems that no matter what, she refuses to ally with me. I am the superpower, with her in 2nd/3rd and she is obstinate whenever I speak Pact, yet never declares Vendetta. Does anyone have know how I can get her to ally??
Thue posted 04-11-99 05:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Thue  Click Here to Email Thue     
I heard that one of the parameters of the AI is that nr 1 has a tendency to be hostile towards nr 2 (and reverse). Thats what making her obstinate.
trippin daily posted 04-11-99 05:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for trippin daily    
santiago is set for Erratic behavior i think??? it may be aggressive, i can't remember. Here is how the "who wants to kick your arse" chart works

1 and 2 hate each other (most of the time)
all the others try to ally with 1 r 2, and do 1 r 2's dirty work most of the time

If you want to make santiago's behavior more predictable, go into the Spartans.txt file... Change this line:
Spartan Federation, The Survivalist, Spartans, M, 2, Santiago, F, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,

-to either this (for nice):

Spartan Federation, The Survivalist, Spartans, M, 2, Santiago, F, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,

-or to this (for mean):

Spartan Federation, The Survivalist, Spartans, M, 2, Santiago, F, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0,

So unless you make her nice in the Spartans.txt, she will more than likely not ally with you if she is in second place, r even close to second... also see who her allies are... If you are at war with them, the AI generally will try to avoid anything more than friendship, so it can stay out of the fight as long as possible.

Mcerion posted 04-12-99 12:43 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mcerion  Click Here to Email Mcerion     
Choose Power in the social engineering table. She'll love you for it.

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