posted 03-26-99 04:04 AM ET
Money is everything.Same as in Civ II
With a really strong economy the computer does not stand a chance. None, zero, zip, zilch.
Someone wants to make war, pay them to stop, then pay them to go to war with someone else.
Or just change all of your cities to building military units, buy them, and kick his ass.
Buy probe teams and set them out by the dozens.
Buy alies. Buy pacts. (more money)
Buy votes.
Buy planetary governor. (then make even more money)
Buy special projects outright.
Buy a victory.
Civ II was exactly the same way, you could go gung ho on economy, and just buy your way to conquest. Its sick I tell you! Just plain sick!
Unfortunately its not that easy under multiplayer, cause humans will notivce trends in buying patterns, then all gang up on you.
But the computer just makes it too easy, far too easy to manipulate the system.