posted 03-23-99 03:30 PM ET
Right, I'm in a slight predicament right now in my current game (v. 2.0) and just want some opinions on how it might be handled. How it is:I'm playing a custom faction whose major atributes are +1 RESEARCH, ++PROBE, and -INDUSTRY. I have a very large empire spanning two continents (connected via a narrow land bridge). I conquered Yang long ago and Diedre jsut recently, both have a few surviving cities but are pretty loyal to me. Miriam was eradicated by me very early on.
After any long years of war (mostly wth Diedre), I've shifted my empire to building infrastructure and terrain imporvements. However, I'm wary of the other factions. The UoP controls a few very small bases and their captiol, their second largest city is mine because I threatened them for it. I have treay with them because I broke our pact after they probed me. They aren't a major problem, but they are in the middle of my empire.
Lal is really large and growing at a steady pace, in a century he could outpace me in terms of growth if left unchecked. He is currently at war with Morgan and UoP after I framed him several times. His tech is about equal to mine though his army isn't as large. He also has the Hunter-Seeker, which was been problematic.
Finally, Morgan has a good sized empire just above my own with a fair number of veyr large cities. His tech is equal to mine and his borders are well defended.
What to do? If I declare war on Morgan I open myself up to attack from Lal and may have a hard time invading (his cities are closely packed), though my Mag tubes allow easy access to his border. If I invade Lal, I would have to switch to total military production and hope to defeat him with air superiority and missiles. Attacking UoP wouldn't help me very much, though it would get him out of my hair.
Diplomatically, Lal has all the power. My custom faction has zero votes on the council (wasn't supposed to), so I can't be elected it seems.