posted 10-07-98 05:43 AM ET The new pictures, with the new hexes, are quite pretty. The problem is that I have no idea what I am looking at in the map. I can tell the difference between sea and land, but that is about it.
Could you take one of the images and incluse some text tags so we aren't completely lost?
For example: there are dark green tiles that look like forests. Are they forests?
Many of the tiles w/in range of a base have what look like roads criss-crossing them. Is that what they are?
What are the three types of sea squares?
What are the flagpoles for?
Thomas A Stobie
posted 10-07-98 12:28 PM ET
I agree Ex Mudder, I think a full legend of all the symbols on the map would be extremely useful.
posted 10-07-98 05:12 PM ET
I third the motion on the floor. I would love to see some explanations of the different pop up menus and the meanings of the symbols displayed on them.
posted 10-10-98 05:14 AM ET
I third the motion.
The Resolution passes. Motion to reconsider is put on the floor.
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