Topic: Opinions wanted...
Mike Ely FIRAXIS |
posted 09-29-98 05:48 PM ET
For those who have read (or used to read but then stopped reading) the story, this week's "special" episode is as good a chance as any to get some feedback.
If you're willing, please email the webmaster (or post) the following mini-discussion-group questionnaire thingy, or, if you don't like questionnaires, just type a paragraph telling us what you think...
What was your favorite episode/incident(s)?
What was your least favorite episode/incident(s)?
What's coolest about the story as a whole?
Where does it need improvement/What needs improving?
Has the story connected you to the game world?
Any other opinions? (Do you like coming to get the episodes each week? Are they too short/too long? Etc, etc)
Your answers will help if we include the story in the game manual, since we'll do a rewrite for the manual.
posted 09-29-98 05:50 PM ET
Hmmm. Mike Ely's asking for opinions. Gee, no one on this forum has any of those, do they? :) |
Yo _Yo_Yo_Hey
posted 09-29-98 05:57 PM ET
My favorite episode was where the Spartans had Yang whipped(duh!)
My least favorite was where Deidre was in the Garden talkin to J Garland, sayin most of the plants survived
The whole story is cool
Yeah, a bit
I did these in order of Mikes questions, oh yeah post my name: R Junack please. |
posted 09-29-98 06:46 PM ET
I like the start. |
posted 09-29-98 07:26 PM ET
What might be REALLY cool would be to have the part which we mentioned in the CoFH implemented: an attempted assasination of Lady Deidre in the shuttle bay with an explosive. That could make a cool episode! |
Frank Moore
posted 09-29-98 09:32 PM ET
First of all thanks for the newest episode, it answered quite a few questions that I have been thinking about. Now to my questionaire.
The most recent episode was my favorite. I liked it because a firm date was finally set and because the way this was introduced was rather clever.
My least favorite was episode five in which Sratov & Garland were arguing about what course of action to take. I guess I didn't like it beacuse it seemed a foregone conclusion about what would be done. It wasn't really worth arguing about.
The coolest thing about the story is seeing unity crewmembers with names that are recognizable from the forums. This is a nice touch and more names should be used (hint:mine).
I don't think there is much improvement needed although it would be nice to see a new screenshot or maybe some more designer notes put on display at every episode posting. Sort of desert to go with the main story course.
The story has connected me to the game, so much so that I need the game now, if not sooner. But seriously, the characterization is maybe a little overemphasized, but I think that serves to really bring home each of the faction's strengths/weaknesses and ways of thinking.
I like the story episodes it gives me something to look forward to every Monday although once again some extras would be nice especially as the demo release approaches.
Thanks for asking for mine/our opinion(s). This is what I really like about this game and its designers. I am sure I will not be disappointed on Nov. 15th or when the final game is released. By the way, has there any been any description of what the demo will or will not include? it would be nice to have this explained at least a little bit.
Thanks again. A loyal Unity crewmember. |
posted 09-29-98 09:49 PM ET
Really? I haven't seen anyone from the forums in there, and if there were, than TAS should have been in the story, not because he was the biggest poster but also one of the best.
I suggest that you read "The Club of the Future" and "Club of the Future (II)" in General Comments. It discusses a fictional, different beginning to the SMAC story line, and it was just before the Unity launched that the story stopped getting updated. While the technology is too good and there are several other unuseabel parts, it has plenty of interesting plot twists that can be stolen for SMAC's earlier story line.
As for the story parts, I didn't like the scene in the greenhouse either. Santiago has also made some incredibly dumb comments too, like "Our situation is more unstable than I thought, but instability favors the strong." She just had made a dumb move in not guarding the weapons bay well, so now she is the hunted instead of the hunter. Doesn't she get that the crew is strong and the Spartans are weak? Also, why are the people sad in Episode 17 they have more time??? They were worried about not having enough time for the engineers to fix the drive, now they have more time and are sad.
While I can't come up with a specific part I dislike, I like the whole general thing. Sounds odd, I know, but it's true. |
posted 09-29-98 09:59 PM ET
TAS is on the list of dead crewmembers in episode 3. Looks like I'm the only one who e-mailed my opinion. |
posted 09-29-98 10:16 PM ET
The Story is not terribly well written - the descriptive passages are sometimes too long, usually uninformative, and the characters are often little more than two dimensional. A little more on their emotions (best revealed through dialogue) and a quick bit of humour as a description would do wonders. My favourite characters are Skye and Miriam, who are completely believable (my favourite episode was resurrection, and Skye in the Garden, as we see her drifting emotional close to the plants), and my least favourite are the Captain and Saratov, neither of whom are remotely beliveable (the captain has no personality, and Saratov just doesn't add up). Santiago falls somewhere in the middle, but her dialogue sucks. I don't hate any episode, but passages featuring these two are usually dull. The Indian guy is almost good, but still not quite there.
There is also no sense of NOW to the story,
instead you are left with the feeling that this will all mean something at some distant point in the future, which (while true!) makes it less than gripping. It also needs to be written directly from the point of view of the eight? main characters (focus on one per episode perhaps). As well, explainations of important relationships and even plot details are not given when they should be (why does Saratov dislike Skye? Does he hate the captain or not? What the hell was going on in Episode 19?)
Idea - kill the captain off as soon as possible. With him removed, the inertia should lift from the storyline and the real events can unfold. Do it quickly and quietly. He shouldn't have made past the first ten episodes.
(Oh, and don't say WHO killed him..) |
Yo _Yo_Yo_Hey
posted 09-29-98 10:18 PM ET
R Coble is there too, aka The DirectorGeneral. I forget whoelse is there, I dont feel like checking. |
posted 09-29-98 11:57 PM ET
Hi Mike,
I have been enjoying the story episodes...I download them and print them out and file them in a special binder.
I agree with the poster who said the story should be told from the point of view of the individual would be easier to keep track of what is going on. When reading a story, continuity and flow of ideas is Very important (for me, at least).
I would have liked a bit more background on the various crew members earlier in the story; however, I did enjoy the profiles.
The latest action appears to swirl around only a select few crew...what about the other factions? How will they come about? What are they doing now? Are they aware of what is going on at all? I hope you will include this in your story. |
posted 09-30-98 12:17 AM ET
Hmmm... How to answer that questionaire in a way that's useful to Firaxis?
Actually, I don't have any favourite episode or character. The only problem is that the story is developing a bit slowly, ie the post is coming too slowly.
I am used to finishing a 400 pages novel in a day and so far, the story plot is only 30+ pages long but it's being a couple of months.
Well, the story line does connect me to the game, the question is how much of the story line will be woven into the beginning plot for the game. For example, whether the ship will crash or it will stay in one piece in orbit around the planet. The story line has not setup much for that yet...
Anyway, keep up the good work! |
Gord McLeod
posted 09-30-98 03:07 AM ET
>What was your favorite episode/incident(s)?
Does Brenda's tongue-in-cheek post about Garland's death count? I didn't think so... oh well. In that case, I think my favorite incident has to have been where the saboteurs
were spotted in the camera image of the meteorite strike on the Unity. It opened up a whole realm of questions and sparked the imagination like no other event in the story
to date.
>What was your least favorite episode/incident(s)?
Naturally the delay story has been my least favorite, although oddly enough I do still like it. But I like anything that gives rise to the possibility that AC will be an even better game when it comes out. But seriously, I think my least favorite event has been
a compilation of a lot of the stuff with the Spartans. They aren't my faction of choice, and while they are interesting in their own right, they've been heavily dominating the storyline for a while, with only the odd return to Garland and the crew. I'd rather
see some of these events through the eyes of Lal and Skye and Garland himself, instead of Santiago as has been happening.
>What's coolest about the story as a whole?
The sense of mystery. Who were the early-risers, and were they somehow connected to the damage of the Unity? I called them saboteurs above, but even that remains in question...
>Where does it need improvement/What needs improving?
We definitely need more insight into some of the other faction leaders. We've had a little bit with each of the ones who are currently awake, but Santiago at least *seems* to have gotten the most exposure. I'd really like to get to know some of the others too.
>Has the story connected you to the game world?
The game *world*? No...they haven't gotten to it yet. ;) The game *situation*, definitely. I'm getting a good sense of who the Spartans are, for certain, and some insight into the motivations of those who will lead the other factions. Along with a better look at these
other leaders, it might help to see more of the splintering of followers into their groups.
>Any other opinions? (Do you like coming to get the episodes each week? Are they too short/too long? Etc, etc)
Well, as a guy with a love of reading, I'd like to see longer episodes. But given the choice of longer episodes or a better SMAC sooner, I'll take the game, so given that conflict of interest I'd say they're about the right mix of short episodes and longer ones. I don't mind coming to get the episodes each week, but if you happened to start planning a mailing list that delivered the story to my inbox instead, you wouldn't
find me complaining bitterly about it. ;)
posted 09-30-98 02:26 PM ET
My favorite episode:
clearly the last one! Of course I ain't that happy about the delay ( but prefers that from a half finished game ) but the way our guys introduced the delay was brilliant.
Coolest about the story:
the plot.. the ship heading for the planet and the at the start seemingly united crew starts dividing.
i would like some longer stories.. some of them are a bit short. I also think that the spatan fraction is getting to much attention.. we don't really hear anything from the other fractions/leaders.
Story connected to game?
I think the story leads you well on the way into the story and universe of AC and make you feel a part of it: the things i'm thinking on here is the unity crew signup ( and the names of someone from the forums showing up ) and the last episode that really geives you a felling of being a part of it.
ps. I read the stories as soon as they arrive, waiting impaciently for the next. |
Thomas A Stobie
posted 09-30-98 02:36 PM ET
Mike, I would add some group (faction) meetings where the Leaders' explained their views to their followers in detail, so that they would better understand the objectives of the leader. |
posted 09-30-98 02:57 PM ET
Hmmm... I wasn't going to comment on the story, but as someone who stopped reading it, I suppose I ought.
I stopped reading when it became clear the senior crew members were all psychotic -- except for STBD(*) Captain Garland. The purpose of the story was to introduce the faction leaders and make them so extreme in their positions that they'd be recognizably different from each other. I just don't like stories where the people don't act like real people might...
Also, the plot was pretty formula, with some gaping holes -- and not only the one in the side of the Unity. For instance... no shield against collisions? And for a craft traveling at a significant fraction of light speed at that? Even random subatomic particles would become killers! A rock in space that could actually be seen (by the cameras before collision) would probably have destroyed the entire ship upon impact, just from kinetic energy alone.
Anyway, that's just picking nits. As background for the faction leaders, it's fine.
>What was your favorite episode/incident(s)?
The one I was in!
>What was your least favorite episode/incident(s)?
When Santiago started her armed insurrection.
>What's coolest about the story as a whole?
The cryo-units... (^_^)
>Where does it need improvement/What needs improving?
It needs more details as to why the crew is insane, or how they got on the crew even given their problems. Just a for instance: could the senior crew have been shanghaied by these newcomers, who might have been united as part of a Abandon Earth movement back home, but the pressures of the actual voyage fractured the alliances made back on Earth? Like all the special-interest groups in politics uniting for awhile to support a candidate they like, then dissolving right after the election, even to the point of stabbing their favorite candidate in the back later?
>Has the story connected you to the game world?
Well, it's explained what the factions are and do, but then, so would a paragraph about each government type.
>Any other opinions? (Do you like coming to get the episodes each week? Are they too short/too long? Etc, etc)
Hmmmm.... I dunno.
(*) STBD - Soon To Be Dead. My ex and I use to point out the STBD character in movies and TV shows when it we knew the only reason this person existed was to die. |
Dead Head Ed
posted 09-30-98 08:33 PM ET
The story needs to have more depth. More emotions, conflicts, etc. Instead of focusing on one person at a time, have them together as a large group, and show their personalities through the use of dialogue.
3d is good. |
posted 10-01-98 10:18 AM ET
As long as there is time to kill... lay the groundwork for some seething vendettas to erupt on planetfall. Maybe a few sour love affairs or personal insults taken too personally. |
Thomas A Stobie
posted 10-02-98 12:41 PM ET
Another thing that would be useful, it pre-launch meetings with the faction leaders and their key followers describing what they hope to get out of the alpha centauri mission. This would help give a feel for how things went wrong and lead to factionalization.
Also, a UN declaration of the purpose of the mission. |
posted 10-02-98 02:05 PM ET
In no particular order...
I found the explanation for the delay to be a little "cheesy" and explained away too quickly. Something using dialog like:
Garland: "Saratov, haven't you run you test yet?"
Saratov: "Yes, why?"
G: "The ETA hasn't changed. I thought you said the test was a success and had slowed the ship some?"
S: "Yes, it should have. Just a sec." Saratov fiddles... "There, now it is correct. I don't know how I could have overlooked that recalibration."
To echo what some others have said:
- too much emphasis on Santiago/Spartans. Whatever happened to Yang? Is Deirdre doing anything other than staring out windows? Is Lal taking a nap in the command module?
- More dialog, less description. I think some more heated debates between the faction leaders would help convey their ideas better.
- Twice a week story updates would be nice. :) Each story can keep about the same length.
- don't really have any particular favorite episode.
- put some emphasis on the minions. why are they following their leaders, who are they, etc? Is Saratov only followed by the engineers, and do all the engineers follow Saratov?
- the story does a lot to explain the initial situation. Connecting me to the game world, I dunno. Setting up the starting positions, yes.
If you could find an artist who could make the story into a comic book, that could be potentially very cool. But you'd need more dialog for that. Looking forward to the game and whatever version of the story makes it into the box. |
Philippe Mipz Lepage
posted 10-02-98 02:41 PM ET
In general the story is correct. It is not superb neither it is awful, just correct. I like to read it and I always aprehend the release of a new episode. I think the episodes should be 2 pages. 1 page is not enough.
Quit focusing on Santiago, it gets boring and annoying. Unless you are expecting the game to begin with all the factions at war with the Spartans, I think you should settle a peace between them and the other members. Santiago is not stupid, I think she just need to know the situation better. You should make her get a meeting with Saratov and Garland and make her realize the problem. After that, she could help in some way to repair the ship (just by helping the engineers in their work with her high sense of teamwork and efficiency...that could be good). That way, the game would begin with all factions at peace with each other.
Get Morgan out of cryo as soon as possible. We want to know him!
Other suggestion, the ship should get in orbit of Chiron as soon as possible. I dont expect the factions to get on the planet the first day they are there! They will have to scan the surface for informations and decide where to land. That could be long (especially when Santiago argue that they have better chance of surviving if they split...and Lal Pravin insist on keeping the group united...). You cant just make them arrive and land in the same episode! You have to spend a couple of episodes on that.
And about the site in general :
- I would like to see a description of the MindWorms with a screenshot. (just like a member of a faction) That could be really nice. We begin to know each factions, but we know pratically nothing of Chiron and the alien life. Ok, it doesnt fit in the story context, but that would be cool anyway.
- Other wallpapers would be appreciated too.
Dont get what I said like "YOU SHOULD DO THAT". This is just suggestions and personnal thoughts. |
posted 10-02-98 04:58 PM ET
I like what phillipe said about orbiting for awhile. They could even find out about mindworms while orbiting. That could lead to interesting "discussions" between Dierdre and Santiago. |
posted 10-04-98 11:03 PM ET
I like Grub's input...this could lead to a lot of different angles that would be Very Interesting!
As an aside, I sure hope some of this background story makes it into the gamebook enclosed in the gamebox (along with lots and Lots of good info about units, equipment, buildings, etc., etc., etc.!) :) |
posted 10-05-98 04:41 PM ET
As an English major three courses away from a BA, here are my thoughts:
The story is a bit fragmented. I find it difficult to jump into the story time and again. I often have to ask myself who is talking and what are they doing. Time, place and identity are often unstated causing confusion and disinterest.
A few suggestions:
1) Keep the story continuos from one episode to another. If we end one episode in the command room start the next one there. Don't assume I remember what was happening 2 weeks ago.
2) Instead of presenting one linear story, break it up into a number of different narratives. There are 7 factions, why not carry over the metaphor and faction the story as well? For instance, each leader can have their own story-line. Even if all Deirdre did this time is kick back in the garden, it would be fun to use this time to explore future-techs and build a more complete psychological profile.
I'll try some analysis of the story as it stands right now.
The story begins in a dark, mysterious and unexplored situation. There is a lot of "what is going on" being whispered in the shadows. As the POV reaches a more alert state the reader is kept somewhat in the dark. We are still asking, "what is going on." Although this is an excellent way to start the story, there should have been a general understanding constructed by this point. The reader's sense of the story's surroundings followed in metaphor the awakening from cyrosleep in deep space. The reader, by now, should have a basic understanding of or familiarity with a narrator or timeline. The log entries are an excelent example of this working, but they do not play a big enough (or early enough) role.
The preservation of the mysterious feeling might demonstrate the difficulty in writing a fictional future-history. The challenge of claiming scientific speculation as established truth is made even more difficult by the proposed social-political situation. It is one thing to say that the idea of society has changed but it is yet a different challenge to make that change work in a story that we can follow clearly. Mastery of this technique gets your novel published. Failure results in confusion and reader tension. There is no middle ground, only moments of both extremes.
The darkness of the story becomes overwhelming. The ship is dark, communications are brief and undetailed, characters are unexplored and reserved, motives are left unexplained even when the actions that caused them happened (reader) months ago. There is not one character or moment that stands out as a brightly lit fact. Garland represents the best candidate for this illumination but we see and hear from him too rarely.
The semi-omniscient POV tells the story in a slide show of unconnected images. There is a lack of a consistent narration, whether reliable or not. Just who is telling this story? If it is not a character then why is the narration so limited. Although there is much to be about the connections between this style of narration and the situation of deep space travel, there must be some understood basis on which these connections can work.
I enjoy reading the stories every week, I just wish that they were a bit easier to re-understand. I would like to see longer stories that follow the narration of a single event to its end. Each new episode should present a new problem and approach its resolution (like a sit com, to use a sorry example). For example, the fusion test should have been finished a week or two, the negotiations could also have been a one week thing.
In conclusion I would like to say that I in no way intend to offend with these statements. Any form of writing when opened to critical discussion will often be forced to survive a barrage of conflicting ideas. I respect your willingness to hear our comments and hope that you do not shy away from asserting your creativity through the story writing process.
Philippe Mipz Lepage
posted 10-05-98 05:30 PM ET
I didnt say what was my favorite episode. I couldnt because there was not an episode that I liked more than the others (neither there is one I dislike more than an other).
So, here it is...
Favorite Episode : number 20.
Way to go!
posted 10-05-98 08:11 PM ET
First of all I want to say thanks to ZanThrax for pointing out TAS on the dead crew members list, I had forgotten that. Also outlyr has some excellent comments about the POV of the story, it seems fragmented to me as well. If it concentrated more on selected 1st person passages, or streams of conversations and thoughts where it's the characters doing the talking (or thinking out loud, to the reader) it would brighten things up.
As for the most recent episode, I have some serious qualms about parts. First of all, why'd Santiago only leave one guard? Because if she left more, the plot wouldn't work. That's understandable, there will always be a few bizarre occurrences to make the plot work in any book, but... didn't Santiago already mess up by not guarding the weapons bay adequately? And isn't Santiago a survivalist, who wouldn't make dumb rookie mistakes like that (considering she knew about Yang's "powers")? I can see it happening once, but she'd be on double guard afterwards and be careful not to mess up. The one plausible explanation I see for this is that Santiago is lying, the Spartans really only have about 10 people woken up so far not the 50 or 100 they claim. But if I was in that kind of disadvantage, I'd keep my whole force moving, i.e. have all 10 people move everywhere together, taking Yang and weapons with them, while destroying all the weapons they can't carry in the weapons bay (scorched earth- if I can't have it you can't either).
About the psionic abilities Yang seems to have. I thought we had to research this sorta stuff, it seems that Yang has already mastered the art. In fact, I think that Yang's abilities are already too powerful. If there's more powerful things to research afterward, then you're approaching giving psionics god-like abilities (short of psi-jammers or some other defense mechanism). Speaking of that, if I was the guard, and I saw Yang walking off, I don't think Santiago would mind if I shot his legs up some. That would pretty well stop his escape in his tracks and also keep him alive, but again, that would change the plot a bit much. |
posted 10-06-98 05:21 AM ET
What was your favorite episode/incident(s)?
The first episode was the best, no-one knew what was going on and the best incident was Santiago killing that engineer, showed her softer side. :)
What was your least favorite episode/incident(s)?
20 part 2, dead Spartans? how unrealistic. I don't like the crazy hypnotic mind powers and Santiago would have to be crazy to leave just 1 guard, oh yeah I forgot she is.
20 part 1 was good though.
What's coolest about the story as a whole?
Having a story at all is cool enough. I'm assuming someone at FIRAXIS just writes it in their spare time (you Mike?) and it's good fun for them to write and us to read. Thanks!
Where does it need improvement/What needs improving?
I think the story seems to have lost a bit of direction. The first few episodes had a bit of suspense and tension which I haven't felt with the recent episodes. Until 20 which I do like even though a Spartan reaps it.
(Can you make it be Michael Hefferan in the Cryocell? Or Mike Hefferan? Even if it's an alias? Come on, Santiago likes having me around, I make her laugh and I'm a great fighter. I got them onto the Unity* they are bound to have taken me and I would be hidden away.... what do you mean it's going to be Morgan? Bugger. Wouldn't it be ironic if Morgan used my name as an alias. *see Club of the future)
Has the story connected you to the game world?
Yes, but not as much as writing my own stuff in the Chronicles. In fact the story probably inspired me to do that so thanks.
Any other opinions? (Do you like coming to get the episodes each week? Are they too short/too long? Etc, etc)
I think the 2 part episodes are a good length. I feel a bit dissapointed with the short episodes, it's a bit of a let down when you have been waiting all week. I do like getting them each week, even if I don't normally see them 'till Tuesday because of the time differences.
BTW I don't like Thomas' ideas about press releases and talks to their faction about their ideals. It is better to let their actions do the talking as you have been. We've picked up a lot about the carachters already:
Captain KENNETH Garland is a complete wimp who is going to die (STBD did Brenda call it? We used to play the same game at Uni but it was more of a race to see who could spot them 1st.)
Santiago is cool, intelligent, sophisticated, ruthless, mad as a hatter, foxy and thinks her troops are so good that she can leave them on their own to get picked off 1 by 1.
Yang is a calm, collected, psychic, psychotic, ninja who killed his Spartan guard even though he could just have left her alive and escaped. He thinks he is good but really he's going to get killed by Santiago next episode. (OK he's not but I can dream)
Thanks MikeE. (BTW Good name! You can always tell someone is going to be cool if they are called Mike. :) ) I hope my gibber helped in some way. I'll shut up now.
MikeH |
posted 10-06-98 08:47 AM ET
Just wanted to add my kudos for episode 20. Although I can't tell if Dana is male or female. She's refered to both ways!
> "Really?" Dana looked up, her interest
> piqued. "How are her vitals?"
>"Hand me your stylus," cut in Dana.
> Cassiano extended it to him reflexively
> and Dana took it. "Now be quiet for one
> moment."
You've got "her interest" and "to him".
Other than that little goof this is possibly the best installment. Yeah, the bit with Yang is stretching things a little, but the pacing, dialog and length of everything else is good so I can live with it.
So, do I get a mention as a live character for spotting the mistake? :)
posted 10-06-98 09:13 AM ET
Everyody has got one so here is mine:
Favorite episode: # 19 & 20, I liked how the team at Firaxis worked the release date annoucement into the story
Least Favorite Episode: # 9 I found this one very confusing.
Coolest about the story: The technology that is being descibed- shedder pistols, cyrocells
Improvements: I find that before I read a new episode, I have to go back and read last weeks story. the story is not unfolding quick enough for me. I lose track of what has happened previously. I agree with osmanthus that it develops too slowly.
I (like others here) would like to see more members of this forum used in the story. I think this would connect us more to the story and really make us feel like Unity "crew members"
Does story connect me to the game: Not at first it didn't, but I would have to say that is changed lately. I like to think that all of our imput has helped Firaxis with development of SMAC.
Other comments: From where I sit Firaxis is doing a great job. I have never seen a software developer ask people for as much feedback as they have. I would also think that the closer the release date comes, the more new info we will see (ie. screenshots, tech tree info etc.). |
posted 10-06-98 02:59 PM ET
My most favorite episode is/are the one(s) yet to come out. The fisrt few were the best. Did more thought go into those? It shows!
My guess is that these are written on the weekends and thus posted on Monday. |
posted 10-06-98 03:50 PM ET
To clarify my rant about psionics, the illusion making by Yang I can understand. It's the guard committing suicide that I think is too powerful. If Yang can achieve that level of control over a person, than there's nothing he can't do with a person's mind. Suicide is the absolute thing hardest thing to force a person to do, even someone of weak will. I can understand creating illusions to make two guards think the other is the enemy and them shoot each other, or someone to believe that the wall is crashing on them and they die of fright, but turning a gun on yourself? There's no trickery in that, and makes humans far too easy to play with psionically. That is simply too powerful, Yang is almost godlike with powers like that. I'm sure this can be rewritten for Yang to be less powerful and more sly, so that he tricks her into killing herself***. Besides, the suicide was quite pointless anyway, if Yang could do that, he could convince her to join his side and help him escape, or at least force her to tell him everything she knew about the Spartans. And while we're rewriting this, it's sorta unfair to the reader to be told that Yang's shackles fell away. Better to write "And Anakkala watched in horror and shock as Yang lifted his hands and his shackles clattered to the ground." This subtly makes it Anakkala who is being deceived, not the omniscient narrator lying to us. Another thing is that there is no mention of leg shackles, and indeed Yang stoops to the ground later. Yang is surely quite deadly with his feet, Santiago would not be silly enough to let him have his feet free. Would she? It would make it more difficult to run away, too. It wouldn't hurt the current plot at all, after all I'm sure Yang can operate the card with his teeth after he writhes over to Anakkala's body.
Enough with Santiago's silliness, how bout Yang's sending the message from Anakkala's messager implying she executed Yang? While shooting the face might hide the identity of the dead body temporarily, why is "Yang" in Anakkala's uniform? And if Yang stole it and put his own clothes on her, how come they aren't spattered with blood? Okay, maybe he spread some from elsewhere. Now he has blood-soaked hands to explain if he walks around. Plus, a quick autopsy would reveal it was Anakkala's blood smeared on her, and even inspection would reveal, um, Yang missing a certain body part. What does Yang hope to gain from this weak deception? It surely won't work for more than 1 minute after they find the body. And it only alerts the Spartans to check out Yang's prison, making the discovery of his escape only come quicker.
Also, if you need a pro-science Believer turned Gaian with UoP leanings, you know where to put P. Ingraham in the story. I'd be happy to take anything though, and if you modeled a character after my persona in the Club of the Future that would be good also... though we had a higher level of technology there than what we were "supposed" to have before we left Earth. Still, I realize there's a line, so make sure you include MikeH before me...
*** A way of doing that: Yang makes himself appear as Santiago in shackles all of the sudden. "Santiago" chews out Anakkala for being fooled by Yang's deceptions, and orders her to release her so she can hunt the dog down. As she releases her, "Santiago" turns into Yang who knocks Anakkala senseless and takes her keycard, pistol, and other assorted things. |
posted 10-06-98 05:00 PM ET
My favorite episode was the one where Santiago plots her strategy and talks about how the others are so predictable. I liked the episode because it revealed so much about the Spartans way of thinking. I think future episode should reveal more about the other factions' ideologies and way of thinking. This would better help us understand the different factions for when we play them. otherwise, I think the episode need to have a little bit more actions, not too much but enough to make the episode interesting. There should be more plot twisters and action left hanging, to keep the suspense from week to week. |
The DirectorGeneral
posted 10-08-98 11:12 AM ET
I'd have to say that Yang's little mindgames were a bit much... well more than a little actually. Personaly, he has been described as dangerous enough that he could have just killed the guard using his physical prowess. |
posted 10-10-98 06:11 PM ET
I wanted to thank everyone who both emailed and posted a lot of excellent opinions about the story, positive and negative. Not a on ewas left unread, and if the story makes it into the manhual there should be some very positive changed.
Thanks again for taking time to help us make a better product!
Mike |
posted 10-10-98 07:49 PM ET
Will we on the internet see the revised version when it is done?
Will the forthcoming episodes be changed? |
posted 10-10-98 07:49 PM ET
Will we on the internet see the revised version when it is done?
Will the forthcoming episodes be changed? |
posted 10-11-98 02:21 PM ET
I would like to thank your highness for mingling with the peasants and receiving their opinions. May your nation stand strong against the tests of time and may your name echo throughout the halls of fame after your extra-earthly transcendence. |
posted 10-13-98 11:35 AM ET
I've really enjoyed the last two episodes. The fact that you've listened to us is coming across loud and clear. We're seeing the other faction leaders, the episodes are longer, and there is more dialog.
So, what has Santiago been doing for the last two weeks..?
Good work. Keep it up. :) |
Tapiolan poika
posted 10-14-98 03:39 AM ET
I agree with CClarke, in the latest instalment, you really showed us where Miriam and Saratov differ in opinion... And you moved the plot forward, as well! Well done!
posted 10-14-98 04:32 AM ET
It would seem that our comments have helped, the most recent episode is one of the best yet. |
Tapiolan poika
posted 10-14-98 05:24 AM ET
Yup. We're darn good.
(Well, I didn't post any opinions, but US, the posting collective here...) |
posted 10-14-98 08:59 AM ET
Tap. That's CClark with no 'e'. My ancestors were Scottish and they were too cheap to waste the ink with that silent 'e'. Clarke (with an 'e') is the English spelling.
Don't worry, I'm not offended. Just putting up some humour for MikeH. (I know, wrong thread, should be over in the "what's what, what?" thread.) |
Tapiolan poika
posted 10-19-98 05:15 AM ET
CClark: Sorry, I should have gone with the general trend of shortening people's handles. ;)
(I know, it sure seems a bit like overdoing it, to lengthen someone's name...) :)
By the way, I know a Canadian woman of Scottish descent who lives here in Stockholm. Are there many of you over there? |
posted 10-19-98 10:42 AM ET
Tap, (Hope you don't mind having your handle shortened!)
Are there many Canadians of Scottish descent? Oh yeah. Remember that Canada was a British (and French) colony. I'm not of completely Scottish background. I've got an equal amount of Irish and even some British (distantly related to Capt. Bligh).
A Canadian phone book probably looks a lot like a British phone book, except that we may have more oriental people. (May have more "ethnic" people in general, not sure how Britain is doing in the immigration department. Judging by the TV shows they export (BBC Mysteries like Prime Suspect) they have a ways to go before they catch up to us. :)
One, rather famous, ex-Scot turned Canadian was Sir Sandford Fleming. Responsible for the invention of Standard time and time zones. His name is on a ton of stuff in Canada. There's a college named after him in Peterbough as well as a bunch of cities with streets named after him. He was at least partly responisble for our national railway system. |