Apocalypse |
posted 07-25-98 05:13 AM ET
Anyone notice the you can reach the Alpha Centauri site by going to
posted 07-25-98 09:53 AM ET
What browser are you using? |
Yo _Yo_Yo_Hey
posted 07-25-98 10:03 AM ET
My God, you're right Apoc.END. |
posted 07-25-98 12:37 PM ET
Why does my browser matter. I've used IE 4.01, Netscape 4.05, and Lynx 2.8 and works for all of them. |
posted 07-25-98 06:21 PM ET
I can't say that I am surprised that both *and* works. I am even glad. And I can tell you why they did it, two reasons:
1)Not everyone can spell alpha centauri off the top of their head, so it could make it difficult for John or Jane Public to get here easily.
2)If someone doesn't like the game, the company, or is just a smart-ass, they cna make a parady site, preying on those who spell it wrong. I have seen this before, like and
Just my input. Some of you may have known this, but I doubt all, so for those who didn't, there you go. :) |
posted 07-25-98 06:23 PM ET
Ugg, my last message sounded a little harsh. Sorry if I ticked anyone off. Also, I appologize for some of my spelling. |
Yo _Yo_Yo_Hey
posted 07-25-98 10:38 PM ET
Reminds me of the time last year when I was doing a report on the white house, & I didnt know it was so I typed in with my dad there. Anyone familiar with will know what an akword(sp? when IM not in school I forget how to spell evrothong.) situation I would have had wit my dad there.END. |
posted 07-25-98 11:05 PM ET
To Yo:
Oh man, I laughed me a** off when I heard that! I know the exact feeling you are speaking of. Now I wish I could remember some of the others I had found or read about. A few were absolutely hilarious. |
posted 07-27-98 08:12 AM ET
I guess I know what you mean. It can be a bit dodgy when sites set up with very similar names. oh well |
Phil R
posted 08-05-98 01:26 AM ET
YoYo: it coulda been worse, mate, at least you didn't go to |