Topic: Search routine?
Esobus |
posted 07-09-98 09:09 AM ET
I would most humbly like to suggest an addition of an search function to this site.
Especially to the discussion groups.
There are a multitude of interesting topics and being able to find what you want to join in on might be helpful.
Ok, I admit to not being a regular reader here. Time is scant in real life, saving it all for later this year... ;)
Please note that this is not intended as critics to a wondrous site..
Yours, Eso.
posted 07-11-98 01:53 PM ET
Like I said on some other thread being able to check what you have posted (maybe strobie couldn't use it) would be really nice, especially for people like esobus that don't came here that often.
On the MM6 board you are able to do this but that is a diffrent sort of game and their way woundn't fit SMAC. |
posted 07-13-98 07:08 PM ET
I can say it would be very nice if we could do a search. Specifically, I would want to be able to search on postings from the Firaxis employees. I mostly just want the facts about the game. |
Greg Woodstock
posted 07-13-98 11:17 PM ET
You're right, it would be very useful. Unfortunately, Firaxis are using third party webborad software, so I don't really think they could just add that sort of functionality.
Peacekeeper Greg Woodstock,
Director of Pharmacology. |
Greg Woodstock
posted 07-13-98 11:19 PM ET
Heh, sorry, that should be "webboard". |
Gord McLeod
posted 07-13-98 11:27 PM ET
I'm kind of glad they're using 3rd party webboard software. It sure beats taking their programmer's attention away from SMAC for a while to write a custom interface. ;)