posted 09-19-99 11:42 AM ET I got version 4 last night and what does it do for my game?
posted 09-19-99 12:13 PM ET
Nothing really noticable. The biggest thing in my opinion was adding the Manifold Nexus.
posted 09-19-99 12:42 PM ET
What's the Mainfold Nexus?
posted 09-19-99 10:46 PM ET
It's a place, that if you capture, you gain +1 planet.
posted 09-19-99 10:48 PM ET
And where is it on the map?
posted 09-20-99 06:07 AM ET
It looks like a plate of ribs.
Don't bother looking for it on planet (same goes for the boring cluster I think) as they haven't updated that map.
Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
posted 09-20-99 09:06 AM ET
It's itemized in the readme.txt. Enjoy!
firaxis games
posted 09-20-99 09:15 AM ET
Y, judging by your nickname you are quite a lazy person, aren't you? If you look inside your smacp4e.exe with an unzip utility you can notice a README.TXT file. You should find the same file into a SMAC directory after the install of v.4.
Guess what? If you read it you can find any official enhancement and some bugs removed list (but at least the statement "The AI no longer can use missiles beyond their designated range" is not true ) Bye
posted 09-20-99 12:51 PM ET
I addcientaly pushed y then enter. It's impossible to undo. Besides, the AI HASNT used missiles yet.
posted 09-20-99 02:23 PM ET
To bad for you! It actually gets quite interesting when you get 10 to 15 missiles hits in you're HQ where you are building up you're attack force. You learn new ways to defend yourself quickly.
posted 09-20-99 07:23 PM ET
The F4 is not fixed. (You can fiddle with the AI's governor settings)
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