posted 09-18-99 07:14 PM ET
Ravenloff,Almost like a chat room today. 
Actually, boot isn't done exclusively at Ft. Knox. Lots of other places like Leonard Wood, Dix, etc... so this would be no loss at all. AIT isn't all that good anyway (IMHO). Most of it could be done as OJT at the units anyway. As a result, AIT only serves to give a soldier some basic ideas on how the tank works.
For example, this is how it usually works. At AIT you learn how to drive, load and shoot. You also spend a fair amount of time learning the -10 level of maintenance. Things like checking tranny oil and the like. Throw in a brief field exercise and voila, you have a new tanker. And hopefully not one with a case of the clap from being in Louisville. 
Now the new guy gets assigned to an armor battalion. New guy gets a position as driver or loader. He now specializes on that task and cross trains as necessary on the others. New guy also gets to do all of the #$%@ work like most of the cleanup after a training exercise. However, no self respecting platoon leader, platoon sergeant or vehicle commander will totally trust the new guy to do the maintenance. Rather, an experienced crewman will be delegated to show the new guy the ropes. That's why on the job training is at the root of all this.
BTW, maintenance and basic military skills take up 90% of a soldier's day. Very little is spent on a gunnery range or in field exercises and that is why boredom is a big part of military life. 
Getting back to the games.
I don't know if you were around for the civ III list. However, I contributed the following ideas. You can see that there's a lot of similarity.
1) Militias are the base unit and can only be used in the city radius. This is the same as you.
2) Any unit above a militia requires a barrack, airbase or port facility to be produced. Same as you for the most part.
3) Happiness is affected by levying troops. This forces units to be built in the population centers. I actually don't think requiring population is all that necessary as it is hard to quantify.
4) Production is done for the entire civ, just like the public works in CTP. As a result, armies could be raised en masse. Also, this would greatly speed up the game as production could be done from one screen.
5) I included specific improvements to the combat system based on a "Combined Arms" or realistic model.
These are just a few, but should show that I am very much in agreement with you.
uncleroggy out