Topic: Lord British v. Jeff Morris: The Hardcore Fan
yin26 |
posted 09-17-99 06:43 PM ET
Computer Games Online askes: "After showing Ascension at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in 1998, you took a beating both from certain fans like the Ultima Dragons [a 9000 member strong "social club"] and segments of the press. How much did this affect you personally as well as the project?" Richard Garriott (Lord British): "Isn't it good that at least people care? I have to keep telling myself that when things like this occur. So the answer to your question is a lot�there's no question that I pay close attention to what people have to say, especially their critiques. It's funny, but all the fan mail I usually get is one paragraph of, "Hey, I really love your games," and the rest is pages of what I did wrong with that particular Ultima. You know they're taking the time to write because they really enjoy the games, and they just can't talk about them without saying, "Oh, I just didn't like this one thing." It's just odd they tell you more things they don't like than the things they do like. A lot of times when people become critical, they see a feature that creates a negative generalization. So you have to look for what sparked that negative thought. For example, we originally weren't going to put making bread into [Ascension] because it's not really relevant to the game. But the reaction was so strong we put it back in. But we listen to the Dragons because they are the core audience, and for all of their extremism, they really are also our best allies and most enthusiastic fans. So we're actually releasing two versions of Ascension, one is the normal edition and the other is literally called "The Dragon Edition." The normal edition includes all of the normal stuff: cloth maps, multiple manuals, the whole shtick. The Dragon Edition includes even more, including the eight tarot cards [used by the gypsy fortuneteller in the beginning of the game], the previous eight Ultima games on a CD and the full orchestral score." Jeff Morris: "Oh, screw those hardcore bastards...bunch of whiners."
posted 09-17-99 07:19 PM ET
Hey, I just thought of a great idea!Civ3 should also be released in a "Harcore" edition. Jeff, of course, would oversee its production. But just a few features for our extra money would include: 1) The CD isn't actually isn't included in the box! Imagine that extra tension that will build in you as you have to send in your special Hardcore request for the CD! (You pay the extra shipping and handling, of course.) 2) But don't worry, while you wait you can peruse the wonderfully written manual. But wait! Imagine your joy when you realize that half of the manual is WRONG! Oh, you'll never stop having fun guessing which half...only a Hardcore gamer could appreciate Jeff's extra effort on that one. 3) In addition to having none of the maps or historic supplementary material found in the regular version, the Harcore version simply includes an unsharpened pencil and a note from Jeff that reads: "Alright smartass, draw your own damn map." 4) And finally, a Hardcore gamer's dream: Jeff WON'T test this version for bugs! That's right! And if any Hardcore gamers submit requests for those bugs to be fixed, Jeff will simply reply: "Fun, ain't it?"*** Yes, the dream of Hardcore gamers everywhere. ***Please note that the bug-infested Harcore version and the normal version might be identical on this point. |
posted 09-17-99 08:41 PM ET
LMFAO....thanks yin....the difference is like night and day,huh?  |
posted 09-18-99 12:49 AM ET
Yin,Buddy, I'll be laughing for a month.  Where do you find gems like this? pact brother uncleroggy out |
posted 09-18-99 02:52 AM ET
This one is at: I couldn't help this one. I just look around at companies doing (well, at least saying) the right things and I think...Hmmmm, if only.  |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 09-18-99 03:37 AM ET
Read my reply to your idiotic ramblings in the Firaxis forum, moron! |
posted 09-18-99 04:16 AM ET
Yin! ROTFLMAO!  Wow. Too true! Thanks for sharing this!And Imran, Yin is many things, but not an idiot or moron. Hell, you should bow down and kiss his feet. He's the *Brian Reynolds* appointed Apostle from which all hardcore Civ fans were first appointed and encouraged to approach and deluge with enchantments, bugs, and general worshipfulness. At least, until they decided to form a religious split. Yin is many things, but Brian Reynolds thought he trustworthy enough to play a vital role between BR and all Civvers. Remember that. They thought you cool enough to have stated that they WISHED they could have used you for a faction leader in SMAC. Are you going to make them regret expressing how impressed they were with you? Tact is something all leaders need... -Darkstar |
posted 09-18-99 05:44 AM ET
I can't wait until Imran says, "You guys couldn't tell I was joking?!"Imran, you make us laugh as it is. Trust me. |
posted 09-18-99 05:50 AM ET
And just so nobody misses any of the patented Imran wit, here was his reply elsewhere:"Hmm, I seem to recall that Firaxis put borders in because hardcore fans wanted it. I also seem to recall that people wanted aliens in SMACX.. they got it. Sorry Yin, but your Firaxis bashing won't work among the vets of the SMAC forums.." To which I said: "Yes, those things were thanks to Brian Reynolds, whom I respect. This post was about Jeff Morris. Or did you miss the title?" Imran, you were so quick to kiss ass, you forgot whose ass you were kissing here. Or do you think it's all one big Firaxis ass that requires your constant fondling? How do you live with yourself? 
posted 09-18-99 03:51 PM ET
DS...thanks for carrying on the word of "enchantments". You use it more than I do. We must keep em straight as to what they are. ..... Imran, I sent you an email awhile back apologizing to you in the event that I might have insulted you. I am man enough to do so. You should at least be man enough to let peole have their opinions without calling them names. An apology is in order to yin. And Yin ,please stay above that level. You usually do and I wouldn't want to see you sink to that level. Keep it civil guys, it is the least you all can do to at least respect each others right to disagree wholeheartedly on just about everything under the sun. |
posted 09-18-99 06:06 PM ET
Yin,Actually, he usually comes in with "I was only being sarcastic " Isn't it funny how the Smacophants are always the ones with the foul mouths, ill tempers and a lack of tolerance for the opposing point of view? But then again, if you make your living defending the indefensible, well I guess all you have left is to call names. uncleroggy out
posted 09-18-99 08:57 PM ET
Too damn funny! The saga continues... Imran Siddiqui Lieutenant posted 09-18-1999 04:24 PM
"Jeff Morris - CEO Firaxis He was integral to getting those new features put in.." yin26 Lieutenant posted 09-18-1999 08:55 PM Imran, that's your best one yet! Maybe the "SMAC Vet" should re-read the credits listed in the SMAC manual. Jeff Morris is credited with "Additional Programming"--he wrote the install program--and "Quality Assurance Director"--and we all know how that went. All that aside, and even if they forgot to list Jeff as the CEO (ha!), my comments are based of Jeff's public musings about the hardcore gamer and what they (don't) mean to him. "CEO" That's hilarious! Unless you mean "Chief Excuse Officer." In that case, I owe you an apology...SMAC Vet. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 09-18-99 09:54 PM ET
Read the reply , Yin (aka Mr. I am God). It looks like your head was shoved so far up the asses of those that want to discredit Firaxis that you neglected basic facts. But of course, Mr. I am God will twist the facts to make himself feel better and convince himself that he is right, because after all Mr. I am God is always right! Hail the greatest Propaganda Minister since Gobbels! |
posted 09-18-99 10:09 PM ET
Imran,read what I posted at Firaxis....for either I have missed something(and I doubt it),or you are so hell bent on carrying on the personal vendetta that you are misreading the facts and only seeing what you want to see. Sign a truce already,both of you. |
posted 09-18-99 10:21 PM ET
Imran Siddiqui: You seem to like passing out insults instead of discussing facts. The only fact relavent to the topic of this post can be found in Jeff Morris's article posted on (I think that was where I found it) in which he stated that in effect we were all whinning morons who needed to find bugs to maintain some sense of community.**Note I am paraphrasing what he said. So feel free to correct me if I am wrong.** |
posted 09-18-99 10:41 PM ET
Now, for the Imran finale, here is what he was looking at, from the Firaxis "team" summary:"Jeff Briggs - President and CEO Jeff Briggs brings pure harmony to the FIRAXIS group. As president and CEO of FIRAXIS Games, Jeff leads the team in creating an open environment for teamwork and for the crafting of outstanding games. Jeff has 13 years of industry experience in producing and directing the creative efforts of some of the most successful entertainment software titles of all time including Sid Meier's Civilization II, Colonization and F-117A Stealth Fighter. As a classically trained musician, Jeff is the musical talent behind FIRAXIS' games." Now watch me "twist" this around to make myself look like God. Ready? **POOF!*** Jeff Briggs and Jeff Morris are actually two different people! Imran, if it's possible for you to feel stupid, this would be a good time.  By the way, I think this is hilarious as hell. I hold nothing against Imran. Imran is as Imran does. |
posted 09-19-99 02:44 AM ET
I think it goes....GAME, SET & MATCH!!!! Still LMAO
uncleroggy out
posted 09-19-99 04:10 AM ET
I posted this message over at the Firaxis forum site thread where this same exchange is taking place. Amazing as I see it......."The steadfastness in the stances that both of you take is what I find to be simply amazing and I guess to be looked at as a positive trait that you can adhere to your convictions without ever breaking. Only bend a little but never break. I will just sit back and watch you both in awe from now on and not worry that if you ever met in an alley one night the fire would burn bright and the river would flow red."  |
posted 09-19-99 05:51 AM ET
[Man, this forum hopping is a pain. Oh well, that's my fault on this one. My reply to OW on the OTHER forum. ]OW: I concede that Firaxis does a lot of great work. Hell, I wouldn't spend time helping put lists together if I thought otherwise. Nor would I hang out on a forum for a company I hate. I'm here because I think Firaxis is an exciting company. But I take issue with the QA director's attitude about bugs, etc. But do I think he's evil? Of course not. Jeff is obviously excited to be involved with Firaxis, and he clearly wants them to make great games. But his attitude about bugs and the manner in which he deals with complaints needs a lot of work. Those articles he wrote, though true enough in noting that the bugless game doesn't exist, are counter-productive to his leading role in the goal of making the bugless game. Frankly, when he puts out articles like this, it looks like he's trying to cover his own ass and teach us some kind of lesson. For the QA director to publically claim that hardcore gamers actually perfer to have some bugs to talk about goes beyond enlightening discussion--it's inappropriate and ultimately unwise venting. QA director is perhaps one of the hardest and most thankless jobs associated with making a game. Of course, it's also a vital one. I started this thread to highlight a contrast in attitudes. Lord British understands that his hardcore fans--though "extreme," which I'll admit is a barely hidden code word for "whiny"--are also the very people who care most about the games. Yes, the average gamer could care less about 90% of the "bugs" we listed and handed in. But, in the end, the average gamer, though easier to please, is also the same person who could care less whether or not Firaxis and its games ever see the light of day. |
posted 09-19-99 09:58 AM ET
Yin, I am sorry if you feel you need to explain that all to me. I guess that is my fault....and to a degree for thinking you would have known how I stood on that issue. I have posted in the past to show that my stance on this subject concurs with yours and not Imran or White_Cat. I am of the same belief as you DS,Uncleroggy et all. I was merely pointing out that it seemed like Imran had a vendetta towards you and you seemed to be fueling it a bit the way you had not been doing lately. You had become a little less confrontational,so to speak, over the last couple of months and the old yin that has resurfaced seemed now to be out of character. Not that I didnt like the old yin for you were one of the fun reads on this forum in the beginning of this past year. I was just thinking that after all these months of the same back and forth stance between the "Purely love game,they cant do no wrong" faction and the "Really love game ,but they are screwing up lately,especially with this game" faction would tend to be a little less personal and vindictive with name calling and such. I was wrong as my last post stated you all are so headstrong and steadfast in your beliefs that there is no room for bending or compromise. That is fine by me ,the beliefs, not the name calling. I am just amazed at that and find it to actually be a little bit of a positive trait. Looking for good in a sea of hate so to speak. Anyway,I have no problems with this all and keep up your fight for it will bound to have a good effect on Firaxis,in the long run.(I hope) |
posted 09-19-99 09:59 AM ET
Oh and for the record I have not posted this at Firaxis... to lazy this morning. Sorry. |
posted 09-19-99 08:55 PM ET
By the way, I just got my first semi-legitimate counter to this post on the other forum. I say "semi" legitimate because, like Irman's response, it misses the point I'm making entirely. Anyway, you can follow it here (if you care, of course ): |
posted 09-19-99 08:59 PM ET
Also, OW, I know your stance--I was actually just using your comments as a means of clarifying for other people that I'm not one-sided. I also want to avoid these "I love/hate Firaxis" arguments. That's not what this is about. In the end, I think a guy like Imran cares as much about Firaxis and its games as I do--we just approach the issue differently. |
posted 09-19-99 09:00 PM ET
I saw and responded and I dont miss your point. I get it even if others dont and get a little passionate in their counter responses.  |
posted 09-20-99 09:30 AM ET
By the way, with MikeH's guidance, the discussion at has reached some closure--until somebody rips into me again. Just keeping you posted.  |
MikeH II
posted 09-20-99 09:46 AM ET
Well.... it reached closure without ever tackling what you started out to talk about which is the fact that Lord British believes that the vociferous fan is someone we should listen to. |
posted 09-20-99 11:06 AM ET
Yes, but at this point I'll assume we all agree with him and move on. Besides, Octopus has decided to continue bringing up irrelevant issues again, so it looks like we lost what little closure there was anyway. Such is life... |
posted 09-20-99 11:39 AM ET
LOL!  Imran, I love you, man . You are the boldest and most headstrong of all paladins. Too bad you don't see your King is drunk. Actually, right on! |
posted 09-21-99 09:04 AM ET
Sorry Yin, I might have reopened it some more with my latest verbal wasteland of a post. Anyway I just think he missed the point and got into a little character assasination over what he thought someone else was doing some character assasinating. If you hit someone in the head and tell them it is wrong to hit someone in the head, then arent you guilty of the same thing you are complaining about? Maybe it's just me but that is how I saw his posts against you and I felt the need to respond even if you didnt ask me. I guess I just like a little controversy in my life seeing as how the bug talk has died down. Hate to lose my sense of community. ( joking people)  |
posted 09-21-99 10:29 AM ET
Old Warrior:Yes, assuming Octopus will ever open that thread again, I daresay we are in for a MAMMOTH, thoroughly footnoted, response that will chill you with its sheer magnitude and venom. I know his habits more than I care to mention--and he knows mine, and that's what drives him batty. Actually, I'm quite happy to discuss my faults with people who point them out in a rational, civil way without bringing up too much of the ancient past while ignoring recent history. Staying on topic is nice, too. To be honest, I've seen a lot of my faults on these boards looking back at old posts. I'm indebted to many people for pointing them out to me in a constructive way. As a matter of fact, I've been on the receiving end of some OW wisdom, and if it makes you feel better, I don't think you were defending me as much as you were repeating that same advice you gave me weeks/months ago: Discuss things with civility. Don't crush somebody for his ideas simply because you don't like them. Encourage a rewarding debate, not pissing matches. I applaud you for that. Sometimes easier said than done, though...  Anyway, I'm really going to give some thought to this "vinegar and salt" point you make. It's counter-productive to my argument and invites all the loonies to come and try to bite me. But that style is so ingrained in me, it's going to be tough. Well, at least I haven't been threatened to be banned lately, so either I'm improving or I'm being utterly ignored. Either way, I'm safe. For now. Octopus could go nuclear any second... |
posted 09-21-99 01:59 PM ET
I remember Octopus  SMAX n ... Ted S. |
posted 09-21-99 05:00 PM ET
Yin,You seem to just gather new fans. Maybe Octopus and Imran should get together to form the "Yin26 Appreciation Society".  You know, it always ticked me off that the Firaxian Forums crashed and I lost my knick over there. But that was a long time ago. If you need another pact brother in you fight, let me know. You seem to be doing alright, especially with Old Warrior pointing out to Octopus the problems with complaining about people who complain.  -Darkstar |
posted 09-21-99 06:14 PM ET
Darkstar (others?):I would be great to see more of the SMAC people over on the official site ( It's still a very small number of people there, which is too bad. Dan Magaha, the Webmaster we've been screaming for, is doing a really great job. And yes, Darkstar, I can ALWAYS use the help of a pact brother!  Yin |
posted 09-22-99 03:35 PM ET
Yin,Man, I've been lurking here too long. I just wanted to say that over the history of this board I have enjoyed your posts quite alot. You certainly have contributed to it's character greatly. But, I also would like to say, I kinda enjoyed the younger Yin, maybe a little more. The Yin of yesterday who was not the quite so hardened vet of many...many forum battles. If it's even possible to identify on a forum like this, I would say that you are showing signs of the 1000 yard stare. Today your posts are crisp, clear, precise, and too few. Your points are so solid that anyone who tempts them are bound to be humiliated. The defence of your posts/comments/ideas (not only by you but also by your "pact brothers") is astounding. Brutal facts...(your weapon of choice) the most dangerous and effective counter. Yep, a harded VET, who wastes no energy in the task...efficient. Remember the Yin that use to temp fate, letting it all hang out and looking for a scrap, continously dodging bullets then sticking the upper jab? I do. I remember huge furballs and when it was all said and done there was a bloody, scarred, junk-yard dog (Yin) standing on top of the pile with a smart grin and a piece of flesh still in his mouth. Man those were the good ol' forum days. Now You and your army are all thats left. Really, there are no more enemies to conquer cept the odd gorilla wanna-be. Such a shame too. This post has everything to do with nothing. Just wanted to post to say howdy and to throw out this comment.
The Greeziest GreasyPig oh.. and, Howdy! |
posted 09-22-99 09:34 PM ET
GreasyPig! Hell, I thought we lost you...  Everybody: In case you don't remember this guy or weren't around at the time, let me share a bit of history. While I and others were busy pulling each other's hair about this and that, GreasyPig here would quietly open a thread like the one below. This baby got 109 replies--unheard of in February. Notice how he brings up a quite valid criticism of the game but does it such a way that's it's actually FUN to discuss. Imagine. Thanks, GreasyPig. Come Civ 3 time I truly hope you are active once again. The Post: GreasyPig posted 02-22-99 01:27 PM ET -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here I am, UoP, big, have a comfortable lead over the rest in reseach, lots of land but not the most, first in production, and the wealthiest. I got this way by fighting hard, making truces when needed and picking my wars carefully. At this point I'm in a Pact with everone but the global war monger Yang and the Hive. He currently is at war with nearly everyone, and is the military and land leader. Since he's far away I'm enjoying my economic success and letting the other factions bare the weight of fighting him. In the latest council meeting he tried to lift the UN charter only to be shot down (BADLY.. no votes in favor). I should seen it then. Cause in a few turns later Yang looses no less than 3 Planet Busters on me. Thankfully I had 3 orbital defence satalites built as an after thought (I had a couple cities maxed and decided to use them for SOMETHING constructive). I successfully defended them at the loss of two OD sats. Well if Yang wants to mess with the Bull he's gonna get the horn. I hurried a PB and set it's destination to a convenient spot in Hive territory where 4 LARGE cities were within blast range. A hole big enough to drive Nexxus through opened up. That'l show 'em. EVERY FACTION TURNED ON ME! Now this aint a surprise. The surprise came when all the factions issued a truce with Yang so together they could get a piece of me! THIS IS THE SAME YANG THAT PUSHED THE DANG BUTTON IN THE FIRST PLACE! I successfully defended his FIRST STRIKE and retalliated! SO WHY IS ONLY MY BUTT IN THE RINGER! I love this game. Let me say that first. It models cold war behavior pretty well EXCEPT when it goes from cold to HOT. SHOULDN'T YANG GET THE GLOBAL SPANKING FIRST. Heck I should be given a dang MEDAL! With a single burst I rendered a PB weilding superpower to a blubbering child! You fire nukes at me I fire nukes BACK. Aint that what the cold war stand-off was about? My opinion GreasyPig _______________ Makes you want to reply, doesn't it?  |
posted 09-24-99 12:51 PM ET
Yep, I remember that gem.But as a qualifier, Yin, I also recall that the grand majority of responses wasn't so much about GreasyPig's dilemma than they were about the "right & wrong" of Hiroshima. Geeeezzz, we gonna get started on that again? Back to lurk.... |
posted 09-29-99 02:07 PM ET
Well Yin,I think JKM is coming along in his PR education. We went from "whiny low lifes with no outside life" to mere "hardcore extremist that play the game on something higher then warlord... er, talent." -Darkstar |
posted 09-29-99 02:09 PM ET
Calling us, that is...  -Darkstar |
posted 10-03-99 02:09 AM ET
Freddz: Imran's King is Lear.The critics are Cordelia. Because Lear preferred flattery to honesty, he lost his kingdom, his sanity, his counsellor, and all his children. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 10-03-99 05:56 AM ET
Wow, zoetrope. What a deduction and did you do it all by youself? All along, I've been flattering Firaxis to get a cushey salary, not because I thought they were good. No, I think they suck, but they are paying my over $200,000 to say good things about SMAC! My secret is out... |
posted 10-04-99 12:31 PM ET
Now, THAT would be a cushy job! Way to go Imran! (well, you can dream )-Darkstar |