Topic: Yet another crazy idea
ZuluMenace25 |
posted 09-07-99 11:24 AM ET
ok I was watching this program the other day on the french resistance and it inspired me with another crazy idea.Lets say your faction has just been conquered (Last base destroyed). You are then given 3 - 5 probe teams with say 500 energy credits (from your leader's personal vault?) You then have a chance to act out a resistence and have a small (if ever so slight) chance of actually getting back in the game. Say if you suceed and harass your conquerer and then actually take over one of his bases. If then you are conquered again you are out for good.
posted 09-08-99 06:02 AM ET
SMAC already has a mechanism for your own disgruntled bases to defect.Conquered bases have lots of dissatisfaction (drone activity), so they're most likely to defect. All that SMAC+ needs now is for that dissatisfaction, if neglected, to have a high probability of defecting to a previous owner, even if that owner is "extinct". The probability should depend on the last satisfaction rating under each previous owner. Thus a base that changes several hands, would have a chance, if captured again, of resuscitating any one of its previous "extinct" owners, or of returning to the fold of a surviving faction.
posted 09-08-99 06:31 AM ET
This could be good. Sometimes I am to slow to help a allied but with this I could give him a base and he's back as my trusty sochopath. |
posted 09-08-99 08:55 AM ET
Zoetrope, I like to remember also the actual SMAC opportunity to restart a faction destroyed (if you don't switch it off on the game's rule). The "faction leader escape" happens only if faction's last base has been conquered into first hundred year or so. Funny thing, into my last game my Pact Sister Deirdre was destroyed by Miriam, then restart keeping same Pact with me. Other player speak about changed mood of ex-pact factions after a restart, but it appear to me it depends of how do you achieved the previus pact (surrended faction or simple diplomatic agreement). ZuluMenace25 - Into real world usually resistance is supported by another country, just as a "politically accepted" form of not declared war between two factions: - Italian and French resistance, (just to mention two of them) during WWII - Nord Vietcong during Vietnam war - Afghanistan rebel during revolt and so on. If you want to simulate that into SMAC world, you should put a new diplomatic option, to resurrect a faction (giving them units and money, plus a colony pod or two) also with a new leader (as DeGaulle restart France Livre), in change of a strict Pact of brotherood. It's not really different from actual "gift to someone", just you receive the opportunity by a rebels' message asking for support). To balance this much powerful option you should limit it with rule as: 1) You can't support a faction if you wasn't previusly at Peace with it, nor if it has been destroyed from one of your Pact brothers 2) Other faction can try to counter offer to gain resurrected faction favour (spending more money, given more/best units, etc.). Kind of auction indeed! 3) You can bother others faction involved (if a faction was at war with your newly restored friend, it can declare Vendetta upon you as actually happens for probe action). Someone like to grow this idea? |