posted 09-04-99 06:38 AM ET
I looked at the Script.txt file and found an entry:#WORLDORBIT
#xs 400
#button Random
#x -5
#y -5
100 million miles (cool planet)
90 million miles (average planet)
80 million miles (warm planet)
Has anyone seen this selection screen? Here are is
another selection that I have never seen:
#xs 440
#caption Indicate Your Gender
#x -5
#y -5
I have also seen this (I havent seen it the game, but
it could have appeared):
#xs 400
#caption Netflash!
War between the $FACTION0 and the $FACTION1!
War? Shouldnt that be Vendetta?
#xs 400
#caption Operations Director
Hyperstimulants activated! Unit's movement rate doubled until end of
turn. Unit can opt to use "skip" (space bar) command to expend
hyperstimulants and repair all damage.
#xs 400
#caption Operations Director
Polymer adhesives placed! Movement into/through this area impeded.
Seems to be special abilities never implented.
#xs 400
#caption Operations Director
Subliminal Coercion activated! Select action:
Force target to attack.
Force target to retreat.
*What* is this?
In addition, could someone please explain me what they do with the Openingm.mp3 in the /voices directory?