Topic: City too big.
TNSe |
posted 09-02-99 05:27 PM ET
Whoa... did that city get big.Seems like the cities can keep on growing for a while, have a 99+ city here, and now it's displaying 10 (Which I assume are the two leftmost digits) Some small calculations show that this city will keep growing until 150 in size. Help. (Boy Supply Crawlers are fun) TNSe
posted 09-02-99 09:16 PM ET
Can't have a city greater than 99. I tried it with the scenario editor. I can't even get up to 99, but I probably could with supply crawlers. My highest was 78. |
Q Cubed
posted 09-02-99 09:19 PM ET
I've maxed out a city with supply crawlers.the max is 127, and after that, you get a population of -128. |
posted 09-02-99 10:47 PM ET
I didn't think you could. The scenario editor won't let me enter more than 99. I never tried maxing out with supply crawlers to check the actual gameplay though. |
posted 09-03-99 05:12 AM ET
Other than the theoretical aspect of it, which might be fun, what more can you get from such a city that you already get from one that has 20 citizens or so (thus working all the base tiles).Aredhran -curious- |
posted 09-03-99 05:16 AM ET
Don't you just love how games have some of the most non-optimal code in the known programming universe and yet you'll see some truly goofy 'optimization' like using a signed byte to store city size?I'm even thinking that in maybe 20 to 30 more years we'll see TBS that use *gasp* linked lists to avoid arbitrarily set limits on the number of cities/units/etc. The best for this sort of silliness had to be the original Railroad Tycoon. On the amiga version almost all the numerical data was stored in either signed or unsigned short integers, so if you had a decently large empire about 3/4 of the way through the game all your report sheets and stock readings would go haywire. Remember the 30000 gold limit and how you had to dance around it to keep it from screwing up your company stock growth? You got to admire the sort of coding genius that uses too small a variable, then writes code in to keep you from rolling the variable over to negative values, instead of just using a long integer variable to begin with. Doh, I'm ranting. |
posted 09-03-99 05:21 AM ET
Are you KIDDING? A size 127 base with 127 Satellites of Energy and Minerals would be KILLER production.Of course, you are just having fun pushing size, but whatever floats your boat. -Darkstar |
posted 09-03-99 07:07 AM ET
OK. Production.So you have 127 satellites = 127 minerals. Assume an average 1.5 minerals per base square = 30 minerals Throw in a few crawlers, just for the heck of it, bringing in another 23 minerals (for rounding ) That's 180 minerals total. With the industry-enhancing buildings, you get: +50% for each of Robotic Assembly Plant, Nanoreplicator, Quantum Converter and Genejack Factory, that's +200% total. So we have 180 + 360 = 540 minerals per turn. Hmmm. Ascent to Transcendence in 4 turns without cash or crawlers... Boy, you'd better have a +10 Planet rating and all the Ecodamage-reducing facilities built in this base (not to mention that if you have the space elevator and are building a satellite, the production goes up to a whopping 1080 !) I'm still more happy with 6 bases at size 21 than one at size 127 though. Aredhran
posted 09-03-99 07:25 AM ET
OTOH Aredhran those specialists will send your lab and economy a big bonus. 100 ingeneers = 300 energy 100 trancends = 400 lab(i think) Take your pick. |
posted 09-03-99 10:12 AM ET
The city in question has: 101 Citizens 237 Food, 202 used. 318 Production (636 when producing satellites, duh) 137 Energy 10 Supply crawlers, bringing in 50 extra food... (+25 pop) ... And I'm still producing these small critters... (Clean Singularity Skybase Supply Transport, Psi-16*4) TNSe |
posted 09-03-99 11:21 AM ET
Why do you put Clean on crawlers ? They don't cost anything anyway. You'd be better off with something like Trance or Antigrav struts (except if it's purely to increase the crawler's cost of course)636 is due to Space Elevator, as I mentioned above. I'm curious as to what your Ecodamage is on that baby (also, what's your Planet Rating and game difficulty). Aredhran
posted 09-03-99 11:37 AM ET
Aredhran,Uh, "Clean Singularity Skybase Supply Transport, Psi-16*4" is an anti-grav vehicle, but that didn't answer your question, did it? THSe, This is a great concept, almost as good as the SkyFormers. I wish I'd have thought of it. It can only be attacked by units with Air Superiority or SAM and has a fantastic PSI defense to keep those pesky Chironian Locusts away. (Applause, Applause...) |
posted 09-03-99 12:46 PM ET
Hmz..Aredhran, Why do I make Clean Supply Crawlers. Now that you mention it... Good question. I guess it's just a side effect after playing a long game with -2 support, and having a SERIOUS war against 5 opponents simultaneously... (Oh, I won) Anywayze, Planet Rating, +4 (Frontier, Green, Knowledge, Cybernetic) No Eco-Damage at all in the 101 city. Game difficulty: Transcend (of course) Faction : The Hive (of course) (Oh, I have 818% ) ballpark, Notice one thing .. I'm getting Food only ... So.. what I do, plant a lot of Kelps out in the ocean... +3 food each square... TNSe |