Topic: Best Game ever made?
ZuluMenace25 |
posted 08-31-99 11:38 AM ET
I remember shortly after SMAC came out reading in a review magazine a statement that said plain and simply SMAC was the best game ever made. Now that the game has been out for a while what do many of you think of that.
MikeH II
posted 08-31-99 11:47 AM ET
It's good but not that good. I'd say it's the best TBS around today but I'd give the prize to Civ for originality. |
posted 08-31-99 12:01 PM ET
Agreed - prize for best TBS goes to AC but only just (I would say good old Civ2 runs it close).For best game of all time...Opens gold envelope... Elite! Not the rehashed conversions on the PC etc. Not frontier or any of that rubbish! Just Elite, the original version on a 32K 8-bit BBC B. A classic example of addictivness, vision and sheer expert programming. I mean you got decent frame rates on a machine with less memory that my L2 cache and probably less processing power than my hard disk controller. Also it was very stable, had several sneaky undocumented features (anyone remember the mystery ship?) and was infinately replayable. Beta-1 Hopes X-beyond the frontieris as good as it could be |
posted 08-31-99 05:55 PM ET
Civ2 no question. Why? I'm still playing civ2 today years later. Lately I don't even play single player smac anymore, just pbem. And I have played civ2 for long periods of time due to it's addictiveness. SMAC does have some nice features, but a couple of years from now I doubt you will here much from smac. |
posted 09-01-99 10:33 AM ET
In terms of originality civ2 wins.In terms of complexity smac wins.
posted 09-01-99 11:05 AM ET
Since Civ2 is not much more than Civ1 with better graphics, I will have to vote for Civ1. I never grew tired of that game. |
posted 09-01-99 11:13 AM ET
Hear Hear Beta1!For its time (and considering the hardware) Elite must be one of the best games ever Original Civ was another mouldbreaker - it showed the world how good TBS games could be Civ2 was a worthy successor SMAC? It IS an improvement on Civ2 - despite a narrower focus and some bug/stability problems - but not as good as it could have been, considering how much time and effort went into it. Worth the money, (and better than a lot of the competition) but not an all-time top 10 place.
posted 09-01-99 01:25 PM ET
best games ever (equal personal evaluation):elite (c64) wasteland (c64) doom series (pc) quake series (pc) civ/smac series (pc) tekken series (psx) fallout series (pc) wipeout series (psx) halflife (pc) and not forget about the duke and kyle kartan btw, the best/coolest/deadliest game weapons i prefer: shotgun (doom) supershotgun (quake2) railgun (quake2) 357magnum (halflife) mp5 (halflife) mp5 (kommando kwake) m16 (kommando kwake) |
posted 09-01-99 01:39 PM ET
Best game ever: Half Life (period)And I can tell you the worst game ever too: Life Milan |
posted 09-01-99 04:13 PM ET
THE best game series IMHO is the "Final Fantasy" series. Out of the seven incarnations (to become eight in a couple of weeks), the fifth and the seventh are my favorites. Sure there are plenty of games that can make one forget what time it is, but any of the Final Fantasy games can make one forget what day it is. They are THAT engrossing and time consuming.Lesse here, the best... RPG: FF5 and FF7 FPS: Quake 2 RTS: Warcraft II TBS: CivII and SMAC Misc.: Archon Honorable mention: M.U.L.E., Doom, Descent... Most memorable enemies/villians: Sephiroth (FF7) The Cyberdemon (Doom series) ... I know there are more, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment ... feel free to add to the list. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 09-01-99 05:23 PM ET
Civ/SMAC is #1, followed closely by Baldur's Gate. FPSs can be thrown to the bottom of the oceans for all I care! |
posted 09-02-99 02:34 PM ET
RTS: Starcraft, no other game has held my attention for a year and a half after it came out.TBS: Jagged Alliance Series. These games have so much personality to them that it makes it so addicting. I think that JA2 is one of the best games that have come oout recently. There is just so much depth to this game. bomberman |
posted 09-02-99 03:42 PM ET
It' really hard to say what is the best game ever, so I'm just going to list a few great games that I have played.I'm a great fan of strategy games, so this list will be mostly of them. Civilization: The one and original. I was maybe 11 years old when I got this game, actually copied it from neighbour. And boy, was I addicted? Although Civ2 is the choice I would make now, the original Civilization is the game that I enjoyed best. UFO: A true classic, combining the squad level combat of Laser Squad (and Rebelstar Raiders, of course) into great global strategy frame where you had to research, build bases and defend Earth from alien invasion. The game is still a great fun, and it has truly horrifying feeling into it. Close Combat II: The best real time strategy, ever. Actually, I consider it sacrilegious to speak of CC2 in same context with standard RTS-crap like C&C-series. Close Combat II is truly a simulation of battlefield. You make a mistake, and you see the consequences. CC2 is the Omaha beach of Saving Private Ryan made into computer game. Campaign mode kicks ass, big time, and the morale is modelled unbelievably well. Master of Orion: The best space strategy game, ever. Balanced, easy to play but still, very complicated, offering numerous strategies to use. This is a game that needs a true sequel, immetiadely. Reach for the Stars could be fun, and MOO2 was fun, but MOO is still the champ. Master of Magic: See above. The only exception is, that MOM hasn't even had a true competitor. Heroes of M&M -series are fun, but not like this game. These come first into mind. Not even near completion, this list...
-Luna |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 09-02-99 03:46 PM ET
Luna, you ever try CC3? The Russian Front is defenatly a great setting. Also SMG! is another awesome RT Wargame! |
posted 09-03-99 07:08 AM ET
Imran:I tried CC3 demo and didn�t really like it. And what I�ve heard is that the game is a way too much tank oriented (well, eastern front was), and that the game is really not up to it�s predecessor. But having not played it... SMG as Gettysburg? Loved the demo, but didn�t buy it. Will buy though, when I can find it cheap. I�m finnish, and never have really been interested of American Civil War. Great game, though. -Luna |
MikeH II
posted 09-03-99 07:13 AM ET
I'd still be playing Transpost Tycoon if someone hadn't borrowed it permanently.  |
posted 09-04-99 04:50 PM ET
Permanent borrowing. It frosts me every time. Starcraft and MOO2 are my current favorites. SMAC is also be one of them now that I've quit sulking over that meteor that took out my cities.For the memories, my favorite games are those old Sierra titles like Police Quest, Iceman, and Robin Hood. Maniac Mansion and Indiana Jones are other past favorites. |
posted 09-06-99 08:57 AM ET
The best games I've ever played are Fallout 1 & 2 and UFO: Enemy Unknown. (UFO is better). SMAC is also great game, I can always play it.ZyXEL |
posted 09-06-99 09:38 AM ET
bomberman, You're right, Jagged Alliance 2 is terrific. I was a little worried about buying a game that only has 640 X 480 resolution, but the graphics are actually pretty good. Nice colors and nice animation. The voice acting is great, even better than Baldur's Gate IMO. Okay, so the story isn't as deep as either Fallout 1 or 2. But it's sure a hell of a lot funnier. My squad is currently riding around Arulco in a stolen ice cream truck. Not exactly how I pictured the glamourous life of an international mercenary, but it sure beats walking. It is, however, incredibly tough, even on normal difficulty. Some of Deidrianna's men go down harder than Rasputin. I put five shotgun slugs into one guy and he was still shooting back. Another guy took two head shots, two bursts of full automatic, and three other pistol hits and he still killed Barry before dying. You could take out Godzilla with less firepower than it takes to just annoy some of these redshirts. after a while it just gets annoying. |