Topic: A few questions before I buy...
Ascender_DIR_001 |
posted 08-27-99 03:56 PM ET
Im thinking of buying SMAC but before I do I need some answers -Alpha Centauri can be played on a laptop, do you need the CD to run it? -When speaking to other players in multiplayer mode do you have to use the answers provided or can you make your own conversations?Thanks in advance
Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
posted 08-27-99 04:00 PM ET
On the US versions you don't need the CD to run the game. On european versions, you will need to apply v3 to disable the copy protection. With a complete install, you lose no features.Human players have an open chat interface (voice and text) when dealing with each other in MP. jkm firaxis games |
posted 08-27-99 06:26 PM ET
Don't buy it. Believe me. It's not worth it. Rather wait on Civ3. If my ideas are included, it just has to be a good game! |
Dick Knisely
posted 08-27-99 07:56 PM ET
Wait a year for a game to play -- no way.SMAC has gotten rave reviews and is an excellent game, for me, one of the best. |
posted 08-27-99 08:00 PM ET
If you like TBS games and if you like a science fiction setting and if you have hours and hours and hours to waste playing computer games then I say get it too. The price has got to be right now too. |
Jon Miller
posted 08-28-99 03:16 AM ET
buy itworks great on all three laptops I've installed it on (maybe the 166 was a little slower but it still worked) Multiplayer is the funnest thing about the game (Lan's are great) Jon Miller |
posted 08-28-99 06:40 AM ET
This Game Rocks!!!If you liked Civ at all, you'll really like this, I found it a little overwhelming the first couple of games but then it gets really fun. IMPORTANT: I've been lurking in these forums for about 6-7 months now and I find that you have to take alot of what people say in here with a grain of salt, especially the more recent posts. From alot of the comments I've read in here, I'd think twice about buying this game,,,, but I'd be missing out on a great product. I strongly recommend it. LdZpln
posted 08-28-99 06:51 AM ET
Buy it.(That makes five to one in favour...) |
posted 08-28-99 08:07 AM ET
Buy could do a whole lot worse with other games. And I mean a whole lot. It has its good points and bad but like jsorense said...if you like TBS games and sci-fi, you will like this game for what its worth. |
posted 08-28-99 08:28 AM ET
I only played one multiplayer game. Simultaneous moves seemed great. But Single Player gets boring after a while, cause it's just Civ2 with some SF. And after two games you already know all the interludes, so for the story you don't have to buy it. And Civ2 was much nicer for making scenarios. So if you like scenario building like me, again don't buy it. BTW, if you but it, DON'T download Patch (certainly not an enhancement) 4. Besides long download times, my map creator/editor doesn't work well. So scenario building has totally become impossible. BUGS!!!!! BUGS!!!!! |
posted 08-28-99 08:31 AM ET
And that Jeff Morris responds on this thread and never on another one illustrates very well what the only thing is Firaxis thinks about. Money. They don't care if they make a good game or not. And they certainly don't care about public relations. |
posted 08-28-99 11:14 AM ET
Carefull arnt we getting near to that point were critiscing members of firaxis leads to being *%$*�&^$*&^*&"^*^$%"&�($)"(*&%Beta-1 Has just been dragged away from his keyboard by two men in dark glasses |
posted 08-28-99 12:11 PM ET
I'd definately recommend it. This will probably be the last good TBS game until civ3 a few years off. TOT is good, but more of the same; it's not really a new game. CTP is crap. BOTF from what I hear gets boring quickly. Everything else is real time. So if you like tbs game get this one. A few minor bugs. I'd recommend patch 4 despite the slower load times. It's not bad on my computer; it's not like I save and reload anyway. But if you do like making scenarios and maps, don't look to smac. From what I hear the patches make them worse. It's hard enough making a map to begin with. It's best to generate a random map and change it. |
posted 08-28-99 12:16 PM ET
I do find it funny FIRAXIS only replies to threads about wanting to buy the game. The bug list don't see such prompt response. 4 minutes!. Once you already layed your $50 dollars down they have made their money. I better stop now before their anti firaxis software kicks in and cuts me o |
posted 08-28-99 01:40 PM ET
[b]Krushala :[/b][i]"I'd definately recommend it. This will probably be the last good TBS game until civ3 a few years off. TOT is good, but more of the same; it's not really a new game. CTP is crap. BOTF from what I hear gets boring quickly."[/i] First, Civ3 isn't a few years off. It's gonna be for next year from what I heart. And secondly, SMAC is also more of the same and not really a new game. |
posted 08-28-99 01:41 PM ET
Jeeze, you can't even use UBB. |
posted 08-28-99 02:27 PM ET
There are some differences in gameplay. I'm finding I'm using smac strategies for TOT and not doing so well. The biggest reason of course is I always forget to buy caravans and freight. |
posted 08-29-99 12:04 AM ET
Depends on how desperate you are to play something different, right now.SMAC has it's high and low points. Most of the chatter on these boards seem to be by those that have issues with Firaxis, the game, or both. That's due to the stubborn fan factor... whether its an indication that SMAC doesn't have the overall appeal that Civ2 had, or people have just become accustomed to sharing their thoughts and opinions on everything great and small, only the marketting types at Hasbro and EA could tell you. SMACAC (Alien Crossfire) will be popping up soon, to expand SAMC's play somewhat. Civ3 is in need of final polishing and it's wonder movies. It will be out sometime in 2000, most likely 2nd or 3rd Quarter. Several NON-Sid Meiers and/or Brian Reynolds TBS strategy/empire building games are due out soon. Between now and 2000 Quarter 2, depending on which particular one you are talking about. If you've lurked here for a while, you know what the fans have to say. If you have to ask, you probably don't want the game. Otherwise, you'd have bought it, and been asking for tips. If you are going to buy it, hold off and see if you can get the SMACAC and SMAC in a bundle. And put on Enhancement 4. If version 4 destabilizes your system, you can always deinstall SMAC and go back the older CD-Rom version. -Darkstar |
posted 09-01-99 05:01 AM ET
I agree with Darkstar. Also depending on your playstyle some bugs will not be appearing! If you bye it you will be hooked for several months, even the most negative players have been! All in all it gets thumbs upp from me. |
posted 09-01-99 10:23 AM ET
buy it. I think it may be one of the best games I've played. I've been playing this game like a maniac since February (with a few breaks to play Baldur's Gate) and I still find it fun and challenging. I will admit, the map editor doesn't work well, especially if you have a slower machine. (I only have a P166. The map editor works well on my friend's 333, though.) If you get bored, you can always design your own factions, as well. |
MikeH II
posted 09-03-99 09:54 AM ET
It's definately one of the best TBS around at the moment. I'd agree with those who said that if you liked Civ and you like Sci Fi you'll like AC.Jeff gets tons of criticism for not responding to posts then when he does he gets criticised for not responding to the right one. I guess he can't win can he. As to the answer within 4 mins thing that's got to be a fluke, otherwise someone else would have jumped in with an answer before Jeff and he wouldn't have needed to reply. |