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vee posted 08-21-99 10:17 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for vee   Click Here to Email vee  
has anyone noticed that sometimes when you capture a city, it doesn't take on the look of your particular faction? sometimes it does.. does anyone know what's up?
Rakeesh posted 08-21-99 12:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Rakeesh  Click Here to Email Rakeesh     
Eventaully they all start looking like cities in your faction. I think its just because you haven't controlled it very long and its still a "Disputed territory". After so many turns they all take up your faction's look.
I've noticed that when a city that looks like another factions' is re-captured by them it says "soandso has *liberated* someplace". After that city takes up your look it just says "Soandso has captured someplace".
I think its got something to do with the liberation/capture counter.
RedFred posted 08-21-99 01:38 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for RedFred    
Yes, the captured cities take a while to be assimilated into your empire. There is a formula for it somewhere.

Other features take a while to kick in too. I noticed when I took over some Peacekeeper cities without hab complexes that I was allowed to stay at pop 9 for a while, then pop 8 max and finally down to 7.

The population 8 intermediate state surprised me. Even though there is lots of bugs, some of the programming is very interesting in this game.

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