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  Homeworld Beta ended today

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Author Topic:   Homeworld Beta ended today
korn469 posted 08-13-99 10:26 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for korn469   Click Here to Email korn469  
the title says it all. the homeworld beta test ended today at 6:30 est. so i guess that homeworld will come out fairly soon.


Sector7G posted 08-14-99 12:09 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Sector7G  Click Here to Email Sector7G     
Never heard of it...then again I have'nt purchased a game mag in a month or 2...broke... again...oh well
korn469 posted 08-14-99 12:37 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for korn469  Click Here to Email korn469     
it's a really kewl 3d space sim/RTS game you'll definantly wanna check it out.
Darkstar posted 08-16-99 01:41 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Darkstar  Click Here to Email Darkstar     
korn469, thanks for all your info about the Homeworld beta you were ABLE to tell us about.

Do you get a free copy of the game?


korn469 posted 08-16-99 02:50 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for korn469  Click Here to Email korn469     
nope no free copy of the game but they did send us a survey/questionaire by filling out the survey you were registered to win a free copy of the game. the homeworld beta had two phases. phase I had 25 beta testers. phase II had 5000 beta testers. all people who participated in phase I gotta participate in phase II.

here's the survey

1. Please type in your name:

2. Please type in your CD Key:

3. Learning Curve

Please rate the following game elements by selecting the level of difficulty or ease you had with that feature.

Learning to use Homeworld:
In-game user interface:
Using the camera:
Using the Build Manager:
Using the Sensors Manager:
Using the Research Manager:
Using the Launch Manager:
Using the in-game chat:
Using the in-game private chat:
Creating Alliances:
Sharing RU's with allies:
Using Hyperspace:

4. Playability

Please rate the following

Control of ship movement:
Control of ship combat:
Control of ship formations:
Control of ship tactics:
Control of special ship features:
Overall control of your ships:
Distinguishing between the different types of ships:

Please select an answer to the following questions.

Research times in your opinion were:
How much of the game did you spend in close to the action:
How many games of Homeworld have you played so far:
How Fun was it to play Homeworld:

5. Strategy

Did you find that there was a lot of strategy to Homeworld?
Did you find many neat combos of ships that worked well together?
How effective did you find ship tactics to be?
How effective did you find ship formations overall to be?

Please rate the usefulness of the following formations:


How effective, overall, did you find ship special abilities (Z key) to be:

Please rate the usefulness of the following Z-key commands:

Speed Burst (Scout):
Support (Support Frigate, Repair Corvette, Carrier):
Burst Attack (Heavy Corvette):
Missle Volley (Missile Destroyer):
Guard (CTRL+G):
Cancel Orders (~):
Retire (I):
Kamikaze (K):
Hyperspace Jump (J):
Scuttle (S):

How often did you find yourself docking your ships?

6. Ships

Please rate the usefulness of the following FIGHTER CLASS ships:

Attack Bomber:
Cloaked Fighter (Kushan only):
Defense Fighter (Taiidan only):

Please rate the usefulness of the following CORVETTE CLASS ships:

Light Corvette:
Light Corvette:
Multi-Gun Corvette:
Multi-Gun Corvette:
Salvage Corvette:
Minelayer Corvette:

Please rate the usefulness of the following CAPITAL ships:

Assault Frigate:
Ion Cannon Frigate:
Support Frigate:
Drone Frigate (Kushan only):
Defense Field Frigate (Taiidan only):
Missile Destroyer:
Heavy Cruiser:

Please rate the usefulness of the following NON-COMBAT ships:

Proximity Sensor:
Sensors Array:
GravWell Generator:
Cloak Generator:

Choose up to 3 ships (if any) that were too powerful in your opinion:

Choose up to 3 ships (if any) that were more difficult to use than the rest:

Choose up to 3 ships (if any) that were useless in your opinion:

Choose the three ships that were your favorite to use:

7. Maps

Which map was your most favorite map?
Which map was your least favorite map?
How did you feel about the overall quality of Homeworld's maps?

8. Sound Quality

How did you feel the overall sound quality of Homeworld was:
What did you think of the engine sounds:
What did you think of the sound effects such as guns firing:

9. General

How Satisfied are you with Homeworld:
The variety of maps available:
The computer opponents/Artificial Intelligence:
Challenge of the game:
The depth and complexity of the game:
The ability to modify the game:
The game operation and interface:
Graphics Quality:
Sound Quality:
Ease of use in the First Hour:
Ease of use after the First Hour:

Would you recommend that a friend purchase Homeworld?

Please identify any techniques or approaches which you found too powerful or impossible to defend against. (essay)

In your opinion, what is the biggest strength of the game? (essay)

In your opinion, what is the biggest weakness of the game? Please be as descriptive as possible. (essay)

it's a pretty good game with a great beta test and follow up. i wonder if firaxis did the survey follow up with their SMAC beta test


ps just ask me any other questions you have

Spartan Frank posted 08-16-99 09:31 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spartan Frank    

Were you playing the single player version? My friend beta'd the MP version and he thought there was no depth to the game, there would be no point to multiple maps, and the game crashed right before anything interesting ever happened

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