posted 08-13-99 05:13 AM ET
"deYin Internet is a premier Internet/Intranet solution provider. deYin Internet is managed by Singaporean. Our aim is to help companies to make better use of Internet and its relevant technology.We have a sales and marketing division and two technical labs:
1) deYin's Creation and
2) deYin's Technology.
Our sales division takes charge of our sales office in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhuhai and Shenzhen.
deYin Creation is responsible for creating mulit-media web pages. The team also carries out on-going researches on picture processing technology and other revelant technology.
deYin Technology carries out test on various Internet/Intranet products and works with software developers to improve on their products."
Impressive. I didn't realize I had that side business going (I must have lost the bookmark). There's also a Yin site about Women's issues. You know. I've got to lure in the babes somehow.