posted 08-06-99 06:28 AM ET
The only problem is I dug up SMAC a just a week ago started playing at transcend again and enjoyed the hell out of it. Wish I had the money and time to play a lot of MP. Damn, I feel like such a traitor
. This all raises questions: Can we hurt Firaxis by not buying their product? Shall I have honor and support my allies in here, or sellout and spice up SMAC? Will SMACX be good anyway? And if people in here will really boycott Firaxis - will Firaxis give a ****?
The problem is we are not that many in this forum, and a lot less who won't buy. Sorry to let you down on this, but it is the unfortunate truth... Firaxis only big resource that could be lost, that MEANS something, is the human workforce in here. Really, some of the people in here have contributed tons of input to Firaxis, EVEN when they have whined. Even that is a huge asset to Firaxis, although they are annoyed by it. If some of THAT resource is lost, I it will damage them in the lon run...
Some seem to regard it as our GD obligation as customers to slave labour for this company for free. It's great for us I guess, but something is wrong... very wrong...
I think the best way to let them know we have tired of them is to start some new forums over at ACOL for strategy of any game we wish to discuss - or maybe divede them up with RTS and turn-based(all except SMAC) and so on. That way, we still have legitimate reasons to hang around even when we ae boycotting SMAC or get plain tired of the game. It would be real fun too. I enjoy the funny, interesting and clever forumers when I go to the boards, SMAC-discussions are just a part of the fun. And maybe we should make those less of a part as Firaxis will watch like hawks over at ACOL anyway...
Okay, about the expansion:
My SMACX prediction: It won't bring anything worthwhile to have except the all the new faction personalities, which probably will be well made and give diplomacy a neccessary boost. The aliens seem to be more or less just like human factions - that singularity wonder looks especially lame - an exact replica of transcendance with a new movie to do the smoke tricks
. The new building won't give a lasting kick - it isn't a builders game anyway. New weapons and armor - oh Jesus - what is the point? I hope they all have special abilities or else, imagine: WOW! Now I can build a weapon with Attack power 16 instead of 14... and it's got a cool name too... Wow... Hehe.. Pretty pointless considering you almost discover too many new weapons already to make designing almost like labour.
So, anyway, diplomacy stands out in SMACX. I suspect it could easily be worth the price for a die hard fan. Easily. Unfortunately.
Ouch! Stop screaming at me. 
P.S. Hope I haven't revoked my alliance with you now...