posted 07-25-99 04:36 PM ET Does it really make a diff?
posted 07-25-99 05:07 PM ET
Off course, if you enable the blind reseach option, you can't decide what gets researched. Sure, you can choose a priority, but the computer rarely listens. I may choose 100 times Discover as a priority in the beginning of the game to get as fast as possible to Sec o/t Hum Brain. He always researches Centauri Ecology.
The computer has it's own research priorities. Same thing with Orbital Spaceflight. I never use PB's, so I am not in a rush to discover it. But that f*cking AI always does.
posted 07-25-99 05:51 PM ET
That was what I meant, the computer seldom listens to what priority I chose...
posted 07-25-99 07:12 PM ET
That's why I never use Blind Research. That TI men may find it wimpy. But I think in the 22th century you can say your scientists to research something particular.
posted 07-25-99 07:28 PM ET
I think a lot of the time you need a particular discover tech to discover the next conquer tech. I usually go for conquer techs at the beginning. It still takes me too long to get particle impacter.
posted 07-25-99 11:39 PM ET
I would enjoy more control of the research. But I wonder if the random tiles are a way to keep the AI player from getting exactly what it wants before us less-focussed folks, speaking of myself here, can get the same research done.
I'd also like a more comprehensive flowchart display of the completed research as well as what units are available. Everything seems to be displayed on small pages and I end up looking at a dozen pages until I give up trying to learn anything from the data banks.
I admit to being a bit awed by the tech tree, designing a game can be pretty complex when you get down to the details.
posted 07-26-99 04:55 AM ET
zingger: don't forget the full color tech wall chart.
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