Topic: Holy Mind Worms, Batman!
sticky52 |
posted 07-24-99 07:37 PM ET
Why is it that towards the end of any given game when some 2000 (give or take a hundred) mind worms start launching themselves out of the woodworks toward each and every one of my bases? I can usually fend them all off, but when 99% of my turn time is waiting for mind worms to die is ridiculous. I grazed through the forums a little bit and couldn't find anything on this topic. I have +3 planet, and as far as diplomacy goes I'm a regular Jimmy Carter. What's the scoop?
Senor Phatness
posted 07-24-99 07:41 PM ET
Your eco damage is too high. |
posted 07-24-99 08:20 PM ET |
posted 07-24-99 08:54 PM ET
Like senor said your ecodamage is way too high. By the end of the game you should be way ahead. You only need a couple of high mineral bases. Get rid of all factories in all your other bases. And wait till you build voice of planet before building bulk matter transmitter and singularity inducer. I never use those sp's anyway. The game is won by me much earlier. |
posted 07-24-99 09:35 PM ET
like senor said your ecodamage is way to high. By the end of the game you are so far ahead you really don't need a lot of high mineral cities. It's best to get rid of factories to keep damage down. I find that green and cybernetic are a must in the late game. Don't build bulk matter transmitter or singularity inducer until after you build voice of planet. I never use these sp's as I am already so far ahead at this point. |
posted 07-24-99 09:37 PM ET
that's close to a double post, but not quite. I thought I had responded to this earlier but my browser didn't update it I guess. |
posted 07-24-99 10:37 PM ET
If you haven't done so you need to build Centauri Preserves and Temple of Planet. These cut down the effects of your eco damage and make Planet a little more forgiving. |