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Author Topic:   Fungus production
Centaurion posted 07-10-99 08:43 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Centaurion   Click Here to Email Centaurion  
Has anyone noticed that late in a game, you find that fungus actually produce more nutrients, mineral and energy than forest squares?

It makes you fell pretty silly to have "waisted" so much work to terraform your land....

MajiK6pt5 posted 07-10-99 09:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for MajiK6pt5  Click Here to Email MajiK6pt5     
yes it does
technophile posted 07-11-99 01:21 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for technophile  Click Here to Email technophile     
Actually, I still prefer forest squares late in the game. A forest square, complete with Tree Farm and Hybrid Forest, will produce 3 nutrient, 2 mineral, and 2 energy (3 energy if there's a river). Fungus will produce 2 nutrient, 3 mineral, and 3 energy. But the thing is, fungus squares cannot take advantage of special resources (mineral bonuses, rivers, energy bonuses, and nutrient bonuses). Furthermore, when you build a Genejack factory, Robotics assembly plant, Quantum converter (which comes free if you get the Singularity whichamacallit Secret Project), and a Nanoreplicator, the minerals bonus is sort of unnecessary. What's more, the increased nutrient production of forest squares allows you to have a larger population, which means that your base will be able to utilize more Nessus mining stations and Energy satellites (thereby making up for the loss of minerals and energy due to using forest squares instead of fungus). Finally, the increased population allows you to have a lot more Transcends instead of normal old workers, thus completely eliminating any drone problems in your base and also giving you huge labs and econ bonuses which further make up for the loss of energy incurred by making forest squares instead of fungus squares.
So to make a long story short, I still try to build as many forests as I possibly can. Sure, the incrased productivity of Xenofungus is great for a new base, but nothing beats a good old fashioned forest for maximum efficiency.
Stingray7 posted 07-12-99 10:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Stingray7    
the fungus does produce 2 food, 3 min, and 3 energy with all the techs, BUT gaians get a +1 nutrients bonus for fungus resulting in a 3 food, 3 min and 3 energy square.

The beauty of fungus is that you can put it anywhere. That means you could stick a base practically anywhere. With the cloning vats you can grow badass bases in no time. Add a few secret projects and you can have a crazy, kickass empire full of fungus. Now THAT'S eco-maniac style.

Of course mind worms can be a MAJOR problem if you aren't careful. I have done it with native life forms on rare and the cities only had a genejack factory and that signularity SP and had Planet on +3. You also have to get all the techs, and everythings been built by that point in the game.

Krushala posted 07-12-99 10:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
fungus sucks. Why build it if you've tried all game to remove it. It won't even hide units from me in single player. They get nocked out by needlejets like any other spot. The only time I use it is after voice of planet. Usually too much sprouts up to bother removing so late in the game.
Krushala posted 07-12-99 10:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Krushala  Click Here to Email Krushala     
who really wants to play the gaians anyway. I know some people like them, but a lot of people don't ever play them. They are middle of the road, neither a good conquerer or researcher. yeah mind worms are cool but their movement sucks. And the ****ed up thing is I get massive ecodamage from fungus. That doesn't seem right to me. That 3 minerals combined with cloning vats and several squares of fungus puts me right over the edge. Ecodamage and fungus don't go together.
technophile posted 07-13-99 12:42 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for technophile  Click Here to Email technophile     
yeah, it seems like the mineral restrictions for fungus should be relaxed, like maybe you can produce twice as many fungus minerals than normal minerals before ecodamage occurs.
mindlace23 posted 07-13-99 01:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for mindlace23    
What really bugs me is that to get to that level of Fungus production you have to be almost Transcending...

I tried to do the Ultimate Gaian thing- With Xenoempathy dome, I used fungus for roads, etc... but they just don't produce enough minerals to be worth it.

I think the Xenoemp should be a bonus to fungus production, or bonuses should happen a little faster, at least.

And mineral production from fungus should be free from ecodamage- I mean, if you zen with fungus enough that you can get stuff from it, and are planting fungus, why would Planet get peeved at you?

benhsu posted 07-13-99 08:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for benhsu  Click Here to Email benhsu     
In response to why fungus production would
annoy Planet, consider this image: huge
factory-sized harvesters ripping up acres
upon acres of fungi to be converted into
minerals and nutrients.

Granted, its not as Planet-unfriendly as
fungicid'ing the fungus and putting a
borehole there, so I agree that there should
be some relaxation of ecological damage.

mindwormh8er posted 07-13-99 09:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for mindwormh8er    
I hate mindworms and i don't want them around my bases so i always get rid of fungus. it sux.

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