Topic: Editing Elevation...
EchoKnight |
posted 07-04-99 01:44 PM ET
I'm starting making my own maps and I encountered a problem when i went in to make elevations. I did as it says (pressed scroll lock to get into editor only and press one to toggle the command to change elevation), but i guess i'm missing something because with i left click (or shift and left klick) the elevation doesn't change.Please Help!
posted 07-04-99 04:05 PM ET
Yep - you found another of the bugs, or limited design issues in the SE - you can make sea squares, or flat land. I emailed Jeff Morris and posted about getting ahold of the map format data, to hack the map. I can figure that out anyway, it would just take more time, but having to play around with a hex editor to do that is a real pain.Another trick would be to create the flat landform you want, then create a one faction scenario with tons of money and tons of pre planted formers - and then run the number turns to do the terraform up as many times as you wanted to get the exact landforms you want. That's a lot of micromanagement, but at least its a workaround. If you are going to do a lot of maps the best approach to that would be to create a standard flat land only map for your climate conditions, seed as many terraformers as possible, and then build your maps from that high altitude template by right clicking to lower altitudes where you want to. Another thing to keep in mind is that you can do multiple inserts of major landmarks - so you could have a bunch of Pholus ridges for example. If anyone has a better solution, I'd love to hear it, because I haven't found it yet. If there is no better solution - do you want to exchange high altitude map templates of different sizes so we can cut down on the duplicated work? Anybody else want to join in and divide up the work effort? MtG |
posted 07-04-99 04:37 PM ET
I have no problem getting elevations but I have a problem with moisture. It seems the randomly generated maps have lots of land with rainy or moist squares. But mine have very little. I can get a litte bit with elevated ridges, but not much. After selecting raise elevation. I keep hitting ctrl left click until I get the desired elevation. I think 3500 is the highest. Raising elevation will also raise the elevation of the squeares around it. |
posted 07-04-99 05:13 PM ET
Raising elevation with Ctrl-Left Click works for me too.SMAC n ... Ted S. |
posted 07-04-99 05:15 PM ET
can't believe I typed squeares. That's a funny sounding word.  |
posted 07-04-99 06:49 PM ET
Solution:1. NO SCROLL LOCK 2. CTRL+left click 3. continue until you are at the disired hight. Thanx everyone! |
posted 07-04-99 07:04 PM ET
Thanks too - I tried all the click mouse combos, and it didn't work - I found out my right Ctrl key was gunked and didn't work, and I'm left handed and use a Wacom pen tablet instead of a mouse for input.When I do stuff in normal Windoze apps, I use the pen tablet or the left handed Ctrl key for cut copy and paste. MtG - truly amazed at how much gunk can accumulate in a keyboard when you spend your whole damned life in front of it.  |
posted 07-04-99 08:01 PM ET
Heh, Michael, did you menage to raise some? If not, this is the best aproach. Go to scenario/create, and when the sea appears, go to menu/scenario/activate/deactivate scenario editor (ctrl+k i think). Now you should be able to see the available structures in the message screen, and should be able to raise/lower terrain by using ctrl+left click. I too cannot do it before i do the ceremonial i just described. A bug or something i guess. Cheers Jeff  MiKaeLe |
posted 07-04-99 08:02 PM ET
Ahh...yes, as EchoKnight stated. NO SCROLL LOCK! |
posted 07-05-99 10:42 AM ET
The only problem I have with elevations is that it only goes up/down by 1000 meters increments. You can't fine-tune the actual elevation, which is a pain when you want a river to follow a specific course, since it always goes to the lowest of the four adjacent tiles.Moistness is also a problem sometimes, since it can't be manually changed. It is calculated depending on a number of factors (elevation, orientation, coast, river and maybe others I don't know about). If someone knows a trick to get around the above two limitations, I'd be glad to hear it. Aredhran |
posted 07-05-99 11:05 AM ET
The first thing you have to check, is that you settings are at the desired swelection. If the cloud cover is sparse, all the ridges in the world ( ) won't help. Set to dense cloud cover, then try adjusting your elevations to get the desired rainfall. supplementing wth rivers also helps make viable terrain.MiKaeLe, I also have to use the ritual. ctlr-k, ctrl-k to get the SE kick-started. maybe it's related to turn complete complete.  ctrl-left click raises, ctrl-right click lowers. BTW, flat worlds have a graphics bug. Squares black out, typing "xz" fixes it during gameplay. |